1. ACEG stands for African Centre for Economic Growth
  2. ACEG stands for Americans for a Clean Energy Grid (coalition)
  3. ACEG stands for All Cows Eat Grass (mnemonic for bass clef spaces)
  4. ACEG stands for Association for Counselors and Educators in Government
  5. ACEG stands for Associação Cultural e Educacional de Garça (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
  6. ACEG stands for l’Association Canadienne des Entreprises de Geomatique (Geomatics Industry Association of Canada)
  7. ACEG stands for Amazing Colossal Episode Guide (Mystery Science Theater 3000)
  8. ACEG stands for Alternating Current Equipment Ground
  9. ACEG
    stands for All Cars Eat Gas (mnemonic for bass clef spaces)
  10. ACEG stands for Asociación Cultural y Educacional Guatemalteca (Guatemalan Educational and Cultural Association)
  11. ACEG stands for Aegis Common Equipment Group
  12. ACEG stands for The Association of Careers Education & Guidance

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