- ACE stands for American Council on Exercise
- ACE stands for American Council on Education
- ACE stands for Adobe Certified Expert
- ACE stands for Advanced Composition Explorer
- ACE stands for Adult Continuing Education
- ACE stands for Automated Commercial Environment (US Customs)
- ACE stands for America’s Cash Express
- ACE stands for Accelerated Christian Education
- ACE stands for American Coaster Enthusiasts
- ACE stands for Atlantic City Electric (utility; New Jersey)
- ACE stands for AFE (Authorisation for Expenditure) Cost Estimate
- ACE stands for Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
- ACE stands for Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme
- ACE stands for Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (University of Waterloo’s Chemistry Department)
- ACE stands for American Cinema Editors
- ACE stands for Achieving Competitive Excellence
- ACE stands for Adaptive Communication Environment (OO, C++, programming toolkit by Douglas Schmidt)
- ACE stands for Army Corps of Engineers
- ACE stands for Alliance for Consumer Education
- ACE stands for Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme
- ACE stands for Adult and Community Education (various locations)
- ACE stands for A Competitive Edge
- ACE stands for Advanced Computer Entertainment (magazine)
- ACE stands for Altamont Commuter Express
- ACE stands for Association of Colleges and Employers
- ACE stands for Academy for Continuing Education (various organizations)
- ACE stands for Access Control Entry
- ACE stands for Auto Credit Express (Auburn Hills, MI)
- ACE stands for Advanced Compatibility Engineering (Acura)
- ACE stands for A Commitment to Excellence (various organizations)
- ACE stands for Association for Consultancy and Engineering (UK)
- ACE stands for Award for Corporate Excellence
- ACE stands for American College of Endocrinology
- ACE stands for Arab Consulting Engineers (Egypt)
- ACE stands for Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination (neurology)
- ACE stands for Attestato di Certificazione Energetica (Italian: Energy Performance Certificate)
- ACE stands for American Coalition for Ethanol
- ACE stands for Arts, Culture and Education (various locations)
- ACE stands for Advisory Centre for Education
- ACE stands for Academic and Career Exploration (various schools)
- ACE stands for Administration and Cost of Elections (United Nations project)
- ACE stands for Accounting and Computer Enterprises
- ACE stands for Automatic Control Engineering (various locations)
- ACE stands for Automatic Control Equipment
- ACE stands for Antegrade Continence Enema
- ACE stands for A Curriculum for Excellence (education; various locations)
- ACE stands for Architecture Construction Engineering (school; Portland, OR)
- ACE stands for Anime Contents Expo (Japan)
- ACE stands for Advanced Computing Environment
- ACE stands for Annual Convention and Exposition (various organizations)
- ACE stands for Agricultural and Consumer Economics (Illinois)
- ACE stands for Action for Children’s Education
- ACE stands for Australian College of Educators
- ACE stands for Academy of Creative Education (various locations)
- ACE stands for Action Community for Entrepreneurship (Singapore)
- ACE stands for Allied Command, Europe
- ACE stands for Annual Creativity in Electronics (awards)
- ACE stands for Action Catholique des Enfants (French: Catholic Action for Children)
- ACE stands for Air Compressor Equipment (Wilson, NC)
- ACE stands for Aviation Combat Element (MAGTF)
- ACE stands for Automatic Content Extraction
- ACE stands for African Centered Education
- ACE stands for Award for Customer Excellence
- ACE stands for Automatic Computing Engine
- ACE stands for Agricultural Communicators in Education
- ACE stands for Arts Council of England
- ACE stands for Advanced Continuing Education (various organizations)
- ACE stands for Aviation Combat Element
- ACE stands for Attempto Controlled English (linguistics)
- ACE stands for Australian Computer Society
- ACE stands for ASCII Compatible Encoding
- ACE stands for Agent-based Computational Economics
- ACE stands for Analysis and Control Element
- ACE stands for Age Concern England (UK)
- ACE stands for Annual Conference and Exposition
- ACE stands for Alternatives for Community and Environment
- ACE stands for Association of Consulting Engineers
- ACE stands for Association of Consulting Engineers (UK)
- ACE stands for Assured Computing Environment (VMware)
- ACE stands for Architects’ Council of Europe (Brussels, Belgium)
- ACE stands for Active Cornering Enhancement (automobile)
- ACE stands for Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment
- ACE stands for Autism Centers of Excellence (US NIH)
- ACE stands for Atmosphere, Climate & Environment
- ACE stands for Rapid Reaction Corps
- ACE stands for Association des Cinémathèques Européennes (French: Association of European Filmarchives)
- ACE stands for Alliance for Civic Engagement (various schools)
- ACE stands for American Cultural Exchange
- ACE stands for Atlantic City Expressway (New Jersey)
- ACE stands for Australian Communication Exchange
- ACE stands for Air Combat Element (NATO)
- ACE stands for Acute Care for the Elderly (various locations)
- ACE stands for Association Canadienne d’Éducation (French: Canadian Education Association)
- ACE stands for Arts, Culture and Entertainment (awards; Illinois)
- ACE stands for Area Control Error
- ACE stands for Association of Canadian Ergonomists
- ACE stands for Australian Conference of Economists
- ACE stands for Asynchronous Compute Engine (computer technology)
- ACE stands for Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment (Arlington, VA)
- ACE stands for Americans Communicating Electronically
- ACE stands for Aerosol Characterization Experiment (IGAC)
- ACE stands for Adjusted Current Earnings
- ACE stands for Antigène Carcino-Embryonnaire (French: Carcino-Embryonic Antigen)
- ACE stands for Action against Child Exploitation
- ACE stands for Academic Centers of Excellence (ASPH)
- ACE stands for Alliance for Clean Energy
- ACE stands for Acute Coronary Event
- ACE stands for Ashepoo, Combahee, and Edisto (South Carolina coastal river basin environment)
- ACE stands for Adverse Childhood Experience
- ACE stands for American College of Epidemiology
- ACE stands for Antarctic Climate Evolution
- ACE stands for Army Continuing Education
- ACE stands for Association for the Conservation of Energy (UK)
- ACE stands for Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs
- ACE stands for Advanced Continuous Emission (Pioneer, plasma)
- ACE stands for Athlete Career and Education (UK and Australia)
- ACE stands for Actors Cabaret of Eugene (Eugene, OR)
- ACE stands for Any Credible Evidence
- ACE stands for Acquisition Center of Excellence
- ACE stands for Association of Club Executives
- ACE stands for Association of Computer Enthusiasts (various locations)
- ACE stands for Award for Creative Excellence (various organizations)
- ACE stands for Airmen Committed to Excellence (US Air Force)
- ACE stands for Advanced Collaborative Environment
- ACE stands for Accuracy and Coverage Evaluation (US Census)
- ACE stands for Association for Conferences and Events
- ACE stands for Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis
- ACE stands for Adult Christian Education
- ACE stands for Alternative Center for Education
- ACE stands for Architectuurcentrum Eindhoven (Dutch: Eindhoven Architecture Center; Eindhoven, Netherlands)
- ACE stands for Auckland College of Education
- ACE stands for Automatic Calling Equipment
- ACE stands for Alliance for Construction Excellence
- ACE stands for Aircraft Cabin Environment
- ACE stands for Active Corps of Executives
- ACE stands for Application Consulting and Engineering (Microsoft)
- ACE stands for Australasian Computing Education Conference
- ACE stands for Public Alliance for Community Energy (Lincoln, NE)
- ACE stands for Atlanta Comics Expo (Atlanta, GA)
- ACE stands for Aboa Centre for Economics (Finland)
- ACE stands for Arts for a Complete Education
- ACE stands for Active Community Environments (CDC Initiative)
- ACE stands for Advisory Council on the Environment (UK)
- ACE stands for Access Control Encryption
- ACE stands for AXIS Camera Explorer (software)
- ACE stands for Academic Continuing Education
- ACE stands for Association of Clinical Embryologists
- ACE stands for Acquisition Center for Excellence (various US DoD organizations)
- ACE stands for Academic and Cultural Exchange, Inc. (est. 1996)
- ACE stands for Actuator Control Electronics (aviation)
- ACE stands for Alternative Cooperative Education
- ACE stands for Accent and Conversational English (language coaching)
- ACE stands for Agriculture in Concert with the Environment (EPA)
- ACE stands for Association of Cultural Executives (Association des Cadres d’Institutions Culturelles – Canada)
- ACE stands for Afro-Cuban Ensemble
- ACE stands for Adverse Channel Enhancements (Microcom)
- ACE stands for Association of Christian Economists
- ACE stands for Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh
- ACE stands for Assembly on Computers in English
- ACE stands for Air Cargo Estonia (shipping)
- ACE stands for Alternating Conditional Expectations
- ACE stands for Average Current Earnings
- ACE stands for Advisory Committee on the Environment (ICSU)
- ACE stands for Architects, Contractors, Engineers Guide to Construction Costs (book)
- ACE stands for Attitude Control Electronics
- ACE stands for Affirmative Civil Enforcement (Civil Division, US Department of Justice)
- ACE stands for Access to a College Education
- ACE stands for Advanced Contrast Enhancement (Sony)
- ACE stands for Antenna Center of Excellence (2004-2007)
- ACE stands for Agence pour le Commerce Extérieur
- ACE stands for Assisting Children Everywhere (UNICEF-ATP partnership)
- ACE stands for Airborne Command Element
- ACE stands for ASEAN Center for Energy
- ACE stands for Alamance Citizens for Education (est. 2005; North Carolina)
- ACE stands for Association of Chemistry and the Environment (Dijon, France)
- ACE stands for Area Code/Exchange
- ACE stands for Airport Certified Employee (designation; American Association of Airport Executives)
- ACE stands for Asynchronous Communications Element
- ACE stands for Aide au Conseil aux Entreprises
- ACE stands for Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education (Louisiana State University National Center for Biomedical Research and Training)
- ACE stands for Adjusted Common Equity
- ACE stands for Airport City Express (band)
- ACE stands for Algebraic Combinatorics Environment
- ACE stands for Atlantic Coast Entertainment (Professional Entertainment Company)
- ACE stands for Autoimmunity Centers of Excellence
- ACE stands for Association Canadienne d’Économique (Canadian Economics Association)
- ACE stands for Advanced Coding Efficiency
- ACE stands for Athlete’s Competitive Edge (various organizations)
- ACE stands for Automatic Checkout Equipment
- ACE stands for Ask, Care, Escort (suicide prevention training; US Army)
- ACE stands for Active Community Environment
- ACE stands for Aviation Centre of Excellence (Canada)
- ACE stands for Associação dos Correspondentes Estrangeiros (Association of Foreign Correspondents; Brazil)
- ACE stands for Advanced Cluster Environment
- ACE stands for Airport Capacity Enhancement
- ACE stands for Association des Concepteurs Lumière et Eclairagistes (French: Association of Light and Lighting Designers)
- ACE stands for Autodesk Certified Evaluator (software)
- ACE stands for Army Communities of Excellence (Award program for Army bases)
- ACE stands for Achieving Customer Excellence (Quality of Service Survey)
- ACE stands for Association of Childhood Education
- ACE stands for Association of Computer Engineers (various locations)
- ACE stands for Applied Control Engineering, Inc.
- ACE stands for Applied Control Engineering, Inc. (Process control integration company in Wilmington, DE, USA)
- ACE stands for Acceptance Checkout Equipment
- ACE stands for Aerobatic Competency Evaluator
- ACE stands for Aerospace Camp Experience (Museum of Flight, Seattle, WA)
- ACE stands for Asia Capacity Exchange
- ACE stands for Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain – Lanzarote (Airport Code)
- ACE stands for Association of Charter Educators
- ACE stands for Africom Cyberspace Engagement
- ACE stands for After the Common Era
- ACE stands for Achieving Communications Excellence
- ACE stands for Assistant Chief of Engineers
- ACE stands for Air Combat Electronics
- ACE stands for All-Cotton Elastic (bandage)
- ACE stands for Adult and Community Educators of Florida, Inc.
- ACE stands for Adaptive Content Exchange (CacheFlow)
- ACE stands for Adaptive Coherence Estimator
- ACE stands for Animated Communications Effectiveness
- ACE stands for Armored Combat Earthmover, M9
- ACE stands for Adaptive Communications Element (USAF)
- ACE stands for Advanced Capability Engineering (cars)
- ACE stands for Anglican Church of England
- ACE stands for adCenter Editor (Microsoft)
- ACE stands for Advanced Cycle Engineering
- ACE stands for Accelerated Copilot Enrichment
- ACE stands for Action for Cooperation in Economics
- ACE stands for AMX Certified Expert
- ACE stands for Acorn Computer Enterprises (company)
- ACE stands for Adrenocortical Extract
- ACE stands for Anchorage Council of Education
- ACE stands for Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc.
- ACE stands for Animal Care of España
- ACE stands for Access to Cosmetology Education
- ACE stands for ASOS Controller Equipment (FAA)
- ACE stands for Auto Club Europa eV
- ACE stands for Active Constellation Extension
- ACE stands for Auxiliary Control Element
- ACE stands for Active Core Exhaust
- ACE stands for Armored Combat Engineer
- ACE stands for American Cheer Elite (cheerleading camp)
- ACE stands for Animal Centers of Excellence
- ACE stands for Automated Cost Estimator (ACEIT tool)
- ACE stands for Association of Conference Executives
- ACE stands for Ammunition, Casualty, and Equipment
- ACE stands for American Contracting Exchange Inc.
- ACE stands for Air Combat Engagement
- ACE stands for Amstelveen College Class of Excellence (Netherlands)
- ACE stands for Accredited Center for Education (Sair Linux & GNU training facility)
- ACE stands for Adaptive Channel Estimation
- ACE stands for Accessibility Center of Excellence
- ACE stands for Armored Combat Excavator
- ACE stands for Americans for Constitutional Enforcement
- ACE stands for Automated Cable Expertise (AT&T)
- ACE stands for Accountability, Creativity and Efficiency
- ACE stands for Attitude, Commitment, Excellence
- ACE stands for Advisory Council of Experts (YourDictionary.com)
- ACE stands for Advanced Computer Education
- ACE stands for Atlantic Center for the Environment (Canada)
- ACE stands for Address Correction and Encoding (USPS)
- ACE stands for A Compact ENDF (file format)
- ACE stands for Aéro Club de l’Est (French model airplane club)
- ACE stands for Airspace Control Element
- ACE stands for Analytical Control Element
- ACE stands for Antarctic Current Experiment
- ACE stands for Advocacy Center for the Elderly
- ACE stands for Adriamycin Cyclophosphamide Etoposide (chemotherapy regime)
- ACE stands for Advanced Certification Equipment (aviation)
- ACE stands for Achieving the Competitive Edge
- ACE stands for Amex Commodities Exchange
- ACE stands for American Commodity Exchange (stock exchange)
- ACE stands for Actors Conservatory Ensemble
- ACE stands for Ada Common Environment
- ACE stands for Air Coordination Element
- ACE stands for Air and space Constructive Environment (US Air Force)
- ACE stands for Agile Control Experiment
- ACE stands for Allied Capital Express (now part of Business Loan Express, Inc.)
- ACE stands for Appalachian Controls Environmental
- ACE stands for Advanced Control Experiment
- ACE stands for aviation combat element Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF)
- ACE stands for Association des Chefs d’Entreprise (French)
- ACE stands for Advancing Claims Excellence (insurance)
- ACE stands for Advocates for Children’s Education
- ACE stands for Accelerated Citizen Examination
- ACE stands for Assistant Corps Engineer
- ACE stands for Assessment of Combat Effectiveness
- ACE stands for Asociación de Colegiales Evangélicos (Association of Evangelical Collegiates; University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus)
- ACE stands for Allegro Crypto Engine (Cisco)
- ACE stands for All Computing Environments (Telos Corp.)
- ACE stands for Avenger Control Electronics
- ACE stands for Airshow Certification Evaluator
- ACE stands for Aircraft Carrier Engineering
- ACE stands for Abstinence Commitment Effect (recovery programs)
- ACE stands for Adaptive Code-Excited linear prediction
- ACE stands for Aircraft Common Equipment
- ACE stands for Airborne Communications and Electronics
- ACE stands for All-source Collection Element (US Army intelligence)
- ACE stands for Amherst Chamber Ensembles
- ACE stands for AMRAAM Captive Equipment
- ACE stands for American Craft Endeavors
- ACE stands for ASAS Collateral Enclave
- ACE stands for Arkansas Cheer Elite (cheerleading team)
- ACE stands for Articulation and Collaboration for Excellence (education)
- ACE stands for Acquisition Career Enhancement
- ACE stands for Advanced Cost Estimating
- ACE stands for Aerosol Control Experiment
- ACE stands for Array Clamp Electronics
- ACE stands for Alternate Capability Equipment
- ACE stands for Alliance for Customer Excellence
- ACE stands for Agile Controlled Experiment
- ACE stands for Aerotherm Chemical Equilibrium
- ACE stands for Aircraft Carrier Elevator
- ACE stands for Advanced Concept Exploration
- ACE stands for Advanced Containment Experiment
- ACE stands for Accelerated Curriculum for Entrepreneurs
- ACE stands for Atmospheric Collection Equipment
- ACE stands for Automated Contracts Environment
- ACE stands for Auxiliary Cable Entrance facility
- ACE stands for Axially Compliant Expansion tool (oilfield)
- ACE stands for Adaptive Communication Equipment
- ACE stands for Admissions officers and Credentials Evaluators
- ACE stands for Affirmative Civil Enforcement Program (US Department of Justice)
- ACE stands for Aerospace Control Environment
- ACE stands for Advisory Council on Ethics (Texas Department of Criminal Justice)
- ACE stands for Alkyl Cobalt Dicarbollide Extraction
- ACE stands for Alternative and Complimentary Education (Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council)
- ACE stands for Alternative Curriculum in Education
- ACE stands for ARM Countermeasures Evaluator
- ACE stands for Assault Cell Extreme (gaming clan)
- ACE stands for Application Connectivity Engineering
- ACE stands for Army Center for Excellence
- ACE stands for Air Combat Excellence
- ACE stands for ADR Control Electronics
- ACE stands for Advanced Concept Experiment
- ACE stands for Advanced Components Evaluation
- ACE stands for Activities Children Enjoy (after school enrichment program; Los Angeles, CA)
- ACE stands for Activities for Curriculum Enhancement
- ACE stands for Acidity in Cloud Experiment
- ACE stands for Active Control Aircraft
- ACE stands for Access Capacity Enhancement
- ACE stands for Access-Controlled Entry
- ACE stands for Audio-Connecting Equipment (ITU-T)
- ACE stands for Automated Correspondence Engine
- ACE stands for Automatic Crossconnect Equipment
- ACE stands for Academic Camp for Enrichment
- ACE stands for Accelerated Copilot Enhancement
- ACE stands for Acquisition Cost Evaluation
- ACE stands for Advanced Configurators for the Environment
- ACE stands for Advancing Claim Excellence
- ACE stands for Agency Communication Exchange
- ACE stands for Aerospace Communications & Information Expertise
- ACE stands for Airman’s Collaborative Environment (US DoD)
- ACE stands for Army Countermeasures Evaluator
- ACE stands for Assemblies, Components, and Elements
- ACE stands for Analytical Card Enhancement
- ACE stands for Air and Space Collaborative Environment (suite of M&S Applications that includes AFMSTT, ACE-IOS and AFSERS)
- ACE stands for Accelerated Cooperative Experience
- ACE stands for A-interface Control Element
- ACE stands for Automated Conversion Environment (Jacada Ltd.)
- ACE stands for Automated Circuit Evaluation
- ACE stands for Automatic Calibration & Equalization
- ACE stands for Atlanta’s Competitive Edge Tennis Academy (Atlanta, GA)
- ACE stands for Advanced Configuration Engine (Selectica, Inc.)
- ACE stands for Athletic Certified Equipment (Orlando, FL)
- ACE stands for Automated Cluster Engine (Quester Tangent Corporation)
- ACE stands for Acura Client Excellence Award (Canada)
- ACE stands for American Craft Enterprises Inc
- ACE stands for Aquaculture Consultancy and Engineering (The Netherlands)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning