1. ACDA stands for American Choral Directors Association
  2. ACDA stands for ACL (Audit Command Language) Certified Data Analyst
  3. ACDA stands for Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
  4. ACDA stands for American Celiac Disease Alliance
  5. ACDA stands for Arms Control and Disarmament Act of 1961
  6. ACDA stands for American Commodity Distribution Association
  7. ACDA stands for Azienda Cuneese Dell’Acqua (Italy)
  8. ACDA stands for Advanced Continuous Descent Approach (National Aerospace Laboratory)
  9. ACDA stands for Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia Association
  10. ACDA stands for Agoro Community Development Association
  11. ACDA stands for Advisory Committee on Distinction Awards
  12. ACDA stands for Air Conditioning Dealer Association (Australia)
  13. ACDA stands for African Cultural and Development Association (Guyana)
  14. ACDA stands for American Country Dance Association
  15. ACDA stands for Automatic Call Disposition Analyzer
  16. ACDA stands for Assured Clear Distance Ahead (driving offense)
  17. ACDA stands for Asamblea Cristiana De Adoracion
  18. ACDA stands for Antiques and Collectibles Dealer Associations (Huntersville, NC)
  19. ACDA stands for Association of Catholic Diocesan Archivists
  20. ACDA stands for Appalachian Community Development Association
  21. ACDA stands for Ayual Community Development Association
  22. ACDA stands for Albany Community Development Agency (New York)
  23. ACDA stands for Australian Canine Disc Association
  24. ACDA stands for Atlanta Cajun Dance Association (Atlanta, GA, USA)
  25. ACDA stands for Alliance of Christian Development Agencies (Philippines)
  26. ACDA stands for Alliance of the California Dental Association
  27. ACDA stands for Azalea Coast Dart Association (Wilmington, NC)
  28. ACDA stands for Association of Certified Domain-Appraisers
  29. ACDA stands for Antigonish Creative Dance Association (Nova Scotia, Scotland)
  30. ACDA stands for American Christian Defense Alliance
  31. ACDA stands for Acid Citrate Dextrose solution A
  32. ACDA stands for Aqua Camp Diving Academy (Jacksonville, FL)
  33. ACDA stands for Almaty City Development Agency (Republic of Kazakhstan)
  34. ACDA stands for Alpine Club des Alpes (French automobile club)
  35. ACDA stands for ARGPAN Curtea de Arges
  36. ACDA stands for Aviation Combat Development Agency
  37. ACDA stands for Association of Community Development Agencies (UK)
  38. ACDA stands for African Caribbean Disablement Association (London, England, UK)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning