- ACJ stands for Administration of Criminal Justice (various locations)
- ACJ stands for Allegheny County Jail (Pennsylvania)
- ACJ stands for Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes (Christian Youth Association, Guatemala)
- ACJ stands for Acromioclavicular Joint
- ACJ stands for A319 Corporate Jet (Airbus aircraft)
- ACJ stands for Airbus Corporate Jetliner (aviation)
- ACJ stands for Advisory Committee on the Judiciary (New York)
- ACJ stands for American Committee on Jerusalem
- ACJ stands for American Communication Journal
- ACJ stands for Allied Council for Japan (est. 1945)
- ACJ stands for American Council for Judaism (est. 1942)
- ACJ stands for American Council on Japan
- ACJ stands for Australian College of Journalism
- ACJ stands for Alianza Mundial de Asociaciones Cristianas de Jóvenes (Spanish: World Alliance of YMCAs)
- ACJ stands for Anti-Car-Jacking (car security system)
- ACJ stands for Arthrites Chroniques Juvéniles (French: Chronic Juvenile Arthritis)
- ACJ stands for Association Culture et Jeunesse (French: Culture and Youth Association)
- ACJ stands for Advisory Circular Joint
- ACJ stands for Artificially Constructed Junction
Abbreviations And Their Meaning