1. ACFC stands for American Coalition for Fathers and Children (Washington, DC)
  2. ACFC stands for Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention (Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities)
  3. ACFC stands for Address and Control Field Compression
  4. ACFC stands for American Cash Flow Corporation
  5. ACFC stands for At the Customer for the Customer
  6. ACFC stands for Association of Canadian Film Craftspeople
  7. ACFC stands for Assertions for Control Flow Checking (engineering)
  8. ACFC stands for Aviation Chief Fire Controlman (US Navy)
  9. ACFC stands for Air Commando Field Skills Course (US Air Force)
  10. ACFC stands for Association of Canadian Financial Corporations
  11. ACFC stands for Aaron Carter Fan Club
  12. ACFC stands for Assemblée des Chambres Françaises de Commerce et d’Industrie
Abbreviations And Their Meaning