- ACO stands for Ant Colony Optimization
- ACO stands for Accountable Care Organization (health care)
- ACO stands for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (gaming)
- ACO stands for Automobile Club de l’Ouest (Le Mans racing governing body)
- ACO stands for Australian Chamber Orchestra (Sydney, Australia)
- ACO stands for Animal Control Officer
- ACO stands for Aircraft Certification Office (FAA)
- ACO stands for Administrative Contract(ing) Office(r)
- ACO stands for Administrative Contracting Officer
- ACO stands for A Clockwork Orange (movie/book)
- ACO stands for American Composers Orchestra
- ACO stands for Action Chrétienne en Orient (French: Christian Action in the East)
- ACO stands for Air Cadet Organisation (UK)
- ACO stands for Action Catholique Ouvrière (French: Catholic Workers’ Action)
- ACO stands for Assistant Chief Officer (UK Probation Services)
- ACO stands for American College of Orgonomy
- ACO stands for Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (Canada)
- ACO stands for Administrative Consent Order
- ACO stands for Australian College of Optometry (est. 1939)
- ACO stands for Airspace Control Order
- ACO stands for Alpha Chi Omega
- ACO stands for Anglican Communion Office
- ACO stands for Annual Cost of Ownership (finance)
- ACO stands for Access Control Object
- ACO stands for American Cornhole Organization
- ACO stands for Automatic Cut Off
- ACO stands for Air Officer Commanding
- ACO stands for Air Control Order
- ACO stands for AMP Communications Outlet
- ACO stands for Air Control Officer
- ACO stands for Allied Command Operation
- ACO stands for Administrative Compliance Order
- ACO stands for Army Contracting Officer (US Army)
- ACO stands for Atlantic Classical Orchestra (Fort Pierce, FL)
- ACO stands for Animal Control Operations
- ACO stands for Association of Commissioned Officers
- ACO stands for Alarm Cut Off
- ACO stands for Air Coordination Order
- ACO stands for Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization (academic program)
- ACO stands for Athlétic Club de l’Ondaine (French athletic club)
- ACO stands for Area Central Office (telecom)
- ACO stands for Actual Contacts for Outlook (Microsoft)
- ACO stands for Authenticated Ciphering Offset
- ACO stands for Access Card Office (US DoD)
- ACO stands for Action Cancer Ontario
- ACO stands for Additional Call Offering
- ACO stands for Assembly and Checkout Officer (US NASA)
- ACO stands for Authorized Contracting Officer
- ACO stands for Arts Computing Office (University of Waterloo)
- ACO stands for Airspace Coordination Order
- ACO stands for Association Canadienne des Optométristes (Canadian Association of Optometrists)
- ACO stands for Association Canadienne des Orthodontistes (Canadian Association of Orthodontists)
- ACO stands for Alternate Contracting Officer (US DoD)
- ACO stands for Austin Civic Orchestra (Austin, TX)
- ACO stands for ATOMAL control officer (NATO)
- ACO stands for Acronym Control Officer
- ACO stands for Association of Canadian Orchestras
- ACO stands for Authorized Certification Official (National Plant Protection Organization)
- ACO stands for Academy of Clinical Oncology (continuing medical education provider)
- ACO stands for Air Combat Order
- ACO stands for Advance Change Order
- ACO stands for Atomic Coordinating Office
- ACO stands for Advanced Concepts Office
- ACO stands for Alvarez Chamber Orchestra (UK)
- ACO stands for Airfield Coordination Officer
- ACO stands for Automated Console Operations
- ACO stands for Atomic-Cell Orbital
- ACO stands for Army Cryptologic Operations
- ACO stands for Associate Contracting Officer
- ACO stands for Average Communication Overhead
- ACO stands for Assistant Contracts Officer
- ACO stands for Angolan Community of Ontario (Canada)
- ACO stands for Area Compliance Officer
- ACO stands for Assistant Commanding Officer
- ACO stands for Action Cut-Out (switch)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning