1. ACE stands for American Council on Exercise
  2. ACE stands for American Council on Education
  3. ACE stands for Adobe Certified Expert
  4. ACE stands for Advanced Composition Explorer
  5. ACE stands for Adult Continuing Education
  6. ACE stands for Automated Commercial Environment (US Customs)
  7. ACE stands for America’s Cash Express
  8. ACE stands for Accelerated Christian Education
  9. ACE stands for American Coaster Enthusiasts
  10. ACE stands for Atlantic City Electric (utility; New Jersey)
  11. ACE stands for AFE (Authorisation for Expenditure) Cost Estimate
  12. ACE stands for Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
  13. ACE stands for Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme
  14. ACE stands for Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (University of Waterloo’s Chemistry Department)
  15. ACE stands for American Cinema Editors
  16. ACE stands for Achieving Competitive Excellence
  17. ACE stands for Adaptive Communication Environment (OO, C++, programming toolkit by Douglas Schmidt)
  18. ACE stands for Army Corps of Engineers
  19. ACE stands for Alliance for Consumer Education
  20. ACE stands for Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme
  21. ACE stands for Adult and Community Education (various locations)
  22. ACE stands for A Competitive Edge
  23. ACE stands for Advanced Computer Entertainment (magazine)
  24. ACE stands for Altamont Commuter Express
  25. ACE stands for Association of Colleges and Employers
  26. ACE stands for Academy for Continuing Education (various organizations)
  27. ACE stands for Access Control Entry
  28. ACE stands for Auto Credit Express (Auburn Hills, MI)
  29. ACE stands for Advanced Compatibility Engineering (Acura)
  30. ACE stands for A Commitment to Excellence (various organizations)
  31. ACE stands for Association for Consultancy and Engineering (UK)
  32. ACE stands for Award for Corporate Excellence
  33. ACE stands for American College of Endocrinology
  34. ACE stands for Arab Consulting Engineers (Egypt)
  35. ACE stands for Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination (neurology)
  36. ACE stands for Attestato di Certificazione Energetica (Italian: Energy Performance Certificate)
  37. ACE stands for American Coalition for Ethanol
  38. ACE stands for Arts, Culture and Education (various locations)
  39. ACE stands for Advisory Centre for Education
  40. ACE stands for Academic and Career Exploration (various schools)
  41. ACE stands for Administration and Cost of Elections (United Nations project)
  42. ACE stands for Accounting and Computer Enterprises
  43. ACE stands for Automatic Control Engineering (various locations)
  44. ACE stands for Automatic Control Equipment
  45. ACE stands for Antegrade Continence Enema
  46. ACE stands for A Curriculum for Excellence (education; various locations)
  47. ACE stands for Architecture Construction Engineering (school; Portland, OR)
  48. ACE stands for Anime Contents Expo (Japan)
  49. ACE stands for Advanced Computing Environment
  50. ACE stands for Annual Convention and Exposition (various organizations)
  51. ACE stands for Agricultural and Consumer Economics (Illinois)
  52. ACE stands for Action for Children’s Education
  53. ACE stands for Australian College of Educators
  54. ACE stands for Academy of Creative Education (various locations)
  55. ACE stands for Action Community for Entrepreneurship (Singapore)
  56. ACE stands for Allied Command, Europe
  57. ACE stands for Annual Creativity in Electronics (awards)
  58. ACE stands for Action Catholique des Enfants (French: Catholic Action for Children)
  59. ACE stands for Air Compressor Equipment (Wilson, NC)
  60. ACE stands for Aviation Combat Element (MAGTF)
  61. ACE stands for Automatic Content Extraction
  62. ACE stands for African Centered Education
  63. ACE stands for Award for Customer Excellence
  64. ACE stands for Automatic Computing Engine
  65. ACE stands for Agricultural Communicators in Education
  66. ACE stands for Arts Council of England
  67. ACE stands for Advanced Continuing Education (various organizations)
  68. ACE stands for Aviation Combat Element
  69. ACE stands for Attempto Controlled English (linguistics)
  70. ACE stands for Australian Computer Society
  71. ACE stands for ASCII Compatible Encoding
  72. ACE stands for Agent-based Computational Economics
  73. ACE stands for Analysis and Control Element
  74. ACE stands for Age Concern England (UK)
  75. ACE stands for Annual Conference and Exposition
  76. ACE stands for Alternatives for Community and Environment
  77. ACE stands for Association of Consulting Engineers
  78. ACE stands for Association of Consulting Engineers (UK)
  79. ACE stands for Assured Computing Environment (VMware)
  80. ACE stands for Architects’ Council of Europe (Brussels, Belgium)
  81. ACE stands for Active Cornering Enhancement (automobile)
  82. ACE stands for Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment
  83. ACE stands for Autism Centers of Excellence (US NIH)
  84. ACE stands for Atmosphere, Climate & Environment
  85. ACE stands for Rapid Reaction Corps
  86. ACE stands for Association des Cinémathèques Européennes (French: Association of European Filmarchives)
  87. ACE stands for Alliance for Civic Engagement (various schools)
  88. ACE stands for American Cultural Exchange
  89. ACE stands for Atlantic City Expressway (New Jersey)
  90. ACE stands for Australian Communication Exchange
  91. ACE stands for Air Combat Element (NATO)
  92. ACE stands for Acute Care for the Elderly (various locations)
  93. ACE stands for Association Canadienne d’Éducation (French: Canadian Education Association)
  94. ACE stands for Arts, Culture and Entertainment (awards; Illinois)
  95. ACE stands for Area Control Error
  96. ACE stands for Association of Canadian Ergonomists
  97. ACE stands for Australian Conference of Economists
  98. ACE stands for Asynchronous Compute Engine (computer technology)
  99. ACE stands for Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment (Arlington, VA)
  100. ACE stands for Americans Communicating Electronically
  101. ACE stands for Aerosol Characterization Experiment (IGAC)
  102. ACE stands for Adjusted Current Earnings
  103. ACE stands for Antigène Carcino-Embryonnaire (French: Carcino-Embryonic Antigen)
  104. ACE stands for Action against Child Exploitation
  105. ACE stands for Academic Centers of Excellence (ASPH)
  106. ACE stands for Alliance for Clean Energy
  107. ACE stands for Acute Coronary Event
  108. ACE stands for Ashepoo, Combahee, and Edisto (South Carolina coastal river basin environment)
  109. ACE stands for Adverse Childhood Experience
  110. ACE stands for American College of Epidemiology
  111. ACE stands for Antarctic Climate Evolution
  112. ACE stands for Army Continuing Education
  113. ACE stands for Association for the Conservation of Energy (UK)
  114. ACE stands for Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs
  115. ACE stands for Advanced Continuous Emission (Pioneer, plasma)
  116. ACE stands for Athlete Career and Education (UK and Australia)
  117. ACE stands for Actors Cabaret of Eugene (Eugene, OR)
  118. ACE stands for Any Credible Evidence
  119. ACE stands for Acquisition Center of Excellence
  120. ACE stands for Association of Club Executives
  121. ACE stands for Association of Computer Enthusiasts (various locations)
  122. ACE stands for Award for Creative Excellence (various organizations)
  123. ACE stands for Airmen Committed to Excellence (US Air Force)
  124. ACE stands for Advanced Collaborative Environment
  125. ACE stands for Accuracy and Coverage Evaluation (US Census)
  126. ACE stands for Association for Conferences and Events
  127. ACE stands for Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis
  128. ACE stands for Adult Christian Education
  129. ACE stands for Alternative Center for Education
  130. ACE stands for Architectuurcentrum Eindhoven (Dutch: Eindhoven Architecture Center; Eindhoven, Netherlands)
  131. ACE stands for Auckland College of Education
  132. ACE stands for Automatic Calling Equipment
  133. ACE stands for Alliance for Construction Excellence
  134. ACE stands for Aircraft Cabin Environment
  135. ACE stands for Active Corps of Executives
  136. ACE stands for Application Consulting and Engineering (Microsoft)
  137. ACE stands for Australasian Computing Education Conference
  138. ACE stands for Public Alliance for Community Energy (Lincoln, NE)
  139. ACE stands for Atlanta Comics Expo (Atlanta, GA)
  140. ACE stands for Aboa Centre for Economics (Finland)
  141. ACE stands for Arts for a Complete Education
  142. ACE stands for Active Community Environments (CDC Initiative)
  143. ACE stands for Advisory Council on the Environment (UK)
  144. ACE stands for Access Control Encryption
  145. ACE stands for AXIS Camera Explorer (software)
  146. ACE stands for Academic Continuing Education
  147. ACE stands for Association of Clinical Embryologists
  148. ACE stands for Acquisition Center for Excellence (various US DoD organizations)
  149. ACE stands for Academic and Cultural Exchange, Inc. (est. 1996)
  150. ACE stands for Actuator Control Electronics (aviation)
  151. ACE stands for Alternative Cooperative Education
  152. ACE stands for Accent and Conversational English (language coaching)
  153. ACE stands for Agriculture in Concert with the Environment (EPA)
  154. ACE stands for Association of Cultural Executives (Association des Cadres d’Institutions Culturelles – Canada)
  155. ACE stands for Afro-Cuban Ensemble
  156. ACE stands for Adverse Channel Enhancements (Microcom)
  157. ACE stands for Association of Christian Economists
  158. ACE stands for Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh
  159. ACE stands for Assembly on Computers in English
  160. ACE stands for Air Cargo Estonia (shipping)
  161. ACE stands for Alternating Conditional Expectations
  162. ACE stands for Average Current Earnings
  163. ACE stands for Advisory Committee on the Environment (ICSU)
  164. ACE stands for Architects, Contractors, Engineers Guide to Construction Costs (book)
  165. ACE stands for Attitude Control Electronics
  166. ACE stands for Affirmative Civil Enforcement (Civil Division, US Department of Justice)
  167. ACE stands for Access to a College Education
  168. ACE stands for Advanced Contrast Enhancement (Sony)
  169. ACE stands for Antenna Center of Excellence (2004-2007)
  170. ACE stands for Agence pour le Commerce Extérieur
  171. ACE stands for Assisting Children Everywhere (UNICEF-ATP partnership)
  172. ACE stands for Airborne Command Element
  173. ACE stands for ASEAN Center for Energy
  174. ACE stands for Alamance Citizens for Education (est. 2005; North Carolina)
  175. ACE stands for Association of Chemistry and the Environment (Dijon, France)
  176. ACE stands for Area Code/Exchange
  177. ACE stands for Airport Certified Employee (designation; American Association of Airport Executives)
  178. ACE stands for Asynchronous Communications Element
  179. ACE stands for Aide au Conseil aux Entreprises
  180. ACE stands for Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education (Louisiana State University National Center for Biomedical Research and Training)
  181. ACE stands for Adjusted Common Equity
  182. ACE stands for Airport City Express (band)
  183. ACE stands for Algebraic Combinatorics Environment
  184. ACE stands for Atlantic Coast Entertainment (Professional Entertainment Company)
  185. ACE stands for Autoimmunity Centers of Excellence
  186. ACE stands for Association Canadienne d’Économique (Canadian Economics Association)
  187. ACE stands for Advanced Coding Efficiency
  188. ACE stands for Athlete’s Competitive Edge (various organizations)
  189. ACE stands for Automatic Checkout Equipment
  190. ACE stands for Ask, Care, Escort (suicide prevention training; US Army)
  191. ACE stands for Active Community Environment
  192. ACE stands for Aviation Centre of Excellence (Canada)
  193. ACE stands for Associação dos Correspondentes Estrangeiros (Association of Foreign Correspondents; Brazil)
  194. ACE stands for Advanced Cluster Environment
  195. ACE stands for Airport Capacity Enhancement
  196. ACE stands for Association des Concepteurs Lumière et Eclairagistes (French: Association of Light and Lighting Designers)
  197. ACE stands for Autodesk Certified Evaluator (software)
  198. ACE stands for Army Communities of Excellence (Award program for Army bases)
  199. ACE stands for Achieving Customer Excellence (Quality of Service Survey)
  200. ACE stands for Association of Childhood Education
  201. ACE stands for Association of Computer Engineers (various locations)
  202. ACE stands for Applied Control Engineering, Inc.
  203. ACE stands for Applied Control Engineering, Inc. (Process control integration company in Wilmington, DE, USA)
  204. ACE stands for Acceptance Checkout Equipment
  205. ACE stands for Aerobatic Competency Evaluator
  206. ACE stands for Aerospace Camp Experience (Museum of Flight, Seattle, WA)
  207. ACE stands for Asia Capacity Exchange
  208. ACE stands for Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain – Lanzarote (Airport Code)
  209. ACE stands for Association of Charter Educators
  210. ACE stands for Africom Cyberspace Engagement
  211. ACE stands for After the Common Era
  212. ACE stands for Achieving Communications Excellence
  213. ACE stands for Assistant Chief of Engineers
  214. ACE stands for Air Combat Electronics
  215. ACE stands for All-Cotton Elastic (bandage)
  216. ACE stands for Adult and Community Educators of Florida, Inc.
  217. ACE stands for Adaptive Content Exchange (CacheFlow)
  218. ACE stands for Adaptive Coherence Estimator
  219. ACE stands for Animated Communications Effectiveness
  220. ACE stands for Armored Combat Earthmover, M9
  221. ACE stands for Adaptive Communications Element (USAF)
  222. ACE stands for Advanced Capability Engineering (cars)
  223. ACE stands for Anglican Church of England
  224. ACE stands for adCenter Editor (Microsoft)
  225. ACE stands for Advanced Cycle Engineering
  226. ACE stands for Accelerated Copilot Enrichment
  227. ACE stands for Action for Cooperation in Economics
  228. ACE stands for AMX Certified Expert
  229. ACE stands for Acorn Computer Enterprises (company)
  230. ACE stands for Adrenocortical Extract
  231. ACE stands for Anchorage Council of Education
  232. ACE stands for Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc.
  233. ACE stands for Animal Care of España
  234. ACE stands for Access to Cosmetology Education
  235. ACE stands for ASOS Controller Equipment (FAA)
  236. ACE stands for Auto Club Europa eV
  237. ACE stands for Active Constellation Extension
  238. ACE stands for Auxiliary Control Element
  239. ACE stands for Active Core Exhaust
  240. ACE stands for Armored Combat Engineer
  241. ACE stands for American Cheer Elite (cheerleading camp)
  242. ACE stands for Animal Centers of Excellence
  243. ACE stands for Automated Cost Estimator (ACEIT tool)
  244. ACE stands for Association of Conference Executives
  245. ACE stands for Ammunition, Casualty, and Equipment
  246. ACE stands for American Contracting Exchange Inc.
  247. ACE stands for Air Combat Engagement
  248. ACE stands for Amstelveen College Class of Excellence (Netherlands)
  249. ACE stands for Accredited Center for Education (Sair Linux & GNU training facility)
  250. ACE stands for Adaptive Channel Estimation
  251. ACE stands for Accessibility Center of Excellence
  252. ACE stands for Armored Combat Excavator
  253. ACE stands for Americans for Constitutional Enforcement
  254. ACE stands for Automated Cable Expertise (AT&T)
  255. ACE stands for Accountability, Creativity and Efficiency
  256. ACE stands for Attitude, Commitment, Excellence
  257. ACE stands for Advisory Council of Experts (YourDictionary.com)
  258. ACE stands for Advanced Computer Education
  259. ACE stands for Atlantic Center for the Environment (Canada)
  260. ACE stands for Address Correction and Encoding (USPS)
  261. ACE stands for A Compact ENDF (file format)
  262. ACE stands for Aéro Club de l’Est (French model airplane club)
  263. ACE stands for Airspace Control Element
  264. ACE stands for Analytical Control Element
  265. ACE stands for Antarctic Current Experiment
  266. ACE stands for Advocacy Center for the Elderly
  267. ACE stands for Adriamycin Cyclophosphamide Etoposide (chemotherapy regime)
  268. ACE stands for Advanced Certification Equipment (aviation)
  269. ACE stands for Achieving the Competitive Edge
  270. ACE stands for Amex Commodities Exchange
  271. ACE stands for American Commodity Exchange (stock exchange)
  272. ACE stands for Actors Conservatory Ensemble
  273. ACE stands for Ada Common Environment
  274. ACE stands for Air Coordination Element
  275. ACE stands for Air and space Constructive Environment (US Air Force)
  276. ACE stands for Agile Control Experiment
  277. ACE stands for Allied Capital Express (now part of Business Loan Express, Inc.)
  278. ACE stands for Appalachian Controls Environmental
  279. ACE stands for Advanced Control Experiment
  280. ACE stands for aviation combat element Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF)
  281. ACE stands for Association des Chefs d’Entreprise (French)
  282. ACE stands for Advancing Claims Excellence (insurance)
  283. ACE stands for Advocates for Children’s Education
  284. ACE stands for Accelerated Citizen Examination
  285. ACE stands for Assistant Corps Engineer
  286. ACE stands for Assessment of Combat Effectiveness
  287. ACE stands for Asociación de Colegiales Evangélicos (Association of Evangelical Collegiates; University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus)
  288. ACE stands for Allegro Crypto Engine (Cisco)
  289. ACE stands for All Computing Environments (Telos Corp.)
  290. ACE stands for Avenger Control Electronics
  291. ACE stands for Airshow Certification Evaluator
  292. ACE stands for Aircraft Carrier Engineering
  293. ACE stands for Abstinence Commitment Effect (recovery programs)
  294. ACE stands for Adaptive Code-Excited linear prediction
  295. ACE stands for Aircraft Common Equipment
  296. ACE stands for Airborne Communications and Electronics
  297. ACE stands for All-source Collection Element (US Army intelligence)
  298. ACE stands for Amherst Chamber Ensembles
  299. ACE stands for AMRAAM Captive Equipment
  300. ACE stands for American Craft Endeavors
  301. ACE stands for ASAS Collateral Enclave
  302. ACE stands for Arkansas Cheer Elite (cheerleading team)
  303. ACE stands for Articulation and Collaboration for Excellence (education)
  304. ACE stands for Acquisition Career Enhancement
  305. ACE stands for Advanced Cost Estimating
  306. ACE stands for Aerosol Control Experiment
  307. ACE stands for Array Clamp Electronics
  308. ACE stands for Alternate Capability Equipment
  309. ACE stands for Alliance for Customer Excellence
  310. ACE stands for Agile Controlled Experiment
  311. ACE stands for Aerotherm Chemical Equilibrium
  312. ACE stands for Aircraft Carrier Elevator
  313. ACE stands for Advanced Concept Exploration
  314. ACE stands for Advanced Containment Experiment
  315. ACE stands for Accelerated Curriculum for Entrepreneurs
  316. ACE stands for Atmospheric Collection Equipment
  317. ACE stands for Automated Contracts Environment
  318. ACE stands for Auxiliary Cable Entrance facility
  319. ACE stands for Axially Compliant Expansion tool (oilfield)
  320. ACE stands for Adaptive Communication Equipment
  321. ACE stands for Admissions officers and Credentials Evaluators
  322. ACE stands for Affirmative Civil Enforcement Program (US Department of Justice)
  323. ACE stands for Aerospace Control Environment
  324. ACE stands for Advisory Council on Ethics (Texas Department of Criminal Justice)
  325. ACE stands for Alkyl Cobalt Dicarbollide Extraction
  326. ACE stands for Alternative and Complimentary Education (Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council)
  327. ACE stands for Alternative Curriculum in Education
  328. ACE stands for ARM Countermeasures Evaluator
  329. ACE stands for Assault Cell Extreme (gaming clan)
  330. ACE stands for Application Connectivity Engineering
  331. ACE stands for Army Center for Excellence
  332. ACE stands for Air Combat Excellence
  333. ACE stands for ADR Control Electronics
  334. ACE stands for Advanced Concept Experiment
  335. ACE stands for Advanced Components Evaluation
  336. ACE stands for Activities Children Enjoy (after school enrichment program; Los Angeles, CA)
  337. ACE stands for Activities for Curriculum Enhancement
  338. ACE stands for Acidity in Cloud Experiment
  339. ACE stands for Active Control Aircraft
  340. ACE stands for Access Capacity Enhancement
  341. ACE stands for Access-Controlled Entry
  342. ACE stands for Audio-Connecting Equipment (ITU-T)
  343. ACE stands for Automated Correspondence Engine
  344. ACE stands for Automatic Crossconnect Equipment
  345. ACE stands for Academic Camp for Enrichment
  346. ACE stands for Accelerated Copilot Enhancement
  347. ACE stands for Acquisition Cost Evaluation
  348. ACE stands for Advanced Configurators for the Environment
  349. ACE stands for Advancing Claim Excellence
  350. ACE stands for Agency Communication Exchange
  351. ACE stands for Aerospace Communications & Information Expertise
  352. ACE stands for Airman’s Collaborative Environment (US DoD)
  353. ACE stands for Army Countermeasures Evaluator
  354. ACE stands for Assemblies, Components, and Elements
  355. ACE stands for Analytical Card Enhancement
  356. ACE stands for Air and Space Collaborative Environment (suite of M&S Applications that includes AFMSTT, ACE-IOS and AFSERS)
  357. ACE stands for Accelerated Cooperative Experience
  358. ACE stands for A-interface Control Element
  359. ACE stands for Automated Conversion Environment (Jacada Ltd.)
  360. ACE stands for Automated Circuit Evaluation
  361. ACE stands for Automatic Calibration & Equalization
  362. ACE stands for Atlanta’s Competitive Edge Tennis Academy (Atlanta, GA)
  363. ACE stands for Advanced Configuration Engine (Selectica, Inc.)
  364. ACE stands for Athletic Certified Equipment (Orlando, FL)
  365. ACE stands for Automated Cluster Engine (Quester Tangent Corporation)
  366. ACE stands for Acura Client Excellence Award (Canada)
  367. ACE stands for American Craft Enterprises Inc
  368. ACE stands for Aquaculture Consultancy and Engineering (The Netherlands)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning