1. ACET stands for AIDS Care Education and Training
  2. ACET
    stands for Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis (CDC)
  3. ACET stands for Average-Case Execution Time
  4. ACET stands for Association Canadienne d’Equitation Thérapeutique (Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association)
  5. ACET stands for Association for Compensatory Educators of Texas
  6. ACET stands for Advisory Committee on Electronics and Telecommunications
  7. ACET stands for Alameda Corridor Engineering Team
  8. ACET stands for Australian Center for Education and Training
  9. ACET stands for Associate Continuing Education Tracking Program
  10. ACET stands for Automatic Cancellation of Extended Targets
  11. ACET stands for Air Conditioner Evaporator Temperature
Abbreviations And Their Meaning