1. ACIPS stands for Army Casualty Information Processing System
  2. ACIPS stands for Acoustic Intelligence Processing System
  3. ACIPS stands for Airfoil Cowl Ice Protection System (aviation)
  4. ACIPS stands for Alumni Association of the Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies of the University of Sarajevo
  5. ACIPS stands for Annual Conference of the Indian Pharmacological Society
  6. ACIPS stands for Arctic Council Indigenous Peoples’ Secretariat
  7. ACIPS stands for Advanced Calculation & Information Processing Services Ltd.
  8. ACIPS stands for Advanced Collective Integrated Protection System
  9. ACIPS stands for Advisory Committee on Inpatient Psychiatric Services
  10. ACIPS stands for Advanced Cellular Interactive Processing System
  11. ACIPS stands for Associate – Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (UK)
  12. ACIPS stands for Acoustic Input Processing System
Abbreviations And Their Meaning