- AAV stands for Adeno-Associated Virus
- AAV stands for Association of Avian Veterinarians
- AAV stands for Amphibious Assault Vehicle (US DoD)
- AAV stands for Average Annual Value
- AAV stands for Advanced Audio Visual (various organizations)
- AAV stands for Air Admittance Valve (plumbing)
- AAV stands for Acoustic Analysis of Voice (speech-language pathology)
- AAV stands for All Activity Vehicle (Mercedes-Benz)
- AAV stands for Adopt A Village
- AAV stands for Abilities, Attitudes and Values (psychology scale)
- AAV stands for Airborne Assault Vehicle
- AAV stands for Autonomous Air Vehicle
- AAV stands for Auxiliary Air Valve
- AAV stands for Association des Artistes Villeurbannais (French: Villeurbanne Artists’ Association)
- AAV stands for Association Astronomique de la Vallée (French: Valley Astronomical Association)
- AAV stands for Alternate Access Vendor(s)
- AAV stands for Asian-American Village
- AAV stands for Authentication Algorithm Version
- AAV stands for Alumni Admissions Volunteers
- AAV stands for Automated Address Verification
- AAV stands for Advanced Aerospace Vehicle
- AAV stands for Autonomous Armored Vehicle
- AAV stands for Accountability Acceptance Voucher
- AAV stands for Advanced Acoustics and Vibration
- AAV stands for Afloat Asset Visibility
- AAV stands for Air-to-Air Vehicle
- AAV stands for Aviation Assist Visit
- AAV stands for Australian Alpaca Veterinarians
- AAV stands for Autoduellist Association of Vermont (gaming)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning