1. DMOS  stands for Descriptif de Mode Opératoire de Soudage (French: Description of Welding Procedure)
  2. DMOS  stands for Double-Diffused Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
  3. DMOS  stands for Diffusion Metal Oxide Semiconductor
  4. DMOS  stands for Direct Marketing Operating System
  5. DMOS  stands for Dynamique des Milieux et Organisations Spatiales (French: Media Dynamics and Spatial Organization)
  6. DMOS  stands for Delayed Muscle Onset Soreness
  7. DMOS  stands for Diffusive Mixing of Organic Solutions
  8. DMOS  stands for Duty Military Occupational Specialty
  9. DMOS  stands for Distributed Mature Object Space
  10. DMOS  stands for Discrete Metal Oxide Semiconductor
  11. DMOS  stands for Degredation Mean Opinion Score
  12. DMOS  stands for Differential Mean Opinion Score
  13. DMOS  stands for Direct Manipulation Office Systems
  14. DMOS  stands for Deployment Mobility System
  15. DMOS  stands for Document Management and Output Solutions
  16. DMOS  stands for Dethroning Moment of Suck

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