1. DAB stands for Digital Audio Broadcasting
  2. DAB stands for Daba (SIL code, Cameroon)
  3. DAB stands for Diaminobenzidine
  4. DAB stands for Departmental Appeals Board
  5. DAB stands for Disambiguation (Wikimedia Foundation editing policy)
  6. DAB stands for Defense Acquisition Board
  7. DAB stands for Dead and Buried
  8. DAB stands for Disabilities Advisory Board (West Hollywood, CA)
  9. DAB stands for Deutsches Arzneibuch (medicine)
  10. DAB stands for Dictionary of American Biography
  11. DAB stands for Distributeur Automatique de Billets (French: Automatic Bill Dispenser)
  12. DAB stands for Double Accident Benefit (insurance)
  13. DAB stands for Deaf and Blind
  14. DAB stands for Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (political party, Hong Kong SAR, China)
  15. DAB stands for Development Appeal Board (Canada)
  16. DAB stands for Dispute Adjudication Board
  17. DAB stands for Democratic Alliance of Burma
  18. DAB stands for Development Advisory Board
  19. DAB stands for Derbyshire Association for the Blind
  20. DAB stands for Data Acquisition Board
  21. DAB stands for Driver Air Bag
  22. DAB stands for Disk Access Buffer
  23. DAB stands for Diacetylbenzene
  24. DAB stands for Daytona Beach, FL, USA – Daytona Beach International Airport (Airport Code)
  25. DAB stands for Diaminobenzidinetetrahydrochloride (peroxidase substrate)
  26. DAB stands for Dommages Aux Biens (French: Property Damage; Insurance)
  27. DAB stands for Dortmunder Aktienbrauerei (German Beer)
  28. DAB stands for Delayed Action Bomb (band)
  29. DAB stands for Defense Advisory Board
  30. DAB stands for Dienstabschlussbier (German)
  31. DAB stands for Democrats Abroad Belgium
  32. DAB stands for Data Acquisition Bus
  33. DAB stands for Direkt Anlage Bank, Germany
  34. DAB stands for Dipole Adapted Basis
  35. DAB stands for Director of Army Budget
  36. DAB stands for Display Attention Bits
  37. DAB stands for Dynamically Allocable Bandwidth
  38. DAB stands for Deutsches Apothekerbuch
  39. DAB stands for Discoveries and Believers (band)
  40. DAB stands for Director’s Advisory Board (various organizations)
  41. DAB stands for Disposition & Adjustment Board
  42. DAB stands for Destroyer Advisory Board (US Navy)
  43. DAB stands for Directory Address Buffer
  44. DAB stands for Dispositif Auto-Bloquant (French: Auto-Blocking Device; nuclear energy industry)

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