1. ACP  stands for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
  2. ACP  stands for American College of Physicians
  3. ACP  stands for Aluminum Composite Panel
  4. ACP  stands for Acyl-Carrier Protein
  5. ACP  stands for Acceptance (Test) Procedure
  6. ACP  stands for Applica Consumer Products (Florida)
  7. ACP  stands for Advance Care Planning (medicine)
  8. ACP  stands for Administration Control Panel
  9. ACP  stands for Admin Control Panel
  10. ACP  stands for Autoridad del Canal de Panama (Panama Canal Authority)
  11. ACP  stands for Automatic Contribution Plan (various organizations)
  12. ACP  stands for Afrique, Caraibes et Pacifique (French: Africa, Caribbean and Pacific)
  13. ACP  stands for Adam Clayton Powell (American politician)
  14. ACP  stands for Automatic Colt Pistol
  15. ACP  stands for Aboriginal Canada Portal (Canada)
  16. ACP  stands for Advanced Clinical Practice (various schools)
  17. ACP  stands for Arts Council of Princeton (Princeton, NJ)
  18. ACP  stands for Attorney-Client Privilege (legal ethics)
  19. ACP  stands for Assistant Commissioner of Police
  20. ACP  stands for Associated Collegiate Press
  21. ACP  stands for Air Charter Professionals (various locations)
  22. ACP  stands for Association of Contingency Planners
  23. ACP  stands for Alternative Certification Program (for educators)
  24. ACP  stands for Anglican Cycle of Prayer
  25. ACP  stands for American College of Pediatricians
  26. ACP  stands for Australian Centre for Photography
  27. ACP  stands for Arizona Cycle Park (racing)
  28. ACP  stands for Anna Club Plush (various locations)
  29. ACP  stands for Animal Care Program (various schools)
  30. ACP  stands for Address Confidentiality Program (various locations)
  31. ACP  stands for Adjustable Cheek Piece (weapons)
  32. ACP  stands for Asphaltic Concrete Pavement
  33. ACP  stands for Automóvel Clube de Portugal (Portuguese: Automobile Club of Portugal)
  34. ACP  stands for Arctic Coastal Plain (ecoregion; Alaska)
  35. ACP  stands for Apple Certified Pro (computer certificiation)
  36. ACP  stands for Association of Computer Professionals (UK)
  37. ACP  stands for American College of Prosthodontists
  38. ACP  stands for Actual Contribution Percentage
  39. ACP  stands for Association of Child Psychotherapists (UK)
  40. ACP  stands for Adjacent Channel Power
  41. ACP  stands for Advisory Committee on Pesticides (UK)
  42. ACP  stands for Access Control Point
  43. ACP  stands for Albany College of Pharmacy (Albany, New York, USA)
  44. ACP  stands for Analytical Cellular Pathology (journal)
  45. ACP  stands for Anesthesia Care Provider (healthcare)
  46. ACP  stands for Association de Copropriétaires (French: Association of Co-Owners)
  47. ACP  stands for Audax Club Parisien (French cycling club; est. 1904)
  48. ACP  stands for Area Contingency Plans
  49. ACP  stands for Approche Centrée sur la Personne (French: Person-Centered Approach; psychology)
  50. ACP  stands for All Computer Products
  51. ACP  stands for Alberta College of Pharmacists
  52. ACP  stands for Aerosol Collector and Pyrolyser
  53. ACP  stands for Australian Consolidated Press
  54. ACP  stands for Acute Care Practitioner
  55. ACP  stands for Advanced Care Paramedic
  56. ACP  stands for Association of Chess Professionals
  57. ACP  stands for Association for Progressive Communications (various locations)
  58. ACP  stands for Association of Canadian Publishers
  59. ACP  stands for Access Control Protocol (TMN)
  60. ACP  stands for Allianz Capital Partners
  61. ACP  stands for Army Campaign Plan
  62. ACP  stands for Anti-Corruption Program (various locations)
  63. ACP  stands for All-Campus Party (University of Wisconsin)
  64. ACP  stands for Audio Control Panel
  65. ACP  stands for Alliance for Climate Protection
  66. ACP  stands for Acute Chest Pain (medical)
  67. ACP  stands for Associate Computing Professional
  68. ACP  stands for Association of Computer Professionals
  69. ACP  stands for American College of Psychiatrists
  70. ACP  stands for Asbestos Cement Pipe
  71. ACP  stands for Action Point
  72. ACP  stands for Association for Constraint Programming
  73. ACP  stands for African, Caribbean, & Pacific Countries
  74. ACP  stands for Advertising and Consumer Psychology (conference)
  75. ACP  stands for Average Collection Period (accounting)
  76. ACP  stands for Algebra of Communicating Processes
  77. ACP  stands for Additional Commissioner of Police
  78. ACP  stands for AIDS Care Project (Boston, MA)
  79. ACP  stands for Airborne Command Post
  80. ACP  stands for Association of Coupon Professionals
  81. ACP  stands for Armoured Command Post
  82. ACP  stands for American Centrifuge Project (uranium enrichment technology)
  83. ACP  stands for Analyse en Composante Principale
  84. ACP  stands for Anisotropic Conductive Paste
  85. ACP  stands for AIDS Control Program
  86. ACP  stands for Access Control Panel
  87. ACP  stands for Accessory Conduction Pathway (cardiology)
  88. ACP  stands for American Cotton Producers
  89. ACP  stands for Alberta College of Paramedics (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)
  90. ACP  stands for Advanced Certified Paralegal
  91. ACP  stands for Americans for Computer Privacy
  92. ACP  stands for Association of Clinical Pathologists
  93. ACP  stands for Allied Communications Publication
  94. ACP  stands for Aviator Continuation Pay
  95. ACP  stands for Atmospheric Chemistry Program
  96. ACP  stands for Airline Control Program
  97. ACP  stands for Association Canadienne des Physiciens et Physiciennes
  98. ACP  stands for Aft Control Panel
  99. ACP  stands for Airspace Control Plan
  100. ACP  stands for Archos Content Portal (software)
  101. ACP  stands for Army of Club Penguin
  102. ACP  stands for American Conservative Party (political group)
  103. ACP  stands for Accelerated Certification Program (various schools)
  104. ACP  stands for Aviation Continuation Pay
  105. ACP  stands for Ancillary Control Program
  106. ACP  stands for American Chamber Players
  107. ACP  stands for Assault Command Post
  108. ACP  stands for Army Civilian Personnel
  109. ACP  stands for Ambulance Control Point (various organizations)
  110. ACP  stands for Association for Child Psychoanalysis
  111. ACP  stands for Acute Care Pavilion (various locations)
  112. ACP  stands for Achieved Communication Performance (ARINC)
  113. ACP  stands for Alternate Command Post
  114. ACP  stands for Accelerated College Program (various schools)
  115. ACP  stands for Agriculture Conservation Program
  116. ACP  stands for Alternate Compliance Program
  117. ACP  stands for Associació Catalana de Professionals (Catalonia)
  118. ACP  stands for Alpine Club of Pakistan (Rawalpindi, Pakistan)
  119. ACP  stands for Association Canadienne des Paraplégiques (Canadian Paraplegic Association)
  120. ACP  stands for Accion Comunitaria del Peru
  121. ACP  stands for Albanian Communist Party
  122. ACP  stands for Auxiliary Control Process
  123. ACP  stands for Association of Croatian Patients
  124. ACP  stands for Area Command Post
  125. ACP  stands for Air Control Point
  126. ACP  stands for Atlanta Chamber Players (Georgia)
  127. ACP  stands for Approved Capital Programme (UK)
  128. ACP  stands for Administrative Challenge Panel
  129. ACP  stands for Asian, Caribbean and Pacific (nations)
  130. ACP  stands for Atomic Commitment Protocol
  131. ACP  stands for Active Configuration Profile
  132. ACP  stands for Adjacent Channel Protection
  133. ACP  stands for Authorized Consulting Partner (various organizations)
  134. ACP  stands for IT (Information Technology) Architect Certification Program (Open Group)
  135. ACP  stands for Audio Conferencing Provider
  136. ACP  stands for Air Campaign Plan
  137. ACP  stands for Ammunition Control Point
  138. ACP  stands for Army Comptrollership Program
  139. ACP  stands for Army Cost Position
  140. ACP  stands for Alpine Conservation Partnership (est. 2006)
  141. ACP  stands for Association of Credit Professionals (also seen as AOCP; UK)
  142. ACP  stands for Association Clermont Poker (French: Clermont Poker Association)
  143. ACP  stands for Applied Communication Program
  144. ACP  stands for Allied Communications Protocol
  145. ACP  stands for Associate Cruise Program (Cruise Line International Association)
  146. ACP  stands for Arise Capital Partners, Inc. (Japan)
  147. ACP  stands for Admiralty Civil Police (UK)
  148. ACP  stands for Air Cadet Publication
  149. ACP  stands for Azimuth Change Pulse
  150. ACP  stands for Auxiliary Control Panel
  151. ACP  stands for Air Carcinogen Policy
  152. ACP  stands for Agriculture Control Program
  153. ACP  stands for Armament Control Panel
  154. ACP  stands for Armament Control Panel (USAF F-15 Eagle)
  155. ACP  stands for Air Campaign Planning Tool
  156. ACP  stands for Army Colt Pistol
  157. ACP  stands for air commander’s pointer
  158. ACP  stands for Advanced Communications Package
  159. ACP  stands for Area Call Panel (aviation)
  160. ACP  stands for Alberta Community Planner (Alberta, Canada)
  161. ACP  stands for Advanced Command Post
  162. ACP  stands for Alternate Complement Pathway
  163. ACP  stands for Asset Capitalization Program
  164. ACP  stands for Assign Common Pool
  165. ACP  stands for Association Canadienne des Pathologistes (Canadian Association of Pathologists)
  166. ACP  stands for Artemisia contre Paludisme (French: Artemisia against Malaria)
  167. ACP  stands for Arts Council of Pakistan
  168. ACP  stands for Atlantic City Police (New Jersey)
  169. ACP  stands for Airlift Command Post
  170. ACP  stands for Acoustic Ceiling Panel
  171. ACP  stands for Automatic Communications Processor
  172. ACP  stands for Automated Clearance Procedure (Pakistan customs)
  173. ACP  stands for Agency Capital Plan
  174. ACP  stands for Animal Control Products Ltd. (Monroeville, NJ)
  175. ACP  stands for Accelerated Change Process
  176. ACP  stands for Academic Challenge Program
  177. ACP  stands for Affordable Composites for Propulsion
  178. ACP  stands for Average Case Performance
  179. ACP  stands for Automotive Component Producer (Australia)
  180. ACP  stands for Association belge des Conseillers en Planification (French)
  181. ACP  stands for Associate of the College of Preceptors
  182. ACP  stands for Advanced Common Processor
  183. ACP  stands for Alliance for Cardiovascular Professionals
  184. ACP  stands for Approximate Coupled-Pair (correlation-energy calculation)
  185. ACP  stands for Archive Control Process
  186. ACP  stands for Annual Compliance Plan
  187. ACP  stands for Alternate Command Plan
  188. ACP  stands for Adaptive Communications Processor
  189. ACP  stands for Army Capabilities Plan
  190. ACP  stands for Automated Command Post
  191. ACP  stands for Association of Coloproctologists
  192. ACP  stands for Access Communications Processor
  193. ACP  stands for Alternating Current Polarography
  194. ACP  stands for Abort Ceiling Protocol
  195. ACP  stands for Advanced Control Processor (FLIR)
  196. ACP  stands for Aerial Check Point
  197. ACP  stands for Advanced Core Protocol
  198. ACP  stands for Adult Cabaret Peformer (classification)
  199. ACP  stands for Administrative Command Post (military)
  200. ACP  stands for Application Certification Process
  201. ACP  stands for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
  202. ACP  stands for American College of Physicians
  203. ACP  stands for Aluminum Composite Panel
  204. ACP  stands for Acyl-Carrier Protein
  205. ACP  stands for Acceptance (Test) Procedure
  206. ACP  stands for Applica Consumer Products (Florida)
  207. ACP  stands for Advance Care Planning (medicine)
  208. ACP  stands for Administration Control Panel
  209. ACP  stands for Admin Control Panel
  210. ACP  stands for Autoridad del Canal de Panama (Panama Canal Authority)
  211. ACP  stands for Automatic Contribution Plan (various organizations)
  212. ACP  stands for Afrique, Caraibes et Pacifique (French: Africa, Caribbean and Pacific)
  213. ACP  stands for Adam Clayton Powell (American politician)
  214. ACP  stands for Automatic Colt Pistol
  215. ACP  stands for Aboriginal Canada Portal (Canada)
  216. ACP  stands for Advanced Clinical Practice (various schools)
  217. ACP  stands for Arts Council of Princeton (Princeton, NJ)
  218. ACP  stands for Attorney-Client Privilege (legal ethics)
  219. ACP  stands for Assistant Commissioner of Police
  220. ACP  stands for Associated Collegiate Press
  221. ACP  stands for Air Charter Professionals (various locations)
  222. ACP  stands for Association of Contingency Planners
  223. ACP  stands for Alternative Certification Program (for educators)
  224. ACP  stands for Anglican Cycle of Prayer
  225. ACP  stands for American College of Pediatricians
  226. ACP  stands for Australian Centre for Photography
  227. ACP  stands for Arizona Cycle Park (racing)
  228. ACP  stands for Anna Club Plush (various locations)
  229. ACP  stands for Animal Care Program (various schools)
  230. ACP  stands for Address Confidentiality Program (various locations)
  231. ACP  stands for Adjustable Cheek Piece (weapons)
  232. ACP  stands for Asphaltic Concrete Pavement
  233. ACP  stands for Automóvel Clube de Portugal (Portuguese: Automobile Club of Portugal)
  234. ACP  stands for Arctic Coastal Plain (ecoregion; Alaska)
  235. ACP  stands for Apple Certified Pro (computer certificiation)
  236. ACP  stands for Association of Computer Professionals (UK)
  237. ACP  stands for American College of Prosthodontists
  238. ACP  stands for Actual Contribution Percentage
  239. ACP  stands for Association of Child Psychotherapists (UK)
  240. ACP  stands for Adjacent Channel Power
  241. ACP  stands for Advisory Committee on Pesticides (UK)
  242. ACP  stands for Access Control Point
  243. ACP  stands for Albany College of Pharmacy (Albany, New York, USA)
  244. ACP  stands for Analytical Cellular Pathology (journal)
  245. ACP  stands for Anesthesia Care Provider (healthcare)
  246. ACP  stands for Association de Copropriétaires (French: Association of Co-Owners)
  247. ACP  stands for Audax Club Parisien (French cycling club; est. 1904)
  248. ACP  stands for Area Contingency Plans
  249. ACP  stands for Approche Centrée sur la Personne (French: Person-Centered Approach; psychology)
  250. ACP  stands for All Computer Products
  251. ACP  stands for Alberta College of Pharmacists
  252. ACP  stands for Aerosol Collector and Pyrolyser
  253. ACP  stands for Australian Consolidated Press
  254. ACP  stands for Acute Care Practitioner
  255. ACP  stands for Advanced Care Paramedic
  256. ACP  stands for Association of Chess Professionals
  257. ACP  stands for Association for Progressive Communications (various locations)
  258. ACP  stands for Association of Canadian Publishers
  259. ACP  stands for Access Control Protocol (TMN)
  260. ACP  stands for Allianz Capital Partners
  261. ACP  stands for Army Campaign Plan
  262. ACP  stands for Anti-Corruption Program (various locations)
  263. ACP  stands for All-Campus Party (University of Wisconsin)
  264. ACP  stands for Audio Control Panel
  265. ACP  stands for Alliance for Climate Protection
  266. ACP  stands for Acute Chest Pain (medical)
  267. ACP  stands for Associate Computing Professional
  268. ACP  stands for Association of Computer Professionals
  269. ACP  stands for American College of Psychiatrists
  270. ACP  stands for Asbestos Cement Pipe
  271. ACP  stands for Action Point
  272. ACP  stands for Association for Constraint Programming
  273. ACP  stands for African, Caribbean, & Pacific Countries
  274. ACP  stands for Advertising and Consumer Psychology (conference)
  275. ACP  stands for Average Collection Period (accounting)
  276. ACP  stands for Algebra of Communicating Processes
  277. ACP  stands for Additional Commissioner of Police
  278. ACP  stands for AIDS Care Project (Boston, MA)
  279. ACP  stands for Airborne Command Post
  280. ACP  stands for Association of Coupon Professionals
  281. ACP  stands for Armoured Command Post
  282. ACP  stands for American Centrifuge Project (uranium enrichment technology)
  283. ACP  stands for Analyse en Composante Principale
  284. ACP  stands for Anisotropic Conductive Paste
  285. ACP  stands for AIDS Control Program
  286. ACP  stands for Access Control Panel
  287. ACP  stands for Accessory Conduction Pathway (cardiology)
  288. ACP  stands for American Cotton Producers
  289. ACP  stands for Alberta College of Paramedics (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)
  290. ACP  stands for Advanced Certified Paralegal
  291. ACP  stands for Americans for Computer Privacy
  292. ACP  stands for Association of Clinical Pathologists
  293. ACP  stands for Allied Communications Publication
  294. ACP  stands for Aviator Continuation Pay
  295. ACP  stands for Atmospheric Chemistry Program
  296. ACP  stands for Airline Control Program
  297. ACP  stands for Association Canadienne des Physiciens et Physiciennes
  298. ACP  stands for Aft Control Panel
  299. ACP  stands for Airspace Control Plan
  300. ACP  stands for Archos Content Portal (software)
  301. ACP  stands for Army of Club Penguin
  302. ACP  stands for American Conservative Party (political group)
  303. ACP  stands for Accelerated Certification Program (various schools)
  304. ACP  stands for Aviation Continuation Pay
  305. ACP  stands for Ancillary Control Program
  306. ACP  stands for American Chamber Players
  307. ACP  stands for Assault Command Post
  308. ACP  stands for Army Civilian Personnel
  309. ACP  stands for Ambulance Control Point (various organizations)
  310. ACP  stands for Association for Child Psychoanalysis
  311. ACP  stands for Acute Care Pavilion (various locations)
  312. ACP  stands for Achieved Communication Performance (ARINC)
  313. ACP  stands for Alternate Command Post
  314. ACP  stands for Accelerated College Program (various schools)
  315. ACP  stands for Agriculture Conservation Program
  316. ACP  stands for Alternate Compliance Program
  317. ACP  stands for Associació Catalana de Professionals (Catalonia)
  318. ACP  stands for Alpine Club of Pakistan (Rawalpindi, Pakistan)
  319. ACP  stands for Association Canadienne des Paraplégiques (Canadian Paraplegic Association)
  320. ACP  stands for Accion Comunitaria del Peru
  321. ACP  stands for Albanian Communist Party
  322. ACP  stands for Auxiliary Control Process
  323. ACP  stands for Association of Croatian Patients
  324. ACP  stands for Area Command Post
  325. ACP  stands for Air Control Point
  326. ACP  stands for Atlanta Chamber Players (Georgia)
  327. ACP  stands for Approved Capital Programme (UK)
  328. ACP  stands for Administrative Challenge Panel
  329. ACP  stands for Asian, Caribbean and Pacific (nations)
  330. ACP  stands for Atomic Commitment Protocol
  331. ACP  stands for Active Configuration Profile
  332. ACP  stands for Adjacent Channel Protection
  333. ACP  stands for Authorized Consulting Partner (various organizations)
  334. ACP  stands for IT (Information Technology) Architect Certification Program (Open Group)
  335. ACP  stands for Audio Conferencing Provider
  336. ACP  stands for Air Campaign Plan
  337. ACP  stands for Ammunition Control Point
  338. ACP  stands for Army Comptrollership Program
  339. ACP  stands for Army Cost Position
  340. ACP  stands for Alpine Conservation Partnership (est. 2006)
  341. ACP  stands for Association of Credit Professionals (also seen as AOCP; UK)
  342. ACP  stands for Association Clermont Poker (French: Clermont Poker Association)
  343. ACP  stands for Applied Communication Program
  344. ACP  stands for Allied Communications Protocol
  345. ACP  stands for Associate Cruise Program (Cruise Line International Association)
  346. ACP  stands for Arise Capital Partners, Inc. (Japan)
  347. ACP  stands for Admiralty Civil Police (UK)
  348. ACP  stands for Air Cadet Publication
  349. ACP  stands for Azimuth Change Pulse
  350. ACP  stands for Auxiliary Control Panel
  351. ACP  stands for Air Carcinogen Policy
  352. ACP  stands for Agriculture Control Program
  353. ACP  stands for Armament Control Panel
  354. ACP  stands for Armament Control Panel (USAF F-15 Eagle)
  355. ACP  stands for Air Campaign Planning Tool
  356. ACP  stands for Army Colt Pistol
  357. ACP  stands for air commander’s pointer
  358. ACP  stands for Advanced Communications Package
  359. ACP  stands for Area Call Panel (aviation)
  360. ACP  stands for Alberta Community Planner (Alberta, Canada)
  361. ACP  stands for Advanced Command Post
  362. ACP  stands for Alternate Complement Pathway
  363. ACP  stands for Asset Capitalization Program
  364. ACP  stands for Assign Common Pool
  365. ACP  stands for Association Canadienne des Pathologistes (Canadian Association of Pathologists)
  366. ACP  stands for Artemisia contre Paludisme (French: Artemisia against Malaria)
  367. ACP  stands for Arts Council of Pakistan
  368. ACP  stands for Atlantic City Police (New Jersey)
  369. ACP  stands for Airlift Command Post
  370. ACP  stands for Acoustic Ceiling Panel
  371. ACP  stands for Automatic Communications Processor
  372. ACP  stands for Automated Clearance Procedure (Pakistan customs)
  373. ACP  stands for Agency Capital Plan
  374. ACP  stands for Animal Control Products Ltd. (Monroeville, NJ)
  375. ACP  stands for Accelerated Change Process
  376. ACP  stands for Academic Challenge Program
  377. ACP  stands for Affordable Composites for Propulsion
  378. ACP  stands for Average Case Performance
  379. ACP  stands for Automotive Component Producer (Australia)
  380. ACP  stands for Association belge des Conseillers en Planification (French)
  381. ACP  stands for Associate of the College of Preceptors
  382. ACP  stands for Advanced Common Processor
  383. ACP  stands for Alliance for Cardiovascular Professionals
  384. ACP  stands for Approximate Coupled-Pair (correlation-energy calculation)
  385. ACP  stands for Archive Control Process
  386. ACP  stands for Annual Compliance Plan
  387. ACP  stands for Alternate Command Plan
  388. ACP  stands for Adaptive Communications Processor
  389. ACP  stands for Army Capabilities Plan
  390. ACP  stands for Automated Command Post
  391. ACP  stands for Association of Coloproctologists
  392. ACP  stands for Access Communications Processor
  393. ACP  stands for Alternating Current Polarography
  394. ACP  stands for Abort Ceiling Protocol
  395. ACP  stands for Advanced Control Processor (FLIR)
  396. ACP  stands for Aerial Check Point
  397. ACP  stands for Advanced Core Protocol
  398. ACP  stands for Adult Cabaret Peformer (classification)
  399. ACP  stands for Administrative Command Post (military)
  400. ACP  stands for Application Certification Process

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