1. AAI stands for Arab American Institute (Washington, DC)
  2. AAI stands for American Association of Immunologists
  3. AAI stands for Atheist Alliance International
  4. AAI stands for All Appropriate Inquiry
  5. AAI stands for AirTran Holdings, Inc. (Nevada and Florida)
  6. AAI stands for Analisi Ambientale Iniziale (Italian: Initial Environmental Assessment)
  7. AAI stands for Airport Authority of India
  8. AAI stands for Accredited Adviser in Insurance
  9. AAI stands for Afro Asiatisches Institut (German: Afro-Asian Institute; Austria)
  10. AAI stands for American Antitrust Institute
  11. AAI stands for Adjusted Available Income (student financial aid)
  12. AAI stands for Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure
  13. AAI stands for Alpine Ascents International (Seattle, WA)
  14. AAI stands for Allied Armies in Itlay
  15. AAI stands for Area of Archaeological Importance (UK)
  16. AAI stands for Adoption Associates Inc (Jenison, MI)
  17. AAI stands for Asian Arts Initiative (various locations)
  18. AAI stands for Asia America Initiative (Washington, DC)
  19. AAI stands for Airline Ambassadors International
  20. AAI stands for Adoption Advocates International (Port Angeles, WA)
  21. AAI stands for Alliance of American Insurers
  22. AAI stands for Architectural Association of Ireland (Dublin, Ireland; est. 1896)
  23. AAI stands for African-American Institute (formerly Institute of African American Relations, Washington DC)
  24. AAI stands for Action Aid International (South Africa)
  25. AAI stands for Adam Aircraft Industries
  26. AAI stands for Ankle-Arm Index (atherosclerosis)
  27. AAI stands for Asian American Institute
  28. AAI stands for Agribusiness Association of Iowa
  29. AAI stands for Advantest America, Inc. (various locations)
  30. AAI stands for Autodesk Approved Instructor
  31. AAI stands for Airline Automation Inc
  32. AAI stands for Aristolochic Acid I (toxicology)
  33. AAI stands for Alliance for Africa’s Industrialization
  34. AAI stands for Asosiasi Advokat Indonesia (Indonesian Advocates Association)
  35. AAI stands for American Acrylic Injection Inc (Farmersville, TX)
  36. AAI stands for Angle of Approach Indicator
  37. AAI stands for Acute Alcohol Intoxication
  38. AAI stands for Australians against Islam
  39. AAI
    stands for Amerinex Applied Imaging, Inc
  40. AAI stands for Arkansas Aging Initiative
  41. AAI stands for Alliance for American Innovation
  42. AAI stands for Alexandria Archive Institute (San Francisco, CA)
  43. AAI stands for Arrival Aircraft Interval (air traffic control)
  44. AAI stands for Asociación Argentina para la Infancia (Spanish)
  45. AAI stands for AFAQ-AFNOR International
  46. AAI stands for Administrative Authority Identifier
  47. AAI stands for Abbreviations, Acronyms and Initialisms
  48. AAI stands for Air-to-Air Interrogator
  49. AAI stands for Alliance Academy International
  50. AAI stands for American Atelier, Inc. (Allentown, PA)
  51. AAI stands for Automated AUTODIN Interface
  52. AAI stands for Armstrong Associates, Inc.
  53. AAI stands for Air-to-Air Interface
  54. AAI stands for Agent Administratif des Impôts (French: Tax Administrative Officer)
  55. AAI stands for Automatic Accounting Instruction (J.D. Edwards)
  56. AAI stands for Aortic Arch Interruption
  57. AAI stands for Air-to-Air Intercept
  58. AAI stands for Applications Alarms Infrastructure
  59. AAI stands for Aircraft Armament Incorporated
  60. AAI stands for Alternatives to Abortion International
  61. AAI stands for Asean Australasia and India
  62. AAI stands for Association des Anciens de l’Isty (French: Association of the Former students of ISTY, French school in Versailles)
  63. AAI stands for All American Industries Company
  64. AAI stands for Antenna-Air Interface
  65. AAI stands for Audit Action Item
  66. AAI stands for Automated Acquisition Information
  67. AAI stands for Agents Available Interval (Sprint)
  68. AAI stands for Aesthetic Artist Interview
  69. AAI stands for AMMRL Activity Identifier
  70. AAI stands for Army Analysis Intelligence
  71. AAI stands for American Alpine Institution
  72. AAI stands for All Actors Integration
  73. AAI stands for Airborne Alert Indoctrination
  74. AAI stands for Automobiles Anciennes de l’Indre (French automobile club)
  75. AAI stands for Atlantique Automatismes Incendie (French: Atlantic Fire Automation; fire protection system company)
  76. AAI stands for Automobile Association Ireland (est. 1910)
  77. AAI stands for Agence Azur Investigations (French private detective agency; Nice, France)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning