1. DRTS stands for Drip Research Technology Services (San Diego, CA)
  2. DRTS
    stands for Distributed Run-Time System
  3. DRTS stands for de.rec.tv.simpsons (German Simpsons newsgroup)
  4. DRTS stands for Digital Range Training System (US Army training range component)
  5. DRTS stands for Decreasing Returns to Scale
  6. DRTS stands for Data Relay and Tracking Satellite
  7. DRTS stands for Data Relay Tracking Satellite
  8. DRTS stands for Division of Religious & Theological Studies (Boston University)
  9. DRTS stands for Data Relay and Tracking System
  10. DRTS stands for Defense Regional Telecommunications System
  11. DRTS stands for Department of Radio Technical Systems
  12. DRTS stands for Detecting, Ranging & Tracking System
  13. DRTS stands for Dutch Reformed Translation Society

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