1. AL stands for Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865; 16th President of the United States)
  2. AL stands for Absolute Latency
  3. AL stands for Academic Link
  4. AL stands for Accelerated Learning
  5. AL stands for Acceptable Language
  6. AL stands for Acceptable Level
  7. AL stands for Acceptance Limit
  8. AL stands for Access Line (FS-1037c)
  9. AL stands for Account Librarian
  10. AL stands for Acquisition Logistician
  11. AL stands for Action Level (OSHA)
  12. AL stands for Action Limit (NREL)
  13. AL stands for Active Link (logical communications circuit)
  14. AL stands for Ada Language
  15. AL stands for Adaptation Layer
  16. AL stands for Additional Listing
  17. AL stands for Administrative Leave
  18. AL stands for Adult Language
  19. AL stands for Advanced Leader (Toastmasters)
  20. AL stands for Aeronomy Laboratory
  21. AL stands for Age Location (Internet chat)
  22. AL stands for Agency Liaison
  23. AL stands for Air Land
  24. AL stands for Air Leakage
  25. AL stands for Air Lift
  26. AL stands for Air Lingus (Irish Airline)
  27. AL stands for Air Liquide
  28. AL stands for Air Lock
  29. AL stands for Airline
  30. AL stands for Airlock (NASA)
  31. AL stands for Airloop (AT&T)
  32. AL stands for Alabama (US postal abbreviation)
  33. AL stands for Alagoas (Brazil)
  34. AL stands for Alameda (Portuguese: tree-lined avenue; postal use)
  35. AL stands for Alarm Light (NEC)
  36. AL stands for Albania
  37. AL stands for Alberta
  38. AL stands for Albuquerque Operations Office (US DOE)
  39. AL stands for Alessandria (Piemonte, Italy)
  40. AL stands for Alliance Leader (Starkingdoms online game)
  41. AL stands for Allowance List
  42. AL stands for Alsace-Lorraine
  43. AL stands for Altec Lansing
  44. AL stands for Alteration
  45. AL stands for Aluminium
  46. AL stands for Aluminum
  47. AL stands for Amendment Leaflet
  48. AL stands for American League (baseball)
  49. AL stands for American Legend
  50. AL stands for American Legion
  51. AL stands for American Libraries (American Library Association journal)
  52. AL stands for Ames Laboratory
  53. AL stands for Analog Link
  54. AL stands for Analog Loopback (diagnostic test)
  55. AL stands for Analytical Laboratories
  56. AL stands for Analytical Limit
  57. AL stands for Android Lust (band)
  58. AL stands for Angelic Layer (manga/anime)
  59. AL stands for Anglers’ Legacy
  60. AL stands for Anno Lucis
  61. AL stands for Annual Leave
  62. A/L stands for Annual Leave (USACE)
  63. AL stands for Answer List
  64. AL stands for Antennal Lobe
  65. AL stands for Apache Longbow (Attack Helicopter)
  66. AL stands for Aphus Lassel (gaming, Asheron’s Call)
  67. AL stands for Apparatus List
  68. AL stands for Application Layer
  69. AL stands for Approach and Landing
  70. A/L stands for Approach and Landing
  71. AL stands for Arab League
  72. A/L stands for Arabic/Latin (bilingual keyboard)
  73. A/L stands for Aragorn/Legolas (Lord of the Rings book and films)
  74. AL stands for Arbitration Lost
  75. AL stands for Armament Laboratory
  76. AL stands for Armor Level (gaming, Asheron’s Call)
  77. AL stands for Armor Locking (gaming)
  78. AL stands for Armstrong Laboratory
  79. AL stands for Arrival Locator
  80. AL stands for Artificial Life
  81. AL stands for Ashok Leyland (India)
  82. AL stands for Asian Littoral
  83. A/L stands for Assemble/Load
  84. AL stands for Assembly Language
  85. A/L stands for Assets/Liabilities
  86. AL stands for Assisted Living
  87. AL stands for Assisting Layer
  88. AL stands for Aster Leafhopper
  89. AL stands for Astronautics Laboratory
  90. AL stands for Atomic Learning
  91. AL stands for Attoliter (10 E^-18, one quintillionth)
  92. AL stands for Auroral Electrojet index lower
  93. AL stands for Authorized Leave with Pay
  94. A/L stands for Autoland
  95. AL stands for Autonomic Logistics
  96. AL stands for Auxiliary Lighting
  97. AL stands for Awami League (Bangladesh)
  98. AL stands for Axial Length
  99. AL stands for Lightship
  100. AL stands for St. Albans (postcode for a village)

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