- AC stands for Aachen (Germany)
- AC stands for Abdominal Circumference (obstetrics)
- AC stands for Aberdeen College
- AC stands for Absorption Chiller
- AC stands for Academic Complex
- AC stands for Academic Institution (DNS zone for UK academic institutions; as in .ac.uk)
- AC stands for Acceleration (Front Page Sports Football ’95 et al)
- AC stands for Accept (ITU-T)
- AC stands for Acceptance Criteria
- AC stands for Access Card
- AC stands for Access Category
- AC stands for Access Channel
- AC stands for Access Control
- AC stands for Access Customer
- AC stands for Acción Ciudadana (Spanish: citizen action; Guatemala)
- A/C stands for Account
- AC stands for Account Code (Sprint BCS-29)
- AC stands for Account Control
- AC stands for Account Current
- AC stands for Accountancy
- AC stands for Accounting Clerk
- AC stands for Ace Combat (video games 1-5)
- Ac stands for Acetyl Group (chemistry)
- AC stands for Acoustic Coupler
- AC stands for Acquisition Center
- AC stands for Acre (state of Brazil)
- AC stands for Acromioclavicular (shoulder joint)
- AC stands for Actinium
- AC stands for Action Code
- AC stands for Action for Change (Mauretania)
- A/C stands for Activated Carbon
- AC stands for Activated Charcoal
- AC stands for Active Component
- AC stands for Actual Cost
- AC stands for Actual Count
- AC stands for Acute
- AC stands for Adapter Card (FS-1037c)
- AC stands for Added Copy (libraries)
- AC stands for Adenylate Cyclase
- AC stands for Adjacent Channel
- AC stands for Adjudicator
- AC stands for Administrative Control
- AC stands for Admirals Club
- AC stands for Adult Contemporary (radio format)
- AC stands for Advanced Catalyst (research team; Japan)
- AC stands for Advanced CMos
- AC stands for Advanced Computing
- AC stands for Advent Children (movie sequel to Final Fantasy VII game)
- AC stands for Advent Christian
- AC stands for Advisory Circular (aviation)
- AC stands for Advisory Committee
- AC stands for Advocacy Center
- AC stands for Aero Club
- AC stands for Affinity Chromatography
- AC stands for African Caribbean
- AC stands for After Christ
- AC stands for After Class
- AC stands for After Colony
- AC stands for After Colony (Gundam Wing animated series)
- AC stands for After Coupon
- AC stands for Age Concern (UK)
- AC stands for Agent Code
- AC stands for Agir Ensemble Contre le Chômage (Paris, France)
- AC stands for Air Cadets
- AC stands for Air Canada (airline code)
- AC stands for Air Cargo
- AC stands for Air Carrier
- AC stands for Air Change
- AC stands for Air Combat (game)
- AC stands for Air Commodore
- AC stands for Air Compressor
- A/C stands for Air Conditioning
- AC stands for Air Conduction
- AC stands for Air Controller
- AC stands for Air Corps
- AC stands for Air Curtain
- AC stands for Air Traffic Controller (USN Rating)
- AC stands for Air-Cooled
- AC stands for Aircraft
- A/C stands for Aircraft
- AC stands for Aircraft Carrier
- AC stands for Aircraft Commander
- A/C stands for Aircraft Commander
- AC stands for Aircraftman
- A/C stands for Airing Cupboard
- AC stands for Akademikernes Centralorganisation
- AC stands for Alameda County
- AC stands for Alan Cox (Linux kernel hacker)
- AC stands for Albion College (Albion, MI)
- AC stands for Alcohol Concentration
- AC stands for Aleister Crowley (novelist)
- AC stands for Algorithmic Complexity
- AC stands for Alice Cooper (musician)
- AC stands for Alicyclic
- AC stands for Alignment Check
- AC stands for All Clear
- AC stands for Allergic Conjunctivitis
- AC stands for Allied Command
- AC stands for Allis Chalmers (manufacturer of agriculture and industrial equipment)
- AC stands for Alpha Centauri (game)
- A/C stands for Alternating Current
- AC stands for Alternating Current (electricity; physics)
- AC
- AC stands for Altocumulus (cloud formation)
- AC stands for Ambassador College
- AC stands for American College
- AC stands for Amherst College
- AC stands for Amount Claimed
- AC stands for Amphibious Corps (US DoD)
- AC stands for Analog Computer
- AC stands for Analytical Chemistry
- AC stands for Andersen Consulting
- AC stands for Anderson College (South Carolina)
- AC stands for Anderson Cooper (news correspondent)
- AC stands for Angelina College
- AC stands for Anglican Communion
- AC stands for Animal Control
- AC stands for Animal Crossing (video game)
- AC stands for Anno Christi (Latin: In the Year of Christ; epigraphy)
- AC stands for Annual Conference (Church of the Brethren)
- AC stands for Anonymous Coward (Slashdot)
- AC stands for Antecubital
- AC stands for Anterior Chamber
- AC stands for Anthony Carter (ex-NFL player)
- AC stands for Anthrocon (anthropomorphics convention)
- AC stands for Anti Christ
- A/C stands for Anticoagulant
- AC stands for Antigua
- AC stands for Antioch College (Yellow Springs, OH)
- AC stands for Appeal Cases
- AC stands for Appeals Council (Social Security)
- AC stands for Apple Cider
- AC stands for Apple Computer
- AC stands for Application Context
- AC stands for Applied Cryptography (book)
- AC stands for Aquatic Center
- AC stands for Arc Consistency (constraint programming AI research)
- AC stands for Arc Cutting
- AC stands for Archival Collection
- A/C stands for Area Code
- AC stands for Area Code
- AC stands for Area Commander
- AC stands for Area Coordinator
- AC stands for Area of Concern (school grading system)
- AC stands for Arithmetic Coding
- AC stands for Arm Chair
- AC stands for Armor Class
- AC stands for Armored Cable (electricity)
- AC stands for Armored Core (video game)
- AC stands for Army Corps
- AC
- AC stands for Asbestos Cement
- AC stands for Asbury College (Kentucky, USA)
- AC stands for Ascension Island (top level domain)
- AC stands for Asheron’s Call (game)
- AC stands for Asociación Civil (Spanish: Civil Partnership)
- AC stands for Asotin County (Washington)
- AC stands for Asphalt Cement
- AC stands for Asphalt Concrete
- AC stands for Asphalt Content
- AC stands for Assassin’s Creed (videogame)
- AC stands for Assembly Complete
- AC stands for Assessment Center
- AC stands for Assist Control (ventilation)
- AC stands for Assistant Camera (film production)
- AC stands for Assistant Chef
- AC stands for Assistant Coach
- AC stands for Assistant Commissioner
- AC stands for Associate Commissioner
- AC stands for Associated Content (Yahoo)
- AC stands for Association Class
- AC stands for Association Control
- AC stands for Association for Coaching (London, UK)
- AC stands for Associazione Calcio (Italian: soccer club)
- AC stands for Asynchronous Communications
- AC stands for Athletic Club
- AC stands for Atlantic City
- AC stands for Atmospheric Chemistry
- AC stands for Atomic Clock
- AC stands for Attenuation Correction
- AC stands for Attribute Certificate
- AC stands for Audio Codec
- AC stands for Audit Commission (UK)
- AC stands for Augustana College (ELCA college, Sioux Falls, SD)
- AC stands for Australian Capital Territory
- AC stands for Authentication Code (telecommunications)
- AC stands for Auto Carrier (chassis supplier of original Cobra roadster)
- AC stands for Auto Clicker (gaming)
- AC stands for AutoCAD
- AC stands for Autocannon
- AC stands for Autocheck
- AC stands for Automatic Computer
- AC stands for Automation Company
- AC stands for Automobile Club
- AC stands for Autonomic Computing
- AC stands for Auxiliary Circuit
- AC stands for Auxiliary Contact
- AC stands for Average Cost
- AC stands for Axiom of Choice (math)
- AC stands for Aylesbury College (Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, UK)