1. ACME stands for Action Coalition for Media Education (Albuquerque, NM)
  2. ACME stands for Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education
  3. ACME stands for Automatic Certificate Management Environment (communications protocol)
  4. ACME stands for Arms Control in the Middle East (talks; various nations)
  5. ACME stands for Association for Convention Marketing Executives
  6. ACME stands for Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Engineering (department)
  7. ACME stands for Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment
  8. ACME stands for Association of Consulting Management Engineers
  9. ACME stands for Assembling Configuration Management Environments (software development)
  10. ACME stands for Application of Commercially Manufactured Electronics
  11. ACME stands for Advanced Cosmic Microwave Explorer (satellite)
  12. ACME stands for Adaptive Collection Management Environment
  13. ACME stands for Applications of Computers to Manufacturing Engineering
  14. ACME stands for Alumni Council of Middle East
  15. ACME stands for Annual Conference of Managing Editors
  16. ACME stands for Actively Conserving Marysville Environs
  17. ACME stands for Air Crew Combat Mission Enhancement
  18. ACME stands for Automated Contractual Minimal Enhancements (Sprint)
  19. ACME stands for Airborne Cloud Measurement Equipment
  20. ACME stands for Authentication Credential Management Extension (authentication subsystem, OpenVMS HP Corporation)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning