1. ABO stands for Abonnement (German: Subscription)
  2. ABO stands for Abortion
  3. ABO stands for Aboriginal
  4. ABO stands for Anybody but Obama (politics)
  5. ABO stands for Amway Business Owner
  6. ABO stands for Accumulated Benefit Obligation
  7. ABO stands for Accumulated Benefit Obligation (pension plan accounting)
  8. ABO stands for American Board of Ophthalmology
  9. ABO stands for American Board of Opticianry (Springfield, VA)
  10. ABO stands for Algal Biomass Organization (Preston, MN)
  11. ABO stands for American Board of Orthodontics
  12. ABO stands for Associated Builders and Owners
  13. ABO stands for American Board of Otolaryngology
  14. ABO stands for Association of British Orchestras
  15. ABO stands for Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
  16. ABO stands for Alaska Bird Observatory
  17. ABO stands for Aviators Breathing Oxygen
  18. ABO stands for Army Budget Office
  19. ABO stands for Air Base Operability
  20. ABO stands for American Board of Opticians
  21. ABO stands for Agents of Biological Origin
  22. ABO stands for Accelerated Bookbuilt Offering (investing)
  23. ABO stands for Automated Box Office (American Multi-Cinema, Inc.)
  24. ABO stands for Admin Base Objects (Microsoft IIS)
  25. ABO stands for Air-Breathing Organ (fish biology)
  26. ABO stands for Association des Bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario
  27. ABO stands for Antibodies Blood Group
  28. ABO stands for Atlanta Baroque Orchestra (Atlanta, Georgia)
  29. ABO stands for Access Basing Overflight (UK)
  30. ABO stands for Adiabatic Born-Oppenheimer
  31. ABO stands for Annular Beam Oscillator
  32. ABO stands for Arbitration Out
  33. ABO  stands for Airborne Order
  34. ABO stands for Advanced Byte-Oriented
  35. ABO stands for Absent Bed Occupancy
  36. ABO stands for Asociación Benedictina Olivetana Centro Educacional (Olivetana Benedictine Association Educational Center, Guatemala)
  37. ABO stands for Antibonding Bond Orbital
  38. ABO stands for Across Border Operations
Abbreviations And Their Meaning