1. AR stands for Abandon Rate
  2. AR stands for Abbey Road (Beatles album/song)
  3. AR stands for Abnormal Returns
  4. AR stands for Absorber Rod
  5. AR stands for Abstellraum (German: storage room)
  6. AR stands for Abuse Report (gaming, Second Life)
  7. AR stands for Accelerated Reader
  8. AR stands for Acceptance Review
  9. AR stands for Access Rate
  10. AR stands for Access Right
  11. AR stands for Access Router
  12. AR stands for Account Representative (Sprint)
  13. AR stands for Accounts Receivable
  14. AR stands for Accounts Register
  15. AR stands for Accusé de Réception (French: Acknowledgment of Receipt; mail)
  16. AR stands for Acetal Resin
  17. AR stands for Acid Reflux
  18. AR stands for Acknowledge Receipt
  19. AR stands for Acoustic Reflex
  20. AR stands for Acoustic Research (loudspeaker manufacturer)
  21. AR stands for Acoustique Renforcée (French: Enhanced Acoustics; window noise insulation)
  22. AR stands for Acquiescence Ruling
  23. AR stands for Acquisition Reform
  24. AR stands for Acquisition Request
  25. AR stands for Acquisition Risk
  26. AR stands for Acrobat Reader (Adobe Systems)
  27. AR stands for Action Replay (game console cheat device)
  28. AR stands for Action Report
  29. AR stands for Action Required
  30. AR stands for Action Research
  31. AR stands for Active Radar
  32. AR stands for Active Region (sunspot observation)
  33. AR stands for Activity Ratio
  34. AR stands for Activity Reports
  35. AR stands for Activity Resume (ITU-T)
  36. AR stands for Acute Rejection
  37. AR stands for Adaptive Reception Control
  38. AR stands for Add Register
  39. AR stands for Address Register
  40. AR stands for Administrative Record
  41. AR stands for Administrative Regulation (various organizations)
  42. AR stands for Administrative Requirement
  43. AR stands for Adrenaline Rush (gaming; also an IMAX film)
  44. AR stands for Adrenergic Receptor (protein)
  45. AR stands for Advanced Reactor
  46. AR stands for Adventure Racing
  47. AR stands for Adverse Reaction
  48. AR stands for Advice of Receipt (Canada Post)
  49. AR stands for Aerial Reconnaissance
  50. AR stands for Aerial Refueling
  51. AR stands for Aerolíneas Argentinas
  52. AR stands for Aeronautical Requirement
  53. AR stands for Affiliate Relations
  54. AR stands for Affirmative Rebuttal (debate)
  55. AR stands for African Rights
  56. AR stands for After Rebate
  57. AR stands for Aftermath Records (record label)
  58. AR stands for Age Regression
  59. AR stands for Agency Resources
  60. AR stands for Agent Report
  61. AR stands for Air Reconnaissance
  62. AR stands for Air Refueling
  63. AR stands for Air Resistance
  64. AR stands for Air Revitalization
  65. AR stands for Air Rifle
  66. AR stands for Air Route
  67. AR stands for Airborne Reconnaissance
  68. AR stands for Airborne Relay
  69. AR stands for Airworthiness Representative
  70. AR stands for Aishwarya Rai (Indian actress)
  71. AR stands for Akademia Rolnicza (Polish: University of Agriculture)
  72. AR stands for Alabama Railroad
  73. AR stands for Alan Rickman (British actor)
  74. AR stands for Alarm Reaction
  75. AR stands for Alarm Report
  76. AR stands for Aldose Reductase
  77. AR stands for All Rail
  78. AR stands for All Risks
  79. AR stands for Allergic Rhinitis
  80. AR stands for Allied Racing (Halo racing clan)
  81. AR stands for Alternate Routing
  82. AR stands for Alternative Radio (public affairs program)
  83. AR stands for Altesse Royal (French: Royal Highness)
  84. AR stands for Amateur Radio
  85. AR stands for Amazing Race (reality TV show)
  86. AR stands for American Racing (American Racing wheels)
  87. AR stands for American Revolution
  88. AR stands for American Rifleman Magazine
  89. AR stands for American Rivers, Inc.
  90. AR stands for American Robin
  91. AR stands for Anal Retentive
  92. AR stands for Analyst Relations (various locations)
  93. AR stands for Analytical Reagent
  94. AR stands for Ancestral Roots (genealogy)
  95. AR stands for Ancien Regime (gaming)
  96. AR stands for Androgen Receptor
  97. AR stands for Angle Resolved
  98. AR stands for Animal Rights
  99. AR stands for Annual Rate
  100. AR stands for Annual Report
  101. AR stands for Annual Return
  102. AR
    stands for Annual Reviews
  103. AR stands for Anomaly Report
  104. AR stands for Antibiotic Resistance
  105. AR stands for Antimicrobial Resistance
  106. AR stands for Anti-Radar
  107. AR stands for Anti-Radiation
  108. AR stands for Anti-Reflectance
  109. AR stands for Anti-Reflection
  110. AR stands for Anti-Reflective
  111. AR stands for Anton Rubinstein (classical pianist)
  112. AR stands for Aortic Regurgitation (aortic insufficiency)
  113. AR stands for Appenzell Ausser-Rhoden (postcode, Switzerland)
  114. AR stands for Appenzell Außerrhoden (Swiss Half Canton)
  115. AR stands for Application Record
  116. AR stands for Application Requester
  117. AR stands for Approval Request
  118. AR stands for Approved Rejected
  119. AR stands for Approximate Reasoning
  120. AR stands for Aqua Regia
  121. AR stands for Arabic
  122. AR stands for Archival Researcher
  123. AR stands for Area Ratio
  124. AR stands for Area Record (sports)
  125. AR stands for Area Representative
  126. AR stands for Arezzo, Toscana (Italian province)
  127. AR stands for Argent (Heraldic White or Silver)
  128. AR stands for Argentina
  129. AR stands for Argon
  130. AR stands for Argonne Area Office (US DOE)
  131. AR stands for Arise Records
  132. AR stands for Arista Records (record label)
  133. AR stands for Arizona Republic (newspaper)
  134. AR stands for Arkansas (US postal abbreviation)
  135. AR stands for Armalite (rifle company)
  136. AR stands for ArmaLite Rifle (engineering company; Genesco, IL)
  137. AR stands for Armor
  138. AR stands for Armor Rating (gaming, Asheron’s Call 2)
  139. AR stands for Armor Rendering (gaming, Asheron’s Call)
  140. AR stands for Arm’s Reach
  141. AR stands for Army Ranger
  142. AR stands for Army Regulation
  143. AR stands for Army Reserve
  144. AR stands for Aromatic
  145. AR stands for Arrest Report (law enforcement)
  146. AR stands for Arrêté Royal (French: Royal Decree; Belgium)
  147. AR stands for Arrezo (postcode, Italy)
  148. AR stands for Arrow Revolver (game, Mabinogi)
  149. AR stands for Arsenide
  150. AR stands for Art Remains (online art gallery)
  151. AR stands for Artificial Respiration (aka artificial resuscitation)
  152. AR stands for Artificial Resuscitation
  153. AR stands for As Removed (avionics)
  154. AR stands for As Required
  155. AR stands for Asistencia Respiratoria
  156. AR stands for Aspect Ratio
  157. AR stands for ASR Status
  158. AR stands for Assault Rifle
  159. AR stands for Assembleia da República (Portuguese parliament)
  160. AR stands for Assessment Request
  161. AR stands for Asset Reconciliation
  162. AR stands for Assistant Referee (sports)
  163. AR stands for Assistant Registrar
  164. AR stands for Associate Referee (various organizations)
  165. AR stands for Association Rules
  166. AR stands for Atlantic Records (record label)
  167. AR stands for Atmospheric Research
  168. AR stands for Atmospheric Revitalization
  169. AR stands for Atrophic Rhinitis (pig respiratory disease)
  170. AR stands for Attack Rating (Diablo II)
  171. AR stands for Attack Release
  172. AR stands for Attributable Risk
  173. AR stands for Attributive Risk
  174. AR stands for Attrition Rate
  175. AR stands for Attrition Reserve (aircraft)
  176. AR stands for Auburn Reporter (community newspaper)
  177. AR stands for Augmented Reality
  178. AR stands for Auscultacion Respiratoria (Spanish: Respiratory Auscultation)
  179. AR stands for Authorization Request
  180. AR stands for Authorized Representative
  181. AR stands for Authorized Reseller
  182. AR stands for Auto Redial
  183. AR stands for Automated Reasoning
  184. AR stands for Automatic Recall (Bellcore)
  185. AR stands for Automatic Response
  186. AR stands for Automatic Resupply
  187. AR stands for Automatic Rifle
  188. AR stands for Automation Resources
  189. AR stands for Autonomous Republic
  190. AR stands for Autoregressive
  191. AR stands for Autosomal Recessive (genetics; recessive gene on one of the 23 pairs of autosomes)
  192. AR stands for Auxiliary Receiver
  193. AR stands for Auxiliary Relay
  194. AR stands for Auxiliary Room
  195. AR stands for Avance-Retard (French)
  196. AR stands for Avis de Réception (Canada Post)
  197. AR stands for Axial Ratio
  198. AR stands for Ayn Rand (novelist and philosopher)
  199. AR stands for Postal Fiscal (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
  200. AR stands for Repair Ship

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