1. AI stands for Abrasiveness Index
  2. AI stands for Abridged Index
  3. AI stands for Academic Institution (education)
  4. AI stands for Access Issuing
  5. A/I stands for Accident Investigation
  6. AI stands for Accident Investigator
  7. A/I stands for Accident/Incident
  8. AI stands for Accidental Insurance
  9. AI stands for Accountability Individual
  10. AI stands for Accredited Investor
  11. AI stands for Accuracy International
  12. AI stands for Acid Injector
  13. AI stands for Acoustic Imaging
  14. AI stands for Acquisition Instruction
  15. AI stands for Action Indicator (ISDN)
  16. AI stands for Action Item
  17. AI stands for Active Ingredient
  18. AI stands for Activity Interrupt (ITU-T)
  19. AI stands for Ad Interim
  20. AI
    stands for Adapter Interface
  21. AI stands for Additional Information
  22. AI stands for Additional Insured (life insurance)
  23. AI stands for Additional Issue
  24. AI stands for Adequate Intake (Institute of Medicine nutrition standard)
  25. AI stands for Administrative Instruction (US DoD)
  26. AI stands for Administrative Investigation (law enforcement)
  27. AI stands for Admittance Inverter (microwave circuits)
  28. AI stands for Adobe Illustrator (and file extension)
  29. AI stands for Adrenal Insufficiency
  30. A/I stands for Adsorption Isotherm
  31. AI stands for Advance Information
  32. AI stands for Advocacy Institute
  33. AI stands for Aeronautical Information
  34. AI stands for Aerosol Index
  35. AI stands for Aged Individual
  36. AI stands for Agenda Item (various organizations)
  37. AI stands for Aggregate Income
  38. AI stands for AGRSUD International (France)
  39. AI stands for Aiducation International (education charity)
  40. AI stands for Air India (airline code)
  41. AI stands for Air Inlet
  42. AI stands for Air Intelligence (officer)
  43. AI stands for Air Intercept(or)
  44. AI stands for Air Interdiction
  45. AI stands for Air Interface
  46. AI stands for Air Ionizer
  47. AI stands for Airborne Intelligence
  48. AI stands for Airborne Intercept
  49. AI stands for Airborne Intercept (radar)
  50. AI stands for Airborne Interception
  51. AI stands for Airborne Interceptor (US DoD)
  52. AI stands for Airbus Industrie (currently AIRBUS)
  53. AI stands for Aircraft Identification
  54. AI stands for Aircraft Incident
  55. AI stands for Aircraft Inspector (also seen as A/I)
  56. A/I stands for Aircraft Inspector (also seen as AI)
  57. AI stands for Airfield Index
  58. AI stands for Airspeed Indicator
  59. AI stands for Airways Indicator
  60. AI stands for Alarm Inhibit (Sprint)
  61. AI stands for Alarm Interface (AT&T)
  62. AI stands for Aleutian Islands
  63. AI stands for All in (poker)
  64. AI stands for All Inclusive (hospitality industry)
  65. AI stands for Allegheny (airline code)
  66. AI stands for Allen Iverson (basketball player)
  67. AI stands for Allergology International (Japanese Society of Allergology)
  68. AI stands for Alliance of Independents (Niue)
  69. AI stands for Alloisoleucine Isoleucine
  70. AI stands for Alpha Institute
  71. AI stands for Alpines International
  72. AI stands for Alternating Isometrics (PNF technique)
  73. AI stands for Alternative Interrogation
  74. AI stands for Altrusa International (Columbus, OH)
  75. AI stands for Alzheimer Italia
  76. AI stands for Ambience Internet (Gold Coast, Australia)
  77. AI stands for American Idiot (Green Day music album)
  78. AI stands for American Idol (TV show)
  79. AI stands for Amnesty International (human rights organization)
  80. AI stands for Amnioinfusion (obstetrics)
  81. AI stands for Amplifier Input
  82. AI stands for Amplitude Information
  83. AI stands for Analog Input
  84. AI stands for Analytical Information
  85. AI stands for Anarchy Incorporated
  86. AI stands for Anchorage-Independent (cells)
  87. AI stands for Andre Iguodala (basketball player)
  88. AI stands for Angiotensin I
  89. AI stands for Anglo-Indian
  90. AI stands for Anglo-Irish
  91. AI stands for Anguilla (top-level domain name)
  92. AI stands for Animation Insider (website)
  93. AI stands for Anime Insider
  94. AI stands for Anime Invasion (website)
  95. AI stands for AnimeIowa
  96. AI stands for Anno Inventionis (Latin: in the year of discovery)
  97. AI stands for Answer Indicator
  98. AI stands for Antenna Impedance
  99. AI stands for Anticosti Island (St Lawrence River)
  100. A/I stands for Anti-Ice
  101. AI stands for Anti-Icing
  102. AI stands for Anti-Inflammatory
  103. AI stands for Anus Injection (procedure)
  104. AI stands for Aortic Incompetence
  105. AI stands for Aortic Insufficiency
  106. AI stands for Appenzell Inner-Rhoden (canton postcode, Switzerland)
  107. AI stands for Appenzell Innerrhoden (Swiss Half Canton)
  108. AI stands for Appleinsider (Apple rumor site)
  109. AI stands for Application Identifier (bindery packaging standards)
  110. AI stands for Application Instance (SAP)
  111. AI stands for Application Integration
  112. AI stands for Application Interface
  113. AI stands for Applied Innovations
  114. AI stands for Appraisal Institute
  115. AI stands for Appreciative Inquiry
  116. AI stands for Arbitration Interval (serial data bus time delay)
  117. A/I stands for ARC/INFO
  118. AI stands for Arcane Intellect (World of Warcraft gaming spell)
  119. AI stands for Architects Instruction
  120. AI stands for Archive Invalidation (software development)
  121. AI stands for Area Index
  122. AI stands for Area of Influence
  123. AI stands for Area of Interest
  124. AI stands for Army Intelligence
  125. AI stands for Aromatase Inhibitor
  126. AI stands for Art Index
  127. AI stands for Art Institute (art schools)
  128. AI stands for Articulation Index
  129. AI stands for Artificial Insemination
  130. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence
  131. AI stands for As If
  132. AI stands for Ascension Island (South Atlantic oceanic island)
  133. AI stands for Asociación de Internautas (Spanish)
  134. AI stands for Aspen Institute
  135. AI stands for Asphalt Institute
  136. AI stands for Asset Integration (US Air Force)
  137. AI stands for Assignment Instructions
  138. AI stands for Assistant Inspector
  139. AI stands for Assistant Investigator
  140. AI stands for Associate Instructor
  141. AI stands for Associate Investigator
  142. AI stands for Associated Investigator
  143. AI stands for Associative Ionization
  144. AI stands for Assurance Invalidité
  145. AI stands for Astrobiology Institute (NASA)
  146. AI stands for Asynchronous Interface (AT&T)
  147. AI stands for Atomics International
  148. AI stands for Attitude Indicator
  149. AI stands for Audio Interface
  150. AI stands for Auricula Izquierda (Spanish: Left Atrium)
  151. AI stands for Austropa Interconvention (Vienna, Austria)
  152. AI stands for Authentication Information
  153. AI stands for Authorized Inspector
  154. AI stands for Autistically Impaired
  155. AI stands for Automated Information
  156. AI stands for Automatic Identification
  157. AI stands for Automatic Indexing
  158. AI stands for Automatic Input
  159. AI stands for Automatic Investing
  160. AI stands for Automotive Industries (trade publication)
  161. AI stands for Auxiliary Input
  162. AI stands for Availability (Inherent)
  163. AI stands for Available for Issue
  164. AI stands for Avengers Initiative (charity)
  165. AI stands for Avian Influenza (aka Bird Flu)
  166. AI stands for Axioincisal
  167. AI stands for Azimuth Indicator
  168. AI stands for Inherent Availability/Ability
  169. AI stands for Signaling Identification Assigned by Exchange A
Abbreviations And Their Meaning