1. AFRA  stands for American Family Rights Association
  2. AFRA  stands for Atlantic Formula Racing Association (Canada)
  3. AFRA  stands for Alliance for Recovery Advocates
  4. AFRA  stands for Access Forms and Reports Assistant (Microsoft Access)
  5. AFRA  stands for Associazione Fabbricanti Ramo Abbigliamento
  6. AFRA  stands for Average Freight Rate Assessment
  7. AFRA  stands for American Federation of Radio Artists
  8. AFRA  stands for Association for Rural Advancement
  9. AFRA  stands for Australian Furniture Removers Association
  10. AFRA  stands for Air Freight Rates Application (online trade application)
  11. AFRA  stands for American Family Records Association
  12. AFRA  stands for Anti-Fascism Racism Action
  13. AFRA  stands for African Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology
  14. AFRA  stands for Arkansas First Response Association
  15. AFRA  stands for Agricultural Financial Reporting and Analysis
  16. AFRA  stands for Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952, As Amended
  17. AFRA  stands for American Forest Resources Alliance
  18. AFRA  stands for Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association
  19. AFRA  stands for Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs
  20. AFRA  stands for Anglers for Recreational Access

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