1. AAUC stands for Asociación de Afectados de Urticaria Crónica (Spanish: Association of Chronic Urticaria of Affected)
  2. AAUC stands for Alumni Associations of the University of California
  3. AAUC stands for African-American Unity Center (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
  4. AAUC stands for Amateur Athletic Union of Canada
  5. AAUC stands for Aalesund University College (Norway)
  6. AAUC stands for African-American Unity Caucus
  7. AAUC stands for American Association of University Consultants
  8. AAUC stands for Arche ACORN User Club (Germany)
  9. AAUC stands for abbreviated area under the curve
  10. AAUC stands for Act Against Unfair Competition
  11. AAUC stands for American Association of Universities & Colleges
  12. AAUC stands for Alternatives to Animal Use Committee
  13. AAUC stands for Addis Ababa University College
  14. AAUC stands for Association de l’Art des Universités du Canada
  15. AAUC stands for Anno Ab Urbe Condita (Latin: Year After the Foundation of Rome, used in manuscripts)

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