1. CACE stands for China Association of Circular Economy
  2. CACE stands for Center for the Analysis of Commercialism in Education (now Commercialism in Education Research Unit)
  3. CACE stands for Center for Adult and Continuing Education
  4. CACE stands for Canadian Association for Community Education
  5. CACE stands for Contractor Acquired Operational Equipment
  6. CACE stands for China Association of Construction Education
  7. CACE stands for Catholic Apostolic Church in Europe (est. 2009)
  8. CACE stands for Children Achieving Competitive Excellence
  9. CACE stands for Chief Administrator of Catholic Education
  10. CACE stands for Citrus Associates of the New York Cotton Exchange, Inc.
  11. CACE stands for Cambodian Association of Civil Engineers (professional association)
  12. CACE stands for Colorado Association of Court Employees

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