1. CIM  stands for Common Information Model (DMTF)
  2. CIM  stands for Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  3. CIM  stands for Chartered Institute of Marketing Customer Interaction Management
  4. CIM  stands for Classification Internationale des Maladies (French: International Classification of Diseases; World Health Organization)
  5. CIM  stands for Cleveland Institute of Music
  6. CIM  stands for California Institution for Men (state prison, Chino, California)
  7. CIM  stands for Clubs in Manchester (UK; health clubs)
  8. CIM  stands for Complementary and Integrative Medicine
  9. CIM  stands for Constraint-Induced Movement (physical therapy)
  10. CIM  stands for College of Industrial Management (King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals; Saudi Arabia)
  11. CIM  stands for Certificate in Marketing (various locations)
  12. CIM  stands for Chronic Illness Management (healthcare) Chicago & Illinois Midland (railway)
  13. CIM  stands for Composite Interval Mapping (genetics)
  14. CIM  stands for Communities in Motion (Idaho)
  15. CIM  stands for Canadian Institute of Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum
  16. CIM  stands for Commercial Inland Marine (insurance)
  17. CIM  stands for Conventional Injection Molding
  18. CIM  stands for Collaborative Information Manager (software)
  19. CIM  stands for Christian Identity Movement
  20. CIM  stands for Continuous Improvement Model
  21. CIM  stands for Continuous Improvement Monitoring (various locations)
  22. CIM  stands for Chartered Investment Manager (Canada)
  23. CIM  stands for Centrum für Internationale Migration und Entwicklung (Germany)
  24. CIM  stands for Comcast Interactive Media (online media division)
  25. CIM  stands for Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres (Inter-American Commission of Women)
  26. CIM  stands for Center for Internal Medicine (various locations)
  27. CIM  stands for California International Marathon
  28. CIM  stands for Central Intermediary Metabolism (biology)
  29. CIM  stands for Compaq Insight Manager
  30. CIM  stands for Christian Identity Ministries
  31. CIM  stands for Customer Information Management
  32. CIM  stands for Concrete Industry Management (various schools)
  33. CIM  stands for Canadian Investment Manager
  34. CIM  stands for Computer Interface Module
  35. CIM  stands for Ceramic Injection Molding
  36. CIM  stands for China Inland Mission
  37. CIM  stands for Certificate of Initial Mastery
  38. CIM  stands for Corporate Information Management
  39. CIM  stands for Canadian Institute of Management (Institut Canadien de Gestion)
  40. CIM  stands for Center for Infectious Medicine (Karolinska Institutet; Sweden)
  41. CIM  stands for Crédit d’Impôt Monoparental (French: Single Parent Tax Credit; Luxembourg)
  42. CIM  stands for Communication Information Management (Germany)
  43. CIM  stands for Center for Improvisational Music (Brooklyn, NY)
  44. CIM  stands for Center for Integrative Medicine
  45. CIM  stands for Computation Independent Model(s)
  46. CIM  stands for Cardia Intestinal Metaplasia
  47. CIM  stands for Construction Industry Management (various organizations)
  48. CIM  stands for CompuServe Information Manager
  49. CIM  stands for Clinical and Investigative Medicine (journal)
  50. CIM  stands for Customer Insight Management
  51. CIM  stands for Critical Incident Management (various companies)
  52. CIM  stands for Contract for International Carriage of Goods by Rail
  53. CIM  stands for Community Information Meeting (various locations)
  54. CIM  stands for Continental Idea Management (Continental Corporation)
  55. CIM  stands for Curtis Institute of Music
  56. CIM  stands for Center for Information Management
  57. CIM  stands for Computers in Manufacturing
  58. CIM  stands for Compaq, Intel and Microsoft (technology companies)
  59. CIM  stands for Compagnie Industrielle Maritime (French: Maritime Industrial Company; est. 1920)
  60. CIM  stands for Centro di Igiene Mentale (Italian: Center for Mental Health)
  61. CIM  stands for Center for Independent Media (Washington, DC)
  62. CIM  stands for Certified Investment Manager (Canada)
  63. CIM  stands for Cisco Interactive Mentor
  64. CIM  stands for Confidential Information Memorandum (banking)
  65. CIM  stands for Critical Illness Myopathy
  66. CIM  stands for Centre d’Information sur les Médias (Center for Information about Media, Belgium)
  67. CIM  stands for Cancer Information Management (degree program)
  68. CIM  stands for Communications Interface Module
  69. CIM  stands for Computer Information Management
  70. CIM  stands for Computer Input Microfilm
  71. CIM  stands for Conference and Incentive Management (European trade journal)
  72. CIM  stands for Clinician In Management (journal)
  73. CIM  stands for Continuous Improvement Management
  74. CIM  stands for Center for International Migration and Development (German employment organization)
  75. CIM  stands for Chevron Industrial Membrane
  76. CIM  stands for Civil Information Management
  77. CIM  stands for Cumulated Index Medicus
  78. CIM  stands for Constructions Industrielles et Maritimes (French: Industrial and Maritime Constructions)
  79. CIM  stands for Certified IRB Manager
  80. CIM  stands for Canadian Institute of Marketing
  81. CIM  stands for Centre for Infrastructure Management
  82. CIM  stands for Communication, Information, Médias (French: Communication, Information, Media; University of Paris; Paris, France)
  83. CIM  stands for Complex Image Method
  84. CIM  stands for Certain Inputs to Manufacture (Australian government)
  85. CIM  stands for Council of Indian Muslims (UK)
  86. CIM  stands for Coeur Immaculé de Marie (Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Mercy Association)
  87. CIM  stands for Central Inmate Monitor (prisons)
  88. CIM  stands for Continuous Improvement Measure
  89. CIM  stands for Computer Input Multiplexer
  90. CIM  stands for Consejo Internacional de Mujeres
  91. CIM  stands for Controlled Induction Motor
  92. CIM  stands for Component Information Model
  93. CIM  stands for Conception Industrielle et Montage (French: Industrial Design and Installation)
  94. CIM  stands for Centre d’Initiation Musicale (French: Music Initiation Center)
  95. CIM  stands for Centre International de Myriapodologie (French: International Myriapodology Center)
  96. CIM  stands for Commerce Ingénierie Maintenance (French: Commercial Maintenance Engineering)
  97. CIM  stands for Chaudronnerie Industrielle du Midi (French industrial boiler company)
  98. CIM  stands for Centros Integrados de Mercancías
  99. CIM  stands for Consejo Inter-Regional Mapuche (Spanish: Mapuche Inter-Regional Council; indigenous organization; Chile)
  100. CIM  stands for Centralized Installation Management (US Army)
  101. CIM  stands for Cisco Interaction Manager
  102. CIM  stands for Commercial Information Management
  103. CIM  stands for Club Informatique Maguelone (French: Maguelone Computer Club; Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone, France)
  104. CIM  stands for Cluster des Industries de la Montagne (French: Cluster of Mountain Industries)
  105. CIM  stands for Communications Improvement Memorandum
  106. CIM  stands for Check’s in the Mail (collection term)
  107. CIM  stands for Carrosserie Industrielle Melloise (French industrial bodyword company)
  108. CIM  stands for Crypto Interface Module
  109. CIM  stands for Combat Information Monitor (vehicle traffic from North Viet Nam into the South)
  110. CIM  stands for Controlled Industrial Material
  111. CIM  stands for CorasWorks Idea Management (SharePoint)
  112. CIM  stands for Council of International Anabaptist Ministries
  113. CIM  stands for Continuous Image Microfilm
  114. CIM  stands for Customer Interface Manager (Sprint)
  115. CIM  stands for Chassis Interconnect Module
  116. CIM  stands for Catalogue Item Master
  117. CIM  stands for Culinary Institute of Michigan (Muskegon, MI)
  118. CIM  stands for Controlled Insert Mailer
  119. CIM  stands for Contractor Inventory Material
  120. CIM  stands for Critical Issue Management
  121. CIM  stands for Call Irregularity Message
  122. CIM  stands for Cerner Implementation Methodology
  123. CIM  stands for Certified Innovation Manager (trademark of eKnowledgeCenter)
  124. CIM  stands for Commerce et Innovation dans la Mode (French: Trade and Innovation in Fashion)
  125. CIM  stands for Commercial Imagery Management
  126. CIM  stands for Casade Induction Motor
  127. CIM  stands for Customer Inventory Number
  128. CIM  stands for Corporate Internet Marketing
  129. CIM  stands for Component Item Manager
  130. CIM  stands for Composite Importance Measure
  131. CIM  stands for Compromise Information Message
  132. CIM  stands for Configuration Identification Manual
  133. CIM  stands for Centre Informatique et Modélisation (French: Computer and Modeling Center)
  134. CIM  stands for Codes for Instrument Manufacturers
  135. CIM  stands for C/IM Carrier Power to Intermodulation Power Ratio
  136. CIM  stands for C/IM Chief of Information Management (USACE)
  137. CIM  stands for Coupe Internationale de Marseille (French: Marseille International Cup; sailing; Marseille, France)
  138. CIM  stands for Christian Involvement Ministries
  139. CIM  stands for Charité Internationale pour Madagascar (French: International Charity for Madagascar)
  140. CIM  stands for Customer Impact Marketing

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