1. CARMA  stands for Carbon Monitoring for Action
  2. CARMA  stands for Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-Wave Astronomy
  3. CARMA  stands for Center for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (Richmond, VA)
  4. CARMA  stands for Centre d’Animation Régional en Matériaux Avancés
  5. CARMA  stands for Chicago Area Radio Monitoring Association
  6. CARMA  stands for Contract and Rebate Management
  7. CARMA  stands for Community-Based Assessment of Review Materials
  8. CARMA  stands for Community Aerosol and Radiation Model for Atmospheres
  9. CARMA  stands for Controlling Asthma in the Richmond Metropolitan Area
  10. CARMA  stands for Centre for Labour Market Research at Aalborg University
  11. CARMA  stands for Continuous Time Autoregressive Moving Average
  12. CARMA  stands for Case-Based Range Management Advisor
  13. CARMA  stands for Campylobacter Risk Management and Assessment
  14. CARMA  stands for Collision Avoidance and Resolution Multiple Access
  15. CARMA  stands for Council of Advocates for Relief from Malware Assimilation
  16. CARMA  stands for Companion Animal Rescue and Medical Assistance (Corrales, NM)
  17. CARMA  stands for Circumarctic Rangifer Monitoring & Assessment
  18. CARMA  stands for Canadian Rock Mechanics Association (Canada)
  19. CARMA  stands for Car Management on Aprons
  20. CARMA  stands for Community and Residents Mentors Association (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
  21. CARMA  stands for Cellular Automata based Remote Mutual Authentication
  22. CARMA  stands for Cairns and Region Multicultural Association
  23. CARMA  stands for California Affiliated Risk Management Authorities (Sacramento, CA)
  24. CARMA  stands for Cultural and Regional Musicians Association
  25. CARMA  stands for Content Administration and Release Management Application
  26. CARMA  stands for Charleston Area Realtors for Meaningful Assistance
  27. CARMA  stands for Cardiovasculaire Researchschool Maastricht Amsterdam
  28. CARMA  stands for County Archives and Records Management Association (New Brunswick, NJ)
  29. CARMA  stands for Cyberarts, Research, Music and Audio (Gulf Breeze, FL)
  30. CARMA  stands for Commuter Awareness & Responsibility in Metro Areas
  31. CARMA  stands for Capillary Action Rates in Microgravity Applications
  32. CARMA  stands for Community Aerosol Research Model from Ames
  33. CARMA  stands for Columbia Aircraft Repair and Maintenance Associates
  34. CARMA  stands for Computation Analysis of Replicate Measures for Arrays
  35. CARMA  stands for Caribbean Rehabilitation Medicine Associates (St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands)

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