- AAH stands for Aachen (IATA airport/city code)
- AAH stands for Aux Adultes Handicapés (French: Disabled Adults)
- AAH stands for Alameda Alliance for Health (Alameda, CA)
- AAH stands for Allocation aux Adultes Handicapés (French: Allowance for Disabled Adults; est. 1975)
- AAH stands for Association of Art Historians (est. 1974; UK)
- AAH stands for Acute Alcoholic Hepatatis (disease)
- AAH stands for Action Against Hunger
- AAH stands for Adopt-A-Highway (litter removal program, USA)
- AAH stands for Art and Architectural History (various schools)
- AAH stands for Aquatic Animal Health (various organizations)
- AAH stands for Administrateur Ad Hoc (French: Ad Hoc Administrator)
- AAH stands for Atypical Adenomatous Hyperplasia
- AAH stands for Advanced Attack Helicopter
- AAH stands for Americans Against Hate
- AAH stands for Aloha Airlines (ICAO code)
- AAH stands for Art Association of Harrisburg (est. 1926; Harrisburg, PA)
- AAH stands for African Americans for Humanism (Council for Secular Humanism)
- AAH stands for Australian Auxiliary Hospital
- AAH stands for Australian Academy of Humanities
- AAH stands for Association of Ancient Historians (Salt Lake City, UT)
- AAH stands for Atmospheric Aerosols and Health (University of California, Davis)
- AAH stands for Apache Attack Helicopter
- AAH stands for Aktion Afrika Hilfe (German NGO)
- AAH stands for All-Around Helper (Lobotomy Corporation game)
- AAH stands for Asia Alliance Holdings (Japan)
- AAH stands for Act Against Homophobia (Faroe Islands)
- AAH stands for Association d’Aide à l’Humanitaire (French: Association for Humanitarian Assistance)
- AAH stands for Association of African Hydrologists
- AAH stands for Automatic Attitude Hold
- AAH stands for Ada Adoption Handbook
- AAH stands for Academy on Architecture for Health
- AAH stands for Alliance for Alternatives in Healthcare
- AAH stands for Association pour l’Action Humanitaire (French)
- AAH stands for Automated Alarm Handling
- AAH stands for Agriculture d’Autrefois dans le Hurepoix (French agricultural history group)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning