1. AA stands for Aardvarks Anonymous (comedy group)
  2. AA stands for Abbreviated Analysis
  3. AA stands for Abdominal Aorta
  4. AA stands for Aberdeen Area (Maryland)
  5. AA stands for Ablative Absolute
  6. AA stands for Abort Accept (ITU-T)
  7. AA stands for Absent All (day; attendance record)
  8. AA stands for Absolute Abstinence (Alcoholics Anonymous)
  9. AA stands for Absolute Altitude
  10. AA stands for Absorption Développement Atomique (French: atomic absorption)
  11. AA stands for Academic Administrator
  12. AA stands for Académie d’Alsace
  13. AA stands for Académie d’Architecture (French: Academy of Architecture)
  14. AA stands for Academy Award(s)
  15. AA stands for Academy of Aphasia
  16. AA stands for Acadia Axemen (Acadia Junior High School)
  17. AA stands for Accelerated Academics
  18. AA stands for Access Authorization
  19. AA stands for Account Administrator
  20. AA stands for Accountable Activity (US DoD)
  21. AA stands for Accountable Area
  22. AA stands for Accounting Authority (INMARSAT)
  23. AA stands for Accreditation Authority
  24. AA stands for Accredited in Accountancy
  25. AA stands for Accumulated Amortization (accounting)
  26. AA stands for Ace Attorney (video game)
  27. AA stands for Acetic Acid
  28. AA stands for Acetic Anhydride
  29. AA stands for Achieved Availability
  30. AA stands for Achievement Age
  31. AA stands for Acquisition Activities
  32. AA stands for Acquisition Agent
  33. AA stands for Acronym Abuse
  34. AA stands for Acronym Attic
  35. AA stands for Acrylic Acid
  36. AA stands for Acting Appointment
  37. Aa stands for Actinobacillus Actinomycetemcomitans (bacteria)
  38. AA stands for Action Aid (UK)
  39. AA stands for Action-Adventure (movie genre)
  40. AA stands for Activation Analysis
  41. AA stands for Active Adjunct (Sonar)
  42. AA stands for Active Application
  43. AA stands for Active Army
  44. AA stands for Active-Assistive
  45. AA stands for Activity Area
  46. AA stands for Acts of the Apostles (bible)
  47. AA stands for Acupuncture Analgesia
  48. AA stands for Acute Abdomen
  49. AA stands for Acute Appendicitis
  50. AA stands for Ad Acta
  51. AA stands for Adam’s Army
  52. AA stands for Adaptive Array
  53. AA stands for Addicts Anonymous
  54. AA stands for Adios Amigo
  55. AA stands for Adjustment Assistance
  56. AA stands for Administering Agency (DOL)
  57. AA stands for Administering Area (California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services)
  58. AA stands for Administrative Agency (various organizations)
  59. AA stands for Administrative Arrangement
  60. AA stands for Administrative Assistance (Congress)
  61. AA stands for Administrative Assistant
  62. AA stands for Administrative Associate
  63. AA stands for Administrative Authority
  64. AA stands for Adult Accompaniment (film ratings)
  65. AA stands for Adult Adoptee (adoptions)
  66. AA stands for Advanced Academy
  67. AA stands for Advanced Agreement
  68. AA stands for Advanced Airway
  69. AA stands for Advanced Alloy
  70. AA stands for Advancement Act of 1995
  71. AA stands for Advantage Agreement (SprintPCS contract)
  72. AA stands for Adventurers Anonymous (Alcoholic Anonymous slang)
  73. AA stands for Adverse Action
  74. AA stands for Advertising Agency
  75. AA stands for Advertising Association
  76. AA stands for Advices of Allowance
  77. AA stands for Advise of Allotment
  78. AA stands for Aero Asahi (Japan)
  79. AA stands for Aerolineas Argentina
  80. AA stands for Affected Area
  81. AA stands for Affirmative Action
  82. AA stands for Affordability Analysis
  83. AA stands for Affordability Assessment
  84. AA stands for African-American
  85. AA stands for Agent Agreement
  86. AA stands for Agent Aika (anime character)
  87. AA stands for Agglutination Anticyclonique
  88. AA stands for Aggravated Assault
  89. AA stands for Agility Addicts (UK dog agility club)
  90. AA stands for Agjencia e Akreditimit (Accredition Agency, Albania)
  91. AA stands for Ahavath Achim (Synagogue)
  92. AA stands for Aiming Algorithm
  93. AA stands for Air Advisor
  94. AA stands for Air Ambulance
  95. AA stands for Air Armament
  96. AA stands for Air Army
  97. AA stands for Air Assault
  98. AA stands for Air Attache
  99. AA stands for Airborne Alert
  100. AA stands for Aircraft Availability (global performance indicator)
  101. AA stands for Airfield Assault
  102. AA stands for Airman Apprentice (USN paygrade E-2)
  103. AA stands for Air-to-Air
  104. AA stands for Akbar and Aleem Associates Planners & Consulting Engineers (Pakistan)
  105. AA stands for Aku Ankka (Finnish: Donald Duck)
  106. AA stands for Alaska-Anchorage (University of Alaska Anchorage)
  107. AA stands for Albuquerque Academy (New Mexico)
  108. AA stands for Alcoa Aluminum (stock symbol)
  109. AA stands for Alcohol Abuse
  110. AA stands for Alcoholics Anonymous
  111. AA stands for alcohol-preferring
  112. AA stands for Aldosterone Antagonist
  113. AA stands for Alert Areas
  114. AA stands for Alerting Authority
  115. AA stands for Algorithmic Architecture
  116. AA stands for All Aboard (IBM model railroad interface)
  117. AA stands for All Advantage
  118. AA stands for All After
  119. AA stands for Allah Akhbar (Arabic: God is Great)
  120. AA stands for All-American
  121. AA stands for Alleged Assault
  122. AA stands for Allergic Asthma
  123. AA stands for Allied Affairs
  124. AA stands for Alopecia Areata
  125. AA stands for Alsthom Atlantique (French electric company)
  126. AA stands for Alt Advancement (gaming rank promotion)
  127. AA stands for Alter Aeon (online role playing game)
  128. AA stands for Altered Attitude (Alcoholics Anonymous slang)
  129. AA stands for Alternate Advancement (EverQuest gaming)
  130. AA stands for Alternate Assessment
  131. AA stands for Alternate/Alternative Analysis
  132. AA stands for Alto Adige (Italian region)
  133. AA stands for Aluminum Association
  134. AA stands for Alumni Association
  135. AA stands for Alveolar-Arterial
  136. AA stands for Always Afloat (shipping)
  137. AA stands for Alzheimer’s Association
  138. AA stands for Alzheimer’s Australia
  139. AA stands for Amarillo Area Office (US DoE)
  140. AA stands for Amazing Assist (golf swing trainer)
  141. AA stands for Ambulance Assistant (emergency services)
  142. AA stands for American Airlines
  143. AA stands for American Annex
  144. AA stands for American Anthropologist (organization/newsletter)
  145. AA stands for American Anthropology (scientific group)
  146. AA stands for American Antiquity (publication)
  147. AA stands for American Association (AAA baseball league)
  148. AA stands for American Atheists, Inc.
  149. AA stands for American Aviation
  150. AA stands for America’s Army (US Army computer game)
  151. AA stands for Amiga Anywhere
  152. AA stands for Amigos en Acción (Spanish)
  153. AA stands for Aminoacetone
  154. AA stands for Amon Amarth (band)
  155. AA stands for Amount Administered
  156. AA stands for Amplitude of Accommodation (ophthalmology)
  157. AA stands for Amstrad Action (Amstrad CPC magazine)
  158. AA stands for Amy Acker (actress)
  159. AA stands for Ana (Greek: the same amount each)
  160. AA stands for Anadolu Ajansi (Turkish News Agency)
  161. AA stands for Anaheim Angels (major league baseball team)
  162. AA stands for Anal Aneurysm
  163. AA stands for Analog-to-Analog
  164. AA stands for Analysis and Applications (mathematics)
  165. AA stands for Analysis of Alternatives
  166. AA stands for Anaplastic Astrocytoma (brain tumor)
  167. AA stands for Anarchists of America
  168. AA stands for Anatomical Adaptation
  169. AA stands for Anchor Assembly
  170. AA stands for Ancient Adena (Lineage 2 game)
  171. AA stands for Andecha Astur (Asturian Nationalist Party)
  172. AA stands for Anders And
  173. AA stands for Anderson Analytics, LLC
  174. AA stands for Andrei Arshavin (Russian soccer player)
  175. AA stands for ANDVT (Advanced Narrowband Digital Voice Terminal) Airterm (US DoD)
  176. AA stands for Anesthesiologist’s Assistant
  177. AA stands for Angels & Airwaves (band)
  178. AA stands for Angle Angle Similarity Postulate (geometry)
  179. AA stands for Angle of Attack
  180. AA stands for Animal Aid
  181. AA stands for Ann Arbor (Michigan)
  182. AA stands for Ann Arbor Railroad Company (Michigan)
  183. AA stands for Anne Arundel (Maryland county)
  184. AA stands for Annulus Air
  185. AA stands for Anonyma Alkoholister (Sweden)
  186. AA stands for Anonyme Alkoholikere (Alcoholics Anonymous)
  187. AA stands for Anonymous Access (3GPP)
  188. AA stands for Ansel Adams (photographer)
  189. AA stands for Ansett Airways (Australia)
  190. AA stands for Anti-Aircraft
  191. AA stands for Anti-Aliasing
  192. AA stands for Anti-Armor (US DoD)
  193. AA stands for Antiochian Archdiocese (United States Eastern Orthodox Church subordinate to the Patriarch of Antioch)
  194. AA stands for Antiquities Authority
  195. AA stands for Anxiety Attack
  196. AA stands for Ao Ano (Per Year; Brazil)
  197. AA stands for Ape Alliance
  198. AA stands for Aplastic Anemia
  199. AA stands for Applicant Assistance (DHS/FEMA)
  200. AA stands for Application Activity
  201. AA stands for Application Administrator
  202. AA stands for Application Association
  203. AA stands for Applied Aerodynamics (course)
  204. AA stands for Appointing Authority
  205. AA stands for Appropriate Action
  206. AA stands for Appropriate Authority
  207. AA stands for Approval Action
  208. AA stands for Approved Apparatus
  209. AA stands for Approving Authority
  210. AA stands for Approximate Absolute (temperature scale)
  211. AA stands for Aptitude Area
  212. AA stands for Arachidonic Acid
  213. AA stands for Arboricultural Association (Hampshire, England)
  214. AA stands for Archery Australia
  215. AA stands for Architectural Association (London, England)
  216. AA stands for Architecture d’Aujourd’hui (French: Architecture Today; magazine)
  217. AA stands for Area of Action
  218. AA stands for Argentum Astrum (Aleister Crowley’s Mystical Fraternity)
  219. AA stands for Arithmetic Accuracy
  220. AA stands for Arithmetic Average
  221. AA stands for Arithmetical Average
  222. AA stands for Arlington Annex Building (Virginia)
  223. AA stands for Armature Accelerator
  224. AA stands for Armed Forces Americas
  225. AA stands for Armies in the Atlantic (used with APO/FPO)
  226. AA stands for Army Ants
  227. AA stands for Arn Anderson (pro wrestler)
  228. AA stands for Arnold Arboretum (Harvard University)
  229. AA stands for Aromatic Amine (chemical for industrial crop production)
  230. AA
    stands for Arrival Angle
  231. AA stands for Arsenal do Alfeite (Portuguese: Arsenal of Alfeite)
  232. AA stands for Arthur Andersen (consulting firm)
  233. AA stands for Aruba
  234. AA stands for As Above
  235. AA stands for Asesoría Automotriz (Guatemala car dealership)
  236. AA stands for Asian American
  237. AA stands for Asian Avenue (website)
  238. AA stands for Asian-African
  239. AA stands for Asking Alexandria (band)
  240. AA stands for Aspect Angle (aviation)
  241. AA stands for Assembly Area
  242. AA stands for assessment agent
  243. AA stands for Asset Allocation
  244. AA stands for Assignment Area (Census)
  245. AA stands for Assistance Administration
  246. AA stands for Assistant Administration
  247. AA stands for Assistant Administrator
  248. AA stands for Associate Administrator
  249. AA stands for Associate in Accounting
  250. AA stands for Associate in Arts (degree)
  251. AA stands for Associative Arrays (PERL programming)
  252. AA stands for Associazione Allievi (Allievi Association, Italy)
  253. AA stands for Athletic Association
  254. AA stands for Athletics Australia
  255. AA stands for Atlanto-Axial (joint)
  256. AA stands for Atomic Absorption
  257. AA stands for Atrophia Areata
  258. AA stands for Attack Assessment
  259. AA stands for Attack Attack! (band)
  260. AA stands for Attainment Area (EPA)
  261. AA stands for Attendance Allowance (UK housing subsidy)
  262. AA stands for Attenuation Adaptivity
  263. AA stands for Attitude Adjustment (Alcoholics Anonymous)
  264. AA stands for Attribute Authority
  265. AA stands for Audio Adrenaline (band)
  266. AA stands for Audit Agent
  267. AA stands for Audits and Assessment Office
  268. AA stands for Augustinians of the Assumption, Assumptionists (religious)
  269. AA stands for AUSCERT Advisory (Australian Computer Emergency Response Team)
  270. AA stands for Austere Academy (Lemony Snicket)
  271. AA stands for Australian Army
  272. AA stands for Austrian Airlines
  273. AA stands for Austrian Alliance (gaming clan)
  274. AA stands for Auswärtiges Amt (Exterior Office)
  275. AA stands for Authoritative Answer (DNS)
  276. AA stands for Authorized Absence
  277. AA stands for Authorized Allowance
  278. AA stands for Author’s Alteration
  279. AA stands for Auto Aim (gaming)
  280. AA stands for Auto Assault
  281. AA stands for Autoanswer
  282. AA stands for Automated Attendant
  283. AA stands for Automated Auction
  284. AA stands for Automatic Adjust
  285. AA stands for Automatic Answer
  286. AA stands for Automatic Approach
  287. AA stands for Automatic Associator
  288. AA stands for Automobile Association (England)
  289. AA stands for Autos Anciennes Garage (French automotive repair company)
  290. AA stands for Avenue of Approach
  291. AA stands for Average Audience
  292. AA stands for Avian Adventures (bird products)
  293. AA stands for Aviation Archive (publication)
  294. AA stands for Avro Arrow (aviation)
  295. AA stands for Axillary Arch (area near the shoulder)
  296. AA stands for Axis & Allies (game)
  297. AA stands for Axis of Advance
  298. AA stands for Battery Size
  299. AA stands for Bra Size
  300. AA stands for Intermediate Level of League (minor league baseball)
  301. AA stands for No sickle-cell Anemia (allele rendering; no sickling gene)
  302. AA stands for Second Highest Level of Division I College Athletics (United States)
  303. AA stands for Stock and Bond Rating
  304. AA stands for USDA Grade for Dairy Products and Eggs

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