1. AFDA  stands for Alt.Fan.Douglas-Adams (USENET)
  2. AFDA  stands for Association of Federal Defense Attorneys
  3. AFDA  stands for Australian Funeral Directors Association
  4. AFDA  stands for A Few Days Ago
  5. AFDA  stands for Association Francaise des Arabisants
  6. AFDA  stands for American Food and Drug Administration
  7. AFDA  stands for Arkansas Development Finance Authority
  8. AFDA  stands for Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (accounting)
  9. AFDA  stands for Administrative Functions Disposal Authority (Australia)
  10. AFDA  stands for Arizona Fire District Association
  11. AFDA  stands for American Family Data Archive
  12. AFDA  stands for Association Française de Danse Acrobatique
  13. AFDA  stands for Arizona Funeral Directors Association
  14. AFDA  stands for Australian Flying Disc Association Inc. (Sydney, NSW, Australia)
  15. AFDA  stands for Association Finistérienne des Déficients Auditifs
  16. AFDA  stands for Alabama Funeral Directors Association
  17. AFDA  stands for Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries (Finland)
  18. AFDA  stands for Aircraft Flight Developers Association
  19. AFDA  stands for Arkansas Funeral Directors Association
  20. AFDA  stands for Asian Federation of Dietetic Associations
  21. AFDA  stands for Armed Forces Discipline Act (New Zealand)
  22. AFDA  stands for Applied Functional Data Analysis
  23. AFDA  stands for American Flag Day Association
  24. AFDA  stands for Air Force Data Administrator (USAF)
  25. AFDA  stands for Advanced Function Display Adapter
  26. AFDA  stands for Aberdeen Facial Disfigurement Association (UK)
  27. AFDA  stands for Automatic Fire Detection Apparatus
  28. AFDA  stands for Association Française de Défense Animalex
  29. AFDA  stands for Association Française pour le Droit de l’Alimentation
  30. AFDA  stands for Axial Flux Difference Alarm
  31. AFDA  stands for Academy of Film and Dramatic Art (Zambia)
  32. AFDA  stands for Advanced Filter Design Alternatives (MATLAB toolbox)
  33. AFDA  stands for Amyloid Fibril Degrading Activity
  34. AFDA  stands for Alternative Fuels Data Center (US Department of Energy National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
  35. AFDA  stands for Australian Fashion Designer Award
  36. AFDA  stands for Arizona Federation of Darts Association
  37. AFDA  stands for African Film Drama Arts

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