- ACD stands for Automatic Call Distribution
- ACD stands for Automatic Call Distributor
- ACD stands for Australian Cattle Dog
- ACD stands for Atmospheric Chemistry Division (NCAR)
- ACD stands for Automated Call Distribution
- ACD stands for Authorised Corporate Director
- ACD stands for Anti-Cant Device (shooting)
- ACD stands for Advanced Chemistry Development
- ACD stands for Apple Cinema Display
- ACD stands for Anterior Chamber Depth
- ACD stands for Allergic Contact Dermatitis
- ACD stands for Administration des Contributions Directes (Luxembourg direct tax administration)
- ACD stands for Available Chemicals Directory
- ACD stands for Asia Cooperation Dialogue (forum of 22 countries)
- ACD stands for Active Case Detection (healthcare)
- ACD stands for Anti-Cancer Drug
- ACD stands for Arthur Conan Doyle (Society)
- ACD stands for Acid-Citrate-Dextrose
- ACD stands for Active Center Differential
- ACD stands for Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics (US NASA)
- ACD stands for Appraisal Consulation Document (National Health Service; UK)
- ACD stands for Automated Call Distributor
- ACD stands for Associate Creative Director
- ACD stands for Anemia of Chronic Disease
- ACD stands for American Center for Design
- ACD stands for Agency for Child Development (various locations)
- ACD stands for Antecedent-Contained Deletion (grammar)
- ACD stands for American Custom Drying (New Jersey)
- ACD stands for Advisory Committee to the Director (US NIH)
- ACD stands for American College of Dentists
- ACD stands for Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia
- ACD stands for Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal
- ACD stands for Anticoincidence Detector
- ACD stands for Average Call Duration
- ACD stands for Assistant Community Director (various organizations)
- ACD stands for American College Dictionary
- ACD stands for Associação de Cooperação Para O Desenvolvimento (Portuguese: Association for Development Cooperation)
- ACD stands for All Channels Driven (amplifiers)
- ACD stands for Academic Career Development (various schools)
- ACD stands for Arctic Coastal Dynamics
- ACD stands for Association Canadienne du Diabète (Canadian Diabetes Association)
- ACD stands for Acquisition Career Development
- ACD stands for Agents Chimiques Dangereux (French: Hazardous Chemical Agents)
- ACD stands for Acute Care Division (various locations)
- ACD stands for Automatic Call Director
- ACD stands for Assistant Costume Designer
- ACD stands for Anticoagulant Citrate Dextrose solution
- ACD stands for Académie Canadienne de la Défense (Canadian Defence Academy)
- ACD stands for Adjustable Camera Distance (software)
- ACD stands for Adult Child of Divorce
- ACD stands for Association of Canadian Distillers (Association des Distillateurs Canadiens)
- ACD stands for Add Change Delete (database change form)
- ACD stands for Acrofacial Dysostosis
- ACD stands for Amsterdams Chemisch Dispuut (founded 1945 student organization for chemistry students at Amsterdam University)
- ACD stands for Automated Call Director
- ACD stands for Advanced Counterfeit Deterrence
- ACD stands for Audio Compact Disk
- ACD stands for Allocated Configuration Documentation
- ACD stands for Advanced Custom Design
- ACD stands for Actual Completion Date
- ACD stands for Apperception and Cortical Dynamics (psychology)
- ACD stands for ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Cosmetic Directive (est. 2003)
- ACD stands for Angular Canopy Density
- ACD stands for Admiralty Chart Datum
- ACD stands for Al’s Confectionary Delights (Daly City, CA)
- ACD stands for Advanced Conceptual Design
- ACD stands for Anode-to-Cathode Distance (process parameter for electrolysis)
- ACD stands for Agent Character Definition (Microsoft file extension)
- ACD stands for Assumption College of Davao (Philippines)
- ACD stands for Absolute Cardiac Dullness
- ACD stands for Alopecia-Contractures-Dwarfism Mental Retardation Syndrome
- ACD stands for Associate Cruise Degree (Cruise Lines International Association)
- ACD stands for Audit Conseil Défense (French: Audit Defense Council)
- ACD stands for Assistant Camp Director
- ACD stands for Association for Christian Development
- ACD stands for Access Control Definition
- ACD stands for Automated Compounding Devices
- ACD stands for Airline Coding Directory
- ACD stands for Airways Clearance Delivery (Australia)
- ACD stands for Audit Clearance Document
- ACD stands for Architecture Control Document
- ACD stands for Annealed Cold Drawn
- ACD stands for Action Description Memorandum
- ACD stands for Asymptotic Conical Dipole
- ACD stands for Automatic Cancellation Date
- ACD stands for Automated Common Diagram
- ACD stands for Access Control Document
- ACD stands for Administrative Commitment Document
- ACD stands for Automatic Conflict Detection (aviation)
- ACD stands for Autosomal Co-Dominant
- ACD stands for Adaptive Call Distributor
- ACD stands for Additional Change Definition
- ACD stands for Acoustic Channel Data
- ACD stands for Aircraft Certification Directorate
- ACD stands for Airlift Communications Division
- ACD stands for Aviation Careers Division (US FAA)
- ACD stands for Attitude Control Determination/Development
- ACD stands for ARTS Computer Display (FAA)
- ACD stands for Army Candidate Depot
- ACD stands for Air Charge Determination
- ACD stands for Advanced Cervical Dilation (OB/Gyn)
- ACD stands for Advanced Concepts Division
- ACD stands for Adversary Capabilities Document (Missile Defense Agency)
- ACD stands for Aerospace Change Directive
- ACD stands for Administrative Code Division
- ACD stands for Agriculture & Construction Development
- ACD stands for Army Combat Developer
- ACD stands for Asynchronous Courseware Distribution
- ACD stands for Automatic Congestion Detection
- ACD stands for Auxiliary Communication Device
- ACD stands for Attack Center Display
- ACD stands for Area Case Director (education)
- ACD stands for Aluminium Compact Degasser (aluminum industry)
- ACD stands for Application Consulting Group
- ACD stands for Advanced Chip Development