1. AN stands for Acanthosis Nigricans (skin disorder)
  2. AN stands for Access Network
  3. AN stands for Access Node
  4. AN stands for Access Number
  5. AN stands for Account Name
  6. AN stands for Account Number
  7. AN stands for Acoustic Neuroma
  8. AN stands for Acronym Namespace (humor)
  9. AN
    stands for Acrylonitrile
  10. An stands for Actinon (Actinium emanation)
  11. A/N stands for Action Needed
  12. AN stands for Administrators’ Noticeboard (Wikimedia Foundation)
  13. AN stands for Advisory Note
  14. AN stands for Ahmadi Nezhad (Iran)
  15. AN stands for Ahonen (blood group)
  16. AN stands for Airborne Network
  17. AN stands for Airman
  18. AN stands for Airworthiness Notice
  19. AN stands for Akademija Nauk (Academy of Sciences; Russia)
  20. AN stands for Aldo Nero (Spanish, shoes and leather good maker)
  21. AN stands for Alianza Nacional (National Alliance, Guatemala)
  22. AN stands for Alleanza Nazionale (Italian: National Alliance, right-wing political party)
  23. AN stands for Allied Nations (Street Fighter game)
  24. AN stands for Alphanumeric
  25. A/N stands for Alphanumeric
  26. AN stands for Alsace Nature
  27. AN stands for Alternating Network
  28. AN stands for Ambient Noise
  29. AN stands for American Nightmare (band)
  30. AN stands for Ammonium Nitrate
  31. AN stands for Analog
  32. AN stands for Analog Nonsecure (US DoD)
  33. AN stands for Ancona (Marche, Italy)
  34. AN stands for Andorra
  35. AN stands for Anglais (French: English)
  36. AN stands for Anime Nation (anime website and forum)
  37. AN stands for Anime North
  38. AN
    stands for Aniridia
  39. AN stands for Annum (Latin: Year)
  40. AN stands for Anorexia Nervosa
  41. AN stands for Ansett Australia Airlines (flight number prefix)
  42. AN stands for Antonov (Soviet aircraft designer)
  43. AN stands for Apocalypse Now (movie)
  44. AN stands for Arabian Nights
  45. AN stands for Aragonese (ISO 639-1 language code)
  46. AN stands for Archives Nationales du Canada (National Archives of Canada)
  47. AN stands for Army Interoperability Network
  48. AN stands for Army Navy (hydraulic or pneumatic fitting used in the aerospace industry)
  49. AN stands for Army Nomenclature
  50. AN stands for Army Nurse Corps
  51. AN stands for Army/Navy
  52. A/N stands for Army/Navy
  53. AN stands for Arquivo Nacional (Portuguese: National Archives; Brazil)
  54. AN stands for Arrival Notice (shipping)
  55. A/N stands for Arrival Notice (shipping)
  56. AN stands for Aryan Nations
  57. AN stands for As Needed
  58. A/N stands for As Needed
  59. AN stands for Ascending Node
  60. A/N stands for Ascending Node
  61. AN stands for Assemblé Nationale (French Parliament)
  62. AN stands for Associate Nurse
  63. AN stands for Associated Number
  64. AN stands for AstroNest (company)
  65. AN stands for Atomic Number
  66. AN stands for Auftragnehmer (German: contractor)
  67. AN stands for Author’s Note
  68. A/N stands for Author’s Note
  69. AN stands for Avian Nephritis
  70. AN stands for Net Laying Ship (US Navy)
  71. AN stands for Netherlands Antilles (top-level domain name)

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