1. ACORN  stands for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
  2. ACORN  stands for ARC (Australian Research Council) Communications Research Network
  3. ACORN  stands for Accelerated Community Oncology Research Network
  4. ACORN  stands for Alliance to Conserve Old Richmond Neighborhoods (Virginia)
  5. ACORN  stands for Additive Congruential Random Number
  6. ACORN  stands for AIDS Community Resource Network
  7. ACORN  stands for A Classification Of Residential Neighborhoods (CACI International Inc.)
  8. ACORN  stands for Arlington County Online Resource Network (Arlington, VA online library system)
  9. ACORN  stands for Aviation, Construction, Ordnance, Repair, Navy
  10. ACORN  stands for Arms Control Research Network
  11. ACORN  stands for Automated Correspondence Online Response Network

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