- A-CAM stands for A Cell Adhesion Specific Molecule
- ACAM stands for Academia Culinaria de Las Américas (Spanish: Culinary Academy of Las Americas; Guatemala)
- A-CAM stands for Adherens Junction-Specific Cell Adhesion Molecule (biology)
- ACAM stands for Aéro-Club Aix-Marseille (French flying club; est. 1969)
- ACAM stands for Air Conformity Applicability Model
- ACAM stands for American College for Advancement in Medicine
- ACAM stands for American Counseling Association of Missouri
- ACAM stands for Annonces Classees A Montreal (Montreal, Quebec classifieds website)
- ACAM stands for Associate, Central Academy of Music (London)
- ACAM stands for Association Culturelle et Artistique Mantoise (French: Mantoise Cultural and Artistic Association)
- ACAM stands for Association des Journalistes des Activités de la Maison (French journalists’ association)
- ACAM stands for Australasian College for Advancement in Medicine
- ACAM stands for Australian Centre for Asthma Monitoring
- ACAM stands for Autorité de Contrôle des Assurances et des Mutuelles (French organization regulating insurance companies and mutual funds)