- ACIC stands for Arkansas Crime Information Center
- ACIC stands for Aeronautical Chart and Information Center (military aviation support organization)
- ACIC stands for Association of California Insurance Companies (Sacramento, CA)
- ACIC stands for American Contractors Indemnity Company (surety; California)
- ACIC stands for Association Congolaise des Ingénieurs Civils (French: Congolaise Association of Civil Engineers)
- ACIC stands for Army Counterintelligence Center
- ACIC stands for Anglican Coalition in Canada
- ACIC stands for Agricultural Conservation Innovation Center
- ACIC stands for Arizona Crime Information Center
- ACIC stands for Academic and Career Information Center
- ACIC stands for Anglican Church International Communion
- ACIC stands for Aeronautical Chart & Information Center
- ACIC stands for All Canadian Investment Corporation
- ACIC stands for Automated Combat Information System
- ACIC stands for American Collegiate Intramural Championships (Campus Concepts)
- ACIC stands for Aerospace Defense Command Current Intelligence Center
- ACIC stands for Automated Combat Intelligence Center
- ACIC stands for Automatic Combat Intelligence Center
- ACIC stands for Armoured Control & Instrument Cable
- ACIC stands for Automatic Computation for Information and Control (Mons, Belgium)