1. ACST stands for Australian Central Standard Time (time zone)
  2. ACST
    stands for Acoustic
  3. ACST stands for Asymptomatic Carotid Surgery Trial (UK; Medical Research Council)
  4. ACST stands for Advisory Council on Science and Technology (Canada, PM)
  5. ACST stands for Advanced Contingency Skills Training (US Air Force)
  6. ACST stands for Avon Community Swim Team (Indiana)
  7. ACST stands for Agni Computer Security Technologies
  8. ACST stands for Accredited Committee Secretary-Treasurer (OACA)
  9. ACST stands for Airborne Communications Specialist Technician
  10. ACST stands for Army Clerical Speed Test
  11. ACST Association of Consulting Science and Technology

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