1. DVP  stands for Davenport (Amtrak station code; Davenport, IA)
  2. DVP  stands for Domestic Violence Program
  3. DVP  stands for Delivery Versus Payment (trading account opened by institutions)
  4. DVP  stands for Delivery-Versus-Payment
  5. DVP  stands for Don Valley Parkway (Toronto, Canada expressway)
  6. DVP  stands for Domestic Violence Prevention
  7. DVP  stands for Division Vice President
  8. DVP  stands for Digital Voice Processor
  9. DVP  stands for Dominion Virginia Power
  10. DVP  stands for Disney Vacation Planning
  11. DVP  stands for Division of Violence Prevention
  12. DVP  stands for Deutsche Volkspartei (German People’s Party)
  13. DVP  stands for divalproex sodium
  14. DVP  stands for Digital Video Processor
  15. DVP  stands for Da Vinci Prostatectomy (prostate cancer surgery)
  16. DVP  stands for Distinguished Visiting Professor
  17. DVP  stands for Distinguished Visitor Program
  18. DVP  stands for Differential Value Proposition (measurement)
  19. DVP  stands for Desktop Video Player
  20. DVP  stands for Distance Vector Protocol
  21. DVP  stands for Diverse Voices Project
  22. DVP  stands for Digital Voice Protection (Motorola patent)
  23. DVP  stands for Dedicated Voice Port
  24. DVP  stands for Dvorak for Programmers (keyboard layout variant)
  25. DVP  stands for Derudder Véhicules Professionnels (French vehicle company)
  26. DVP  stands for Distinct Value Proposition (finance)
  27. DVP  stands for Digital Visual Presenter (various comapanies)
  28. DVP  stands for Digital Voice Privacy (Motorola)
  29. DVP  stands for Design Validation Plan (engineering)
  30. DVP  stands for Domestic Violence Project, Inc
  31. DVP  stands for Dusty Vinyl Productions (rap group)
  32. DVP  stands for Deputy Vice President (job title)
  33. DVP  stands for Decessit Vita Patris (Latin: Died in Father’s Lifetime)
  34. DVP  stands for Del Padre Visual Productions
  35. DVP  stands for Data Voice Power (Services Australia Pty Ltd)
  36. DVP  stands for Digital Vantage Point Inc
  37. DVP  stands for Development Verification Platform (aviation)
  38. DVP  stands for Digital Video Projection
  39. DVP  stands for Delaware Valley Poets
  40. DVP  stands for Digital Video Productions LLC (Atlanta, GA)
  41. DVP  stands for Defence Video Productions (UK)
  42. DVP  stands for Design Verification Program
  43. DVP  stands for Deadline Violation Probability
  44. DVP  stands for Democratic Values and Practice
  45. DVP  stands for Digital Village Pump (community networks)
  46. DVP  stands for Discount Vidéo Promo (France)
  47. DVP  stands for Deep Venous Pressure
  48. DVP  stands for Dunbar Video Productions LLC (Holly, MI)

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