1. ACPE  stands for Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education
  2. ACPE  stands for American College of Physician Executives
  3. ACPE  stands for Arizona Commission for Postsecondary Education (Phoeniz, AZ)
  4. ACPE  stands for American Council on Pharmaceutical Education
  5. ACPE  stands for Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc.
  6. ACPE  stands for Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (religious group)
  7. ACPE  stands for Australian College of Physical Education
  8. ACPE  stands for Acute Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema (pulmonology)
  9. ACPE  stands for Alaska Commission on Post Secondary Education
  10. ACPE  stands for Atlas Copco Prime Energy
  11. ACPE  stands for Action Communautaire pour la Protection de l’Environnement (Cameroon)
  12. ACPE  stands for Associate Commissioner for Planning and Evaluation

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