1. ACMR stands for Atlanta Center for Medical Research (Atlanta, GA)
  2. ACMR stands for Air Combat Maneuvering Range
  3. ACMR stands for Army Court of Military Review (US Army)
  4. ACMR stands for Assistant Cache Manager (US Coast Guard)
  5. ACMR stands for Ateliers des Compagnons Moulistes Reunis (French plastic molding company)
  6. ACMR stands for Average Cache Miss Ratio (effectiveness measurement)
  7. ACMR stands for Annual Church Ministries Report (Potomac District Council; Gainesville, VA)
  8. ACMR stands for A.C. Moore Arts and Crafts, Inc. (stock symbol)
  9. ACMR stands for American Christian Music Review
  10. ACMR stands for Airspace Control Measure Request
  11. ACMR stands for Annual Cost Monitoring Report
  12. ACMR stands for Alamo City Motorcycle Riders (San Antonio, TX)
  13. ACMR stands for Advanced Computer for Medical Research
  14. ACMR stands for Aircraft Configuration Management Review (USAF)
  15. ACMR stands for Association for Chinese Research (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
  16. ACMR stands for Asociatia Comunitatea Motociclistilor Din Romania (Romanian: Community Association of Motorcyclists in Romania)
  17. ACMR stands for Asymmetrical Compact Microstrip Resonator
  18. ACMR stands for Ateliers de Constructions Mécanique de Rilleux (French: Rilleux Metal Construction Workshop; France)
  19. ACMR stands for Assistant Fire Cache Manager (job title)
  20. ACMR stands for Aminobenzoyl-CoA (Coenzyme A) Monooxygenase/Reductase (enzyme)
  21. ACMR stands for Acute Cell-Mediated Allograft Rejection (graft rejection)
  22. ACMR stands for Arizona Coalition for Migrant Rights (Florence, AZ)
  23. ACMR stands for Assessment and Care Management Review (UK)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning