1. AC stands for Aachen (Germany)
  2. AC stands for Abdominal Circumference (obstetrics)
  3. AC stands for Aberdeen College
  4. AC stands for Absorption Chiller
  5. AC stands for Academic Complex
  6. AC stands for Academic Institution (DNS zone for UK academic institutions; as in .ac.uk)
  7. AC stands for Acceleration (Front Page Sports Football ’95 et al)
  8. AC stands for Accept (ITU-T)
  9. AC stands for Acceptance Criteria
  10. AC stands for Access Card
  11. AC stands for Access Category
  12. AC stands for Access Channel
  13. AC stands for Access Control
  14. AC stands for Access Customer
  15. AC stands for Acción Ciudadana (Spanish: citizen action; Guatemala)
  16. A/C stands for Account
  17. AC stands for Account Code (Sprint BCS-29)
  18. AC stands for Account Control
  19. AC stands for Account Current
  20. AC stands for Accountancy
  21. AC stands for Accounting Clerk
  22. AC stands for Ace Combat (video games 1-5)
  23. Ac stands for Acetyl Group (chemistry)
  24. AC stands for Acoustic Coupler
  25. AC stands for Acquisition Center
  26. AC stands for Acre (state of Brazil)
  27. AC stands for Acromioclavicular (shoulder joint)
  28. AC stands for Actinium
  29. AC stands for Action Code
  30. AC stands for Action for Change (Mauretania)
  31. A/C stands for Activated Carbon
  32. AC stands for Activated Charcoal
  33. AC stands for Active Component
  34. AC stands for Actual Cost
  35. AC stands for Actual Count
  36. AC stands for Acute
  37. AC stands for Adapter Card (FS-1037c)
  38. AC stands for Added Copy (libraries)
  39. AC stands for Adenylate Cyclase
  40. AC stands for Adjacent Channel
  41. AC stands for Adjudicator
  42. AC stands for Administrative Control
  43. AC stands for Admirals Club
  44. AC stands for Adult Contemporary (radio format)
  45. AC stands for Advanced Catalyst (research team; Japan)
  46. AC stands for Advanced CMos
  47. AC stands for Advanced Computing
  48. AC stands for Advent Children (movie sequel to Final Fantasy VII game)
  49. AC stands for Advent Christian
  50. AC stands for Advisory Circular (aviation)
  51. AC stands for Advisory Committee
  52. AC stands for Advocacy Center
  53. AC stands for Aero Club
  54. AC stands for Affinity Chromatography
  55. AC stands for African Caribbean
  56. AC stands for After Christ
  57. AC stands for After Class
  58. AC stands for After Colony
  59. AC stands for After Colony (Gundam Wing animated series)
  60. AC stands for After Coupon
  61. AC stands for Age Concern (UK)
  62. AC stands for Agent Code
  63. AC stands for Agir Ensemble Contre le Chômage (Paris, France)
  64. AC stands for Air Cadets
  65. AC stands for Air Canada (airline code)
  66. AC stands for Air Cargo
  67. AC stands for Air Carrier
  68. AC stands for Air Change
  69. AC stands for Air Combat (game)
  70. AC stands for Air Commodore
  71. AC stands for Air Compressor
  72. A/C stands for Air Conditioning
  73. AC stands for Air Conduction
  74. AC stands for Air Controller
  75. AC stands for Air Corps
  76. AC stands for Air Curtain
  77. AC stands for Air Traffic Controller (USN Rating)
  78. AC stands for Air-Cooled
  79. AC stands for Aircraft
  80. A/C stands for Aircraft
  81. AC stands for Aircraft Carrier
  82. AC stands for Aircraft Commander
  83. A/C stands for Aircraft Commander
  84. AC stands for Aircraftman
  85. A/C stands for Airing Cupboard
  86. AC stands for Akademikernes Centralorganisation
  87. AC stands for Alameda County
  88. AC stands for Alan Cox (Linux kernel hacker)
  89. AC stands for Albion College (Albion, MI)
  90. AC stands for Alcohol Concentration
  91. AC stands for Aleister Crowley (novelist)
  92. AC stands for Algorithmic Complexity
  93. AC stands for Alice Cooper (musician)
  94. AC stands for Alicyclic
  95. AC stands for Alignment Check
  96. AC stands for All Clear
  97. AC stands for Allergic Conjunctivitis
  98. AC stands for Allied Command
  99. AC stands for Allis Chalmers (manufacturer of agriculture and industrial equipment)
  100. AC stands for Alpha Centauri (game)
  101. A/C stands for Alternating Current
  102. AC stands for Alternating Current (electricity; physics)
  103. AC
    stands for Alternative Certification (teaching)
  104. AC stands for Altocumulus (cloud formation)
  105. AC stands for Ambassador College
  106. AC stands for American College
  107. AC stands for Amherst College
  108. AC stands for Amount Claimed
  109. AC stands for Amphibious Corps (US DoD)
  110. AC stands for Analog Computer
  111. AC stands for Analytical Chemistry
  112. AC stands for Andersen Consulting
  113. AC stands for Anderson College (South Carolina)
  114. AC stands for Anderson Cooper (news correspondent)
  115. AC stands for Angelina College
  116. AC stands for Anglican Communion
  117. AC stands for Animal Control
  118. AC stands for Animal Crossing (video game)
  119. AC stands for Anno Christi (Latin: In the Year of Christ; epigraphy)
  120. AC stands for Annual Conference (Church of the Brethren)
  121. AC stands for Anonymous Coward (Slashdot)
  122. AC stands for Antecubital
  123. AC stands for Anterior Chamber
  124. AC stands for Anthony Carter (ex-NFL player)
  125. AC stands for Anthrocon (anthropomorphics convention)
  126. AC stands for Anti Christ
  127. A/C stands for Anticoagulant
  128. AC stands for Antigua
  129. AC stands for Antioch College (Yellow Springs, OH)
  130. AC stands for Appeal Cases
  131. AC stands for Appeals Council (Social Security)
  132. AC stands for Apple Cider
  133. AC stands for Apple Computer
  134. AC stands for Application Context
  135. AC stands for Applied Cryptography (book)
  136. AC stands for Aquatic Center
  137. AC stands for Arc Consistency (constraint programming AI research)
  138. AC stands for Arc Cutting
  139. AC stands for Archival Collection
  140. A/C stands for Area Code
  141. AC stands for Area Code
  142. AC stands for Area Commander
  143. AC stands for Area Coordinator
  144. AC stands for Area of Concern (school grading system)
  145. AC stands for Arithmetic Coding
  146. AC stands for Arm Chair
  147. AC stands for Armor Class
  148. AC stands for Armored Cable (electricity)
  149. AC stands for Armored Core (video game)
  150. AC stands for Army Corps
  151. AC stands for Arret Cardiaque
  152. AC stands for Asbestos Cement
  153. AC stands for Asbury College (Kentucky, USA)
  154. AC stands for Ascension Island (top level domain)
  155. AC stands for Asheron’s Call (game)
  156. AC stands for Asociación Civil (Spanish: Civil Partnership)
  157. AC stands for Asotin County (Washington)
  158. AC stands for Asphalt Cement
  159. AC stands for Asphalt Concrete
  160. AC stands for Asphalt Content
  161. AC stands for Assassin’s Creed (videogame)
  162. AC stands for Assembly Complete
  163. AC stands for Assessment Center
  164. AC stands for Assist Control (ventilation)
  165. AC stands for Assistant Camera (film production)
  166. AC stands for Assistant Chef
  167. AC stands for Assistant Coach
  168. AC stands for Assistant Commissioner
  169. AC stands for Associate Commissioner
  170. AC stands for Associated Content (Yahoo)
  171. AC stands for Association Class
  172. AC stands for Association Control
  173. AC stands for Association for Coaching (London, UK)
  174. AC stands for Associazione Calcio (Italian: soccer club)
  175. AC stands for Asynchronous Communications
  176. AC stands for Athletic Club
  177. AC stands for Atlantic City
  178. AC stands for Atmospheric Chemistry
  179. AC stands for Atomic Clock
  180. AC stands for Attenuation Correction
  181. AC stands for Attribute Certificate
  182. AC stands for Audio Codec
  183. AC stands for Audit Commission (UK)
  184. AC stands for Augustana College (ELCA college, Sioux Falls, SD)
  185. AC stands for Australian Capital Territory
  186. AC stands for Authentication Code (telecommunications)
  187. AC stands for Auto Carrier (chassis supplier of original Cobra roadster)
  188. AC stands for Auto Clicker (gaming)
  189. AC stands for AutoCAD
  190. AC stands for Autocannon
  191. AC stands for Autocheck
  192. AC stands for Automatic Computer
  193. AC stands for Automation Company
  194. AC stands for Automobile Club
  195. AC stands for Autonomic Computing
  196. AC stands for Auxiliary Circuit
  197. AC stands for Auxiliary Contact
  198. AC stands for Average Cost
  199. AC stands for Axiom of Choice (math)
  200. AC stands for Aylesbury College (Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, UK)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning