1. AADC stands for Australian Antarctic Data Centre (Hobart, Australia)
  2. AADC stands for Area Air Defense Commander
  3. AADC stands for Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation
  4. AADC stands for Australian Army Dental Corps
  5. AADC stands for Aromatic L-Amino Acid Decarboxylase Deficiency
  6. AADC stands for Automated Area Distribution Center (US Postal Service)
  7. AADC stands for Army Air Defense Command(er)
  8. AADC stands for Anti-Aircraft Defence Command (Australia)
  9. AADC stands for Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp (Gutman book)
  10. AADC stands for Adelaide Advertising and Design Club Inc. (Australia)
  11. AADC stands for Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance (various organizations)
  12. AADC stands for All Applications Digital Computer
  13. AADC stands for Advanced Avionics Digital Computer
  14. AADC stands for Approach and Departure Control
  15. AADC stands for Avionics Architecture Design Change
  16. AADC stands for Anterior Adductor of the Coxa
Abbreviations And Their Meaning