- ABAA stands for Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America
- ABAA stands for American Blonde d’Aquitaine Association (est. 1973; trade a
- ABAA stands for Associação Brasileira dos Advogados Ambientalistas (Brazil)
- ABAA stands for Air Barrier Association of America
- ABAA stands for Alberta Blonde d’Aquitaine Association (cattle breed; Alber
- ABAA stands for Amateur Built Aircraft Acceptance
- ABAA stands for Alberta Aerospace Association (Canada)
- ABAA stands for Australian Business Aircraft Association
- ABAA stands for American Black Achievement Awards
- ABAA stands for Association of Bangalore Amateur Astronomers (India)
- ABAA stands for Arterial Baroreceptor Afferent Activity
- ABAA stands for American Body Art Association
- ABAA stands for Aschaffenburger Arbeitsagentur
- ABAA stands for Association Brestoise des Anciens d’AES
- ABAA stands for Auto Body Association of America
- ABAA stands for Aylmer Amateur Baseball Association (Québec, Canada)
- ABAA stands for Alberta Bowhunters and Archers Association (Canada)
- ABAA stands for All Bhutan Artists’ Association
- ABAA stands for Age Based Asset Allocation (investing)
- ABAA stands for AnaConn Business Activity Analysis
- ABAA stands for American Black Agriculturists Association
- ABAA stands for Arizona Business Aviation Association
- ABAA stands for Association des Brasseurs Amateurs de l’Auxois
- ABAA stands for Association of Business Advertising Agencies
- ABAA stands for Associação Bujarense de Agricultoras e Agricultores
- ABAA stands for Assurance & Business Advisory Analyst
- ABAA stands for American Boxing and Athletic Association (Bay City, Michiga
- ABAA stands for Asian Business Aviation Association
- ABAA stands for Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art (Australia)
- ABAA stands for Above and Beyond Achievement Award (Casualty Actuarial Soci
- ABAA stands for Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Airman Apprecntice (US Navy)
- ABAA stands for Airman Apprentice, Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Striker (Naval
- ABAA stands for Appropriation and Budget Activity Account
- ABAA stands for Associate of the British Association of Accountants and Aud
- ABAA stands for Addison Business Aviation Association