1. ACRE stands for Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment
  2. ACRE stands for Action Committee for Rural Electrification
  3. ACRE stands for Average Crop Revenue Election (USDA)
  4. ACRE stands for Association of Commercial Real Estate
  5. ACRE stands for Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Renewable Energy
  6. ACRE stands for Association of Clinical Researchers and Educators (New York, NY)
  7. ACRE stands for American Council for Renewable Energy
  8. ACRE stands for Association of Commuter Rail Employees (Labor Union; New York, NY)
  9. ACRE stands for Authorization and Call Routing Equipment
  10. ACRE stands for Assessment of Catechesis and Religious Education
  11. ACRE stands for Action Committee on Rural Economy (Canada)
  12. ACRE stands for Automatic Climatological Recording Equipment
  13. ACRE stands for APAR Control Remote Entry
  14. ACRE stands for Advanced Clock Ranging Experiment
  15. ACRE stands for Advanced Computer Research Facility
  16. ACRE stands for Attribute Coverage Report
  17. ACRE stands for Assistant Commander Royal Engineers
  18. ACRE stands for Association of Christian Reformed Educators
  19. ACRE stands for Automatic Checkout & Readiness Equipment
Abbreviations And Their Meaning