1. ACD stands for Automatic Call Distribution
  2. ACD stands for Automatic Call Distributor
  3. ACD stands for Australian Cattle Dog
  4. ACD stands for Atmospheric Chemistry Division (NCAR)
  5. ACD stands for Automated Call Distribution
  6. ACD stands for Authorised Corporate Director
  7. ACD stands for Anti-Cant Device (shooting)
  8. ACD stands for Advanced Chemistry Development
  9. ACD stands for Apple Cinema Display
  10. ACD stands for Anterior Chamber Depth
  11. ACD stands for Allergic Contact Dermatitis
  12. ACD stands for Administration des Contributions Directes (Luxembourg direct tax administration)
  13. ACD stands for Available Chemicals Directory
  14. ACD stands for Asia Cooperation Dialogue (forum of 22 countries)
  15. ACD stands for Active Case Detection (healthcare)
  16. ACD stands for Anti-Cancer Drug
  17. ACD stands for Arthur Conan Doyle (Society)
  18. ACD stands for Acid-Citrate-Dextrose
  19. ACD stands for Active Center Differential
  20. ACD stands for Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics (US NASA)
  21. ACD stands for Appraisal Consulation Document (National Health Service; UK)
  22. ACD stands for Automated Call Distributor
  23. ACD stands for Associate Creative Director
  24. ACD stands for Anemia of Chronic Disease
  25. ACD stands for American Center for Design
  26. ACD stands for Agency for Child Development (various locations)
  27. ACD stands for Antecedent-Contained Deletion (grammar)
  28. ACD stands for American Custom Drying (New Jersey)
  29. ACD stands for Advisory Committee to the Director (US NIH)
  30. ACD stands for American College of Dentists
  31. ACD stands for Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia
  32. ACD stands for Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal
  33. ACD stands for Anticoincidence Detector
  34. ACD stands for Average Call Duration
  35. ACD stands for Assistant Community Director (various organizations)
  36. ACD stands for American College Dictionary
  37. ACD stands for Associação de Cooperação Para O Desenvolvimento (Portuguese: Association for Development Cooperation)
  38. ACD stands for All Channels Driven (amplifiers)
  39. ACD stands for Academic Career Development (various schools)
  40. ACD stands for Arctic Coastal Dynamics
  41. ACD stands for Association Canadienne du Diabète (Canadian Diabetes Association)
  42. ACD stands for Acquisition Career Development
  43. ACD stands for Agents Chimiques Dangereux (French: Hazardous Chemical Agents)
  44. ACD stands for Acute Care Division (various locations)
  45. ACD stands for Automatic Call Director
  46. ACD stands for Assistant Costume Designer
  47. ACD stands for Anticoagulant Citrate Dextrose solution
  48. ACD stands for Académie Canadienne de la Défense (Canadian Defence Academy)
  49. ACD stands for Adjustable Camera Distance (software)
  50. ACD stands for Adult Child of Divorce
  51. ACD stands for Association of Canadian Distillers (Association des Distillateurs Canadiens)
  52. ACD stands for Add Change Delete (database change form)
  53. ACD stands for Acrofacial Dysostosis
  54. ACD stands for Amsterdams Chemisch Dispuut (founded 1945 student organization for chemistry students at Amsterdam University)
  55. ACD stands for Automated Call Director
  56. ACD stands for Advanced Counterfeit Deterrence
  57. ACD stands for Audio Compact Disk
  58. ACD stands for Allocated Configuration Documentation
  59. ACD stands for Advanced Custom Design
  60. ACD stands for Actual Completion Date
  61. ACD stands for Apperception and Cortical Dynamics (psychology)
  62. ACD stands for ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Cosmetic Directive (est. 2003)
  63. ACD stands for Angular Canopy Density
  64. ACD stands for Admiralty Chart Datum
  65. ACD stands for Al’s Confectionary Delights (Daly City, CA)
  66. ACD stands for Advanced Conceptual Design
  67. ACD stands for Anode-to-Cathode Distance (process parameter for electrolysis)
  68. ACD stands for Agent Character Definition (Microsoft file extension)
  69. ACD stands for Assumption College of Davao (Philippines)
  70. ACD stands for Absolute Cardiac Dullness
  71. ACD stands for Alopecia-Contractures-Dwarfism Mental Retardation Syndrome
  72. ACD stands for Associate Cruise Degree (Cruise Lines International Association)
  73. ACD stands for Audit Conseil Défense (French: Audit Defense Council)
  74. ACD stands for Assistant Camp Director
  75. ACD stands for Association for Christian Development
  76. ACD stands for Access Control Definition
  77. ACD stands for Automated Compounding Devices
  78. ACD stands for Airline Coding Directory
  79. ACD stands for Airways Clearance Delivery (Australia)
  80. ACD stands for Audit Clearance Document
  81. ACD stands for Architecture Control Document
  82. ACD stands for Annealed Cold Drawn
  83. ACD stands for Action Description Memorandum
  84. ACD stands for Asymptotic Conical Dipole
  85. ACD stands for Automatic Cancellation Date
  86. ACD stands for Automated Common Diagram
  87. ACD stands for Access Control Document
  88. ACD stands for Administrative Commitment Document
  89. ACD stands for Automatic Conflict Detection (aviation)
  90. ACD stands for Autosomal Co-Dominant
  91. ACD stands for Adaptive Call Distributor
  92. ACD stands for Additional Change Definition
  93. ACD stands for Acoustic Channel Data
  94. ACD stands for Aircraft Certification Directorate
  95. ACD stands for Airlift Communications Division
  96. ACD stands for Aviation Careers Division (US FAA)
  97. ACD stands for Attitude Control Determination/Development
  98. ACD stands for ARTS Computer Display (FAA)
  99. ACD stands for Army Candidate Depot
  100. ACD stands for Air Charge Determination
  101. ACD stands for Advanced Cervical Dilation (OB/Gyn)
  102. ACD stands for Advanced Concepts Division
  103. ACD stands for Adversary Capabilities Document (Missile Defense Agency)
  104. ACD stands for Aerospace Change Directive
  105. ACD stands for Administrative Code Division
  106. ACD stands for Agriculture & Construction Development
  107. ACD stands for Army Combat Developer
  108. ACD stands for Asynchronous Courseware Distribution
  109. ACD stands for Automatic Congestion Detection
  110. ACD stands for Auxiliary Communication Device
  111. ACD stands for Attack Center Display
  112. ACD stands for Area Case Director (education)
  113. ACD stands for Aluminium Compact Degasser (aluminum industry)
  114. ACD stands for Application Consulting Group
  115. ACD stands for Advanced Chip Development

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