1. CAES stands for College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (University of Georgia)
  2. CAES stands for Caesar (title assumed by Roman Emperors)
  3. CAES stands for Centre for Applied English Studies (Hong Kong)
  4. CAES stands for Compressed Air Energy Storage
  5. CAES stands for Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
  6. CAES stands for Catch and Effort Statistics (database; Western Australia)
  7. CAES stands for Computer-Assisted Execution System
  8. CAES stands for Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Syndrome
  9. CAES stands for Canadian Agricultural Economics Society
  10. CAES stands for Computer Aided Ergonomics and Safety
  11. CAES stands for Centro de Asesoría y Estudios Sociales (Spanish)
  12. CAES stands for Center for Advanced Energy Systems
  13. CAES stands for Computer Aided Earthmoving System
  14. CAES stands for Comité d’Action et d’Entraide Sociales (French)
  15. CAES stands for Center for Advanced Educational Services
  16. CAES stands for China Auto Electronics Show (trade show)
  17. CAES stands for Classical Association of the Empire State
  18. CAES stands for Certificat d’Aptitude à l’Enseignement Secondaire (French: Certificate in Secondary Education; various locations)
  19. CAES stands for Consorzio Assicurativo Etico Solidale (Italian)
  20. CAES stands for Center for Advanced Engineering Study
  21. CAES stands for Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station
  22. CAES stands for Circumpolar PhD Network in Arctic Environmental Studies
  23. CAES stands for Collaborative for Applied Experiences in Science
  24. CAES stands for Caribbean Agro-Economic Society
  25. CAES stands for Consumer Alliance for Energy Security
  26. CAES stands for Corporate Actions Enhanced Services
  27. CAES stands for Center for Agricultural Economic Studies
  28. CAES stands for Certificate of Advanced Educational Studies
  29. CAES stands for Conejo Adventist Elementary School
  30. CAES stands for Certificate of Advanced Educational Specialization
  31. CAES stands for Central Accounting Extract System
  32. CAES stands for Ceská Asociace Extrémních Sportu (Czech Republic)
  33. CAES stands for Crédit Agricole Epargne Longue des Salariés
  34. CAES stands for Cascade Architectural and Engineering Supply
  35. CAES stands for Colorado Association of Education Specialists
  36. CAES stands for Committee of ACTA Endocrinologica Countries

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