1. AAH stands for Aachen (IATA airport/city code)
  2. AAH stands for Aux Adultes Handicapés (French: Disabled Adults)
  3. AAH stands for Alameda Alliance for Health (Alameda, CA)
  4. AAH stands for Allocation aux Adultes Handicapés (French: Allowance for Disabled Adults; est. 1975)
  5. AAH stands for Association of Art Historians (est. 1974; UK)
  6. AAH stands for Acute Alcoholic Hepatatis (disease)
  7. AAH stands for Action Against Hunger
  8. AAH stands for Adopt-A-Highway (litter removal program, USA)
  9. AAH stands for Art and Architectural History (various schools)
  10. AAH stands for Aquatic Animal Health (various organizations)
  11. AAH stands for Administrateur Ad Hoc (French: Ad Hoc Administrator)
  12. AAH stands for Atypical Adenomatous Hyperplasia
  13. AAH stands for Advanced Attack Helicopter
  14. AAH stands for Americans Against Hate
  15. AAH stands for Aloha Airlines (ICAO code)
  16. AAH stands for Art Association of Harrisburg (est. 1926; Harrisburg, PA)
  17. AAH stands for African Americans for Humanism (Council for Secular Humanism)
  18. AAH
    stands for Australian Auxiliary Hospital
  19. AAH stands for Australian Academy of Humanities
  20. AAH stands for Association of Ancient Historians (Salt Lake City, UT)
  21. AAH stands for Atmospheric Aerosols and Health (University of California, Davis)
  22. AAH stands for Apache Attack Helicopter
  23. AAH stands for Aktion Afrika Hilfe (German NGO)
  24. AAH stands for All-Around Helper (Lobotomy Corporation game)
  25. AAH stands for Asia Alliance Holdings (Japan)
  26. AAH
    stands for Act Against Homophobia (Faroe Islands)
  27. AAH stands for Association d’Aide à l’Humanitaire (French: Association for Humanitarian Assistance)
  28. AAH stands for Association of African Hydrologists
  29. AAH stands for Automatic Attitude Hold
  30. AAH stands for Ada Adoption Handbook
  31. AAH stands for Academy on Architecture for Health
  32. AAH stands for Alliance for Alternatives in Healthcare
  33. AAH stands for Association pour l’Action Humanitaire (French)
  34. AAH stands for Automated Alarm Handling
  35. AAH stands for Agriculture d’Autrefois dans le Hurepoix (French agricultural history group)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning