- AAG stands for Association of American Geographers (Washington, DC)
- AAG stands for American Association of Geographers (Washington, DC)
- AAG stands for Assistant Attorney General
- AAG stands for Aboriginal Art Gallery (Australia)
- AAG stands for Alaska Air Group (aviation)
- AAG stands for Air and Ground (freight transportation services)
- AAG stands for Allgemeine Anthroposophische Gesellschaft (German: General Anthroposophical Society)
- AAG stands for Australian Association of Gerontology
- AAG stands for Asia-America Gateway (submarine communications cable system)
- AAG stands for Allied Arts Guild (Menlo Park, CA)
- AAG stands for Asociación Argentina de Golf
- AAG stands for Assistant Adjutant General
- AAG stands for Advanced Arresting Gear
- AAG stands for Assistant Auditor General
- AAG stands for Academic Advisory Group (various organizations)
- AAG stands for Advanced Analytics Group (Bain & Company; Los Angeles, CA)
- AAG stands for Affirmative Action Group (Zimbabwe)
- AAG stands for Anti-Aircraft Gun
- AAG stands for Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry (math conference)
- AAG stands for Aeromedical Airlift Group
- AAG stands for Australian Acoustic Generator (minesweeping device)
- AAG stands for Alpha-Acid Glycoprotein
- AAG stands for Army Artillery Group (Opposing Forces)
- AAG stands for Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma
- AAG stands for Association of American Geologists
- AAG stands for Athletics Association of Guyana (formerly Amateur Athletic Association of Guyana)
- AAG stands for Asociación Audubon de Guatemala (Audubon Association of Guatemala)
- AAG stands for Amis Aquariophiles Gouesnou (French: Aquarist Friends Gouesnou; Gouesnou, France)
- AAG stands for AS/400 Advocacy Group (IBM AS/400 midrange system)
- AAG stands for Anciennes Automobiles du Gier (French car club)