1. ACT stands for American College Test
  2. ACT stands for Active
  3. ACT stands for American College Testing
  4. ACT stands for Activity
  5. ACT stands for Actual
  6. ACT stands for Arms Control Today (magazine)
  7. ACT stands for Action by Churches Together
  8. ACT stands for Active (Telabs)
  9. ACT stands for Australian Capital Territory (Australian state/territory)
  10. ACT stands for Actual (Sprint)
  11. ACT stands for Actor
  12. ACT stands for American Council for Technology
  13. ACT stands for Ancestors
  14. ACT stands for Activation
  15. ACT stands for Active Control Technology
  16. ACT stands for Application Compatibility Toolkit
  17. ACT stands for Allied Command Transformation
  18. ACT stands for Assertive Community Treatment
  19. ACT stands for America Coming Together
  20. ACT stands for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (clinical psychology)
  21. ACT stands for Advanced Clutch Technology (automobile)
  22. ACT stands for American Conservatory Theater (Repertory Theatre Company In San Francisco, CA)
  23. ACT stands for Association for Competitive Technology
  24. ACT stands for Action Tracking
  25. ACT stands for Action for Children’s Television
  26. ACT stands for Assessment and Care Team (various locations)
  27. ACT stands for Amazon Conservation Team
  28. ACT stands for Alliance for Coastal Technologies (NOAA funded partnership)
  29. ACT stands for About Clinical Trials
  30. ACT stands for Advisory Committee on Technology (various organizations)
  31. ACT stands for Academy of Cognitive Therapy (est. 1996)
  32. ACT stands for Accounting Division
  33. ACT stands for Anglican Church of Tanzania
  34. ACT  stands for Anti-Car Theft
  35. ACT stands for Academy of Cinema and Television
  36. ACT stands for American College of Toxicology (Bethesda, MD)
  37. ACT stands for Asthma Control Test (QualityMetric, Inc.)
  38. ACT stands for A Contemporary Theatre (Seattle, WA, USA)
  39. ACT stands for Activated Clotting Time
  40. ACT stands for Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapy
  41. ACT stands for Association for Commuter Transportation
  42. ACT stands for Apple Certified Trainer (computing)
  43. ACT stands for Australian Competition Tribunal (trade practices)
  44. ACT stands for Association for Children’s Palliative Care (Bristol, UK)
  45. ACT stands for Aerated Compost Tea
  46. ACT stands for AIDS Committee of Toronto (Canada)
  47. ACT stands for Anesthesia Care Team
  48. ACT stands for Anger Control Training (various organizations)
  49. ACT stands for Animal Care Trust (various locations)
  50. ACT stands for Accelerated Corrosion Test
  51. ACT stands for American Congress for Truth
  52. ACT stands for Adenylate Cyclase Toxin (infectious disease)
  53. ACT stands for All Century Team (sports)
  54. ACT stands for Advanced Concept Technology
  55. ACT stands for Association of Corporate Treasurers
  56. ACT stands for Alternative Construction Technologies, Inc. (Melbourne, FL)
  57. ACT stands for Advanced Computer Technology
  58. ACT stands for All Community Team (various organizations)
  59. ACT stands for Application Center Test (Microsoft)
  60. ACT stands for Area Community Theatre (various locations)
  61. ACT stands for Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt and Government Entities (US IRS)
  62. ACT stands for Advanced Conversion Technology
  63. ACT stands for Algorithms and Computational Theory
  64. ACT stands for Advance Corporation Tax
  65. ACT stands for Active Cylinder Technology (automotive)
  66. ACT stands for Access Control Table
  67. ACT stands for Advanced Construction Techniques (various locations)
  68. ACT stands for Advanced Cell Technology Inc. (cloning research company)
  69. ACT stands for Association for Computers and Taxation (Warwick, NY)
  70. ACT stands for American Cabaret Theatre (Indianapolis, IN)
  71. ACT stands for Airway Clearance Technique (cystic fibrosis)
  72. ACT stands for Automation and Control Technology, Inc. (various locations)
  73. ACT stands for Atheist Community of Tulsa (Tulsa, OK)
  74. ACT stands for Arts & Culture Trust (South Africa)
  75. ACT stands for Advanced Communication Technology
  76. ACT stands for African Continuum Theatre (Washington, DC)
  77. ACT stands for Automated Confirmation Transaction Service (NASD)
  78. ACT stands for Association of Commercial Television in Europe (Brussels, Belgium)
  79. ACT stands for Artery Clearance Therapy (cardiology)
  80. ACT stands for Association of Civilian Technicians
  81. ACT stands for Adaptive Computing Technology
  82. ACT stands for Accurate Complete Timely
  83. ACT stands for Advanced Concepts Team (European Space Agency)
  84. ACT stands for Adaptive Control of Thought
  85. ACT stands for Average Cycle Time
  86. ACT stands for Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics
  87. ACT stands for Air Cargo Terminal
  88. ACT stands for Alliance for Children and Television (Canada)
  89. ACT stands for Acoustical Ceiling Tile
  90. ACT stands for Advanced Concepts and Technology (US Army)
  91. ACT stands for Agents Council for Technology (insurance; ecommerce)
  92. ACT stands for Alliance of Concerned Teachers (Philippines)
  93. ACT stands for Apologetics Coordination Team
  94. ACT stands for Artist Trading Card
  95. ACT stands for Air Charge Temperature (automotive sensor)
  96. ACT stands for Advanced Corporation Tax
  97. ACT stands for Association of Consumers and Taxpayers (New Zealand political party)
  98. ACT stands for All Congregations Together (San Diego, CA)
  99. ACT stands for Air Combat Tactics
  100. ACT stands for Adaptive Character of Thought-Rational (artificial intelligence)
  101. ACT stands for Attitude Control Thrusters
  102. ACT stands for Aircrew Coordination Training
  103. ACT stands for Automatic Custody Transfer
  104. ACT stands for A-Changin’ Times (blog)
  105. ACT stands for Aid for College Tuition
  106. ACT stands for All Children Together (Northern Ireland)
  107. ACT stands for Abington Community Taskforce (Abington, PA)
  108. ACT stands for Association for Citizenship Teaching (UK)
  109. ACT stands for American College of Theriogenologists
  110. ACT stands for Anacortes Community Theater (Anacortes, WA)
  111. ACT stands for At-Risk Adult Crime Tactics (training program)
  112. ACT stands for Adult Crime Tactics (Georgia Department of Human Services)
  113. ACT stands for Acyl-CoA Thioester Hydrolase
  114. ACT stands for Annual Change Traffic
  115. ACT stands for Alternative Control Technology
  116. ACT stands for Advanced Capacitor Technologies (Japan)
  117. ACT stands for Association of Christian Therapists
  118. ACT stands for Auto Club Turkey
  119. ACT stands for Association of Classroom Teachers
  120. ACT stands for Arbre À Cames En Tête (French: overhead camshaft)
  121. ACT stands for Advanced Coating Technology (for chemical resistant labels)
  122. ACT stands for Advanced Composites Technology
  123. ACT stands for Aden Container Terminal
  124. ACT stands for Active Citizenship Today (Constitutional Rights Foundation)
  125. ACT stands for Autoridad de Carreteras y Transportación (Spanish)
  126. ACT stands for Activator of CREM in Testis
  127. ACT stands for Advance Corporate Tax
  128. ACT stands for Alliance for Converging Technologies (now called Digital 4Sight)
  129. ACT stands for Acoustic Charge Transport
  130. ACT stands for Advanced Corporate Tax
  131. ACT stands for Advanced Configuration Tool
  132. ACT stands for Agenda for Children Tomorrow (New York City program)
  133. ACT stands for Abuse Counseling and Treatment, Inc.
  134. ACT stands for Alliance for Competitive Telecommunications
  135. ACT stands for Actual Cycle Time
  136. ACT stands for Activated Complex Theory
  137. ACT stands for Asahikawa Cable Television (Japan)
  138. ACT stands for Air Control Team
  139. ACT stands for Axial Computed Tomography
  140. ACT stands for Asociación de Clubes de Traineras (Spanish: Boat-Racing Clubs Association)
  141. ACT stands for Advance Computer Technology (Program)
  142. ACT stands for Alabama–Coosa–Tallapoosa River Basin Compact
  143. ACT stands for Activity Bit
  144. ACT stands for Alachua Conservation Trust (Florida, USA)
  145. ACT stands for Applied Creative Technologies
  146. ACT stands for Atmospheric Chemical-Transport
  147. ACT stands for Waco, TX, USA – Madison Cooper (Airport Code)
  148. ACT stands for Analysis Control Team
  149. ACT stands for Alliance for Community Transformation (Lagos, Nigeria)
  150. ACT stands for African Conservation Trust
  151. ACT stands for Alternating Current Transformer
  152. ACT stands for Approach Control Tower (aviation)
  153. ACT stands for Architecture Characterization Template
  154. ACT stands for Apollo Civic Theatre
  155. ACT stands for American Cell Technology
  156. ACT stands for Access Control Technologies, Inc.
  157. ACT stands for Alternate Cover Test (ophthalmology)
  158. ACT stands for Amarillo City Transit
  159. ACT stands for Aomori Cable Television (Japan)
  160. ACT stands for Advanced Concepts and Technologies International, LLC
  161. ACT stands for Action for Conservation through Tourism (UK)
  162. ACT stands for Applied Computerized Telephony (HP)
  163. ACT stands for Associated Conservatives of Texas
  164. ACT stands for Asociación de Cooperación Tecnica (Technical Cooperation Association, Guatemala)
  165. ACT stands for Application Center for Technology
  166. ACT stands for Activity Coordination Team
  167. ACT stands for Acquisition Coordination Team
  168. ACT stands for Additional Centre Tank
  169. ACT stands for Aromatherapy Conference Tours
  170. ACT stands for Actual Cost of Testing
  171. ACT stands for Active Control Technique
  172. ACT stands for African-American Collective Theater (Washington, DC)
  173. ACT stands for Advantage Coaching and Training
  174. ACT stands for Air Cherenkov Telescope
  175. ACT stands for Advertising Club of Toronto
  176. ACT stands for American Combat Teams
  177. ACT stands for Advance Corporate Training Ltd.
  178. ACT stands for Action Collaboration Team
  179. ACT stands for Algebraic Compiler and Translator
  180. ACT stands for Advocacy, Communications, and Training
  181. ACT stands for Advanced Component Technologies, Inc.
  182. ACT stands for Asynchronous Control Transfer
  183. ACT stands for Americans for Competitive Telecommunications
  184. ACT stands for Atmospheric Corrosion Testing
  185. ACT stands for Advanced CMOS, TTL Compatible (integrated circuit type description)
  186. ACT stands for Actual Control Technology
  187. ACT stands for Accounting, Consulting & Training
  188. ACT stands for American Corporations for Thailand
  189. ACT stands for Account Control Table
  190. ACT stands for Academy of the Company Theatre (Norwell, MA)
  191. ACT stands for Advanced Concepts Test
  192. ACT stands for AIDS Counseling and Training
  193. ACT stands for Aircrew Combative Training (AirCare International Ltd.)
  194. ACT stands for Absolute Congestion Threshold (Newbridge)
  195. ACT stands for Administrative Council Team
  196. ACT stands for Analysis Compliance & Training
  197. ACT stands for Automatic Call Tracking (Sprint)
  198. ACT stands for Analysis of Complexity Tool
  199. ACT stands for Air ContrTransportation Tag (US postal service)
  200. ACT stands for Agape Copeland Train (South Africa)
  201. ACT stands for Advanced Cordless Technologies (Europe)
  202. ACT stands for Americans for Conservative Training (grassroots political organization)
  203. ACT stands for Aluminum Clay Tool (well logging)
  204. ACT stands for Arctic Cat Technology
  205. ACT stands for Arkansas CAMA Technology, Inc (Hot Springs, AR)
  206. ACT stands for Automatic Cobb Tester (water uptake tester)
  207. ACT stands for Augmented Catalytic Thruster
  208. ACT stands for Airborne Communications Terminal
  209. ACT stands for Altitude Compensated Tilt
  210. ACT stands for Association of Cleaning Technicians (NJ, NY, PA, CT, MD, VA)
  211. ACT stands for Anagram and Copy Treatment (speech-language pathology)
  212. ACT stands for Assisted Communication Transactions
  213. ACT stands for Advanced Capability Tanker
  214. ACT stands for Activities, Contacts, Time (Symantec contmanager software)
  215. ACT stands for Advanced Computer Techniques, Inc
  216. ACT stands for Automatic Code Translator
  217. ACT stands for Advanced Communications Transceiver
  218. ACT stands for Acquisition Coordinating Team
  219. ACT stands for Active Charge Transport
  220. ACT stands for Adaptive Client Technology (Rockwell)
  221. ACT stands for Advanced Cargo Transport
  222. ACT stands for Advanced Core Test
  223. ACT stands for Advanced Customer Testing
  224. ACT stands for Armored Cavalry Trainer
  225. ACT stands for Analyst Control Terminal
  226. ACT stands for Apache Crew Trainer
  227. ACT stands for Automated Control of Trainees
  228. ACT stands for Automated Coordinate Transfer
  229. ACT stands for Attack Cycle Timeline (timed events required to attack a target)
  230. ACT stands for Airborne Communications Technician
  231. ACT stands for Account ContTool
  232. ACT stands for Access Charge Terminal
  233. ACT stands for Advanced Channelized Transmission
  234. ACT stands for Advanced Carbide Test
  235. ACT stands for Accumulated Cell Time
  236. ACT stands for Air Controlman (Tower) Petty Officer (US Navy rank)
  237. ACT stands for Alliance for Conflict and Transformation (Alexandria, Virginia)
  238. ACT stands for Analytical Coordinated Team
  239. ACT stands for Analog Cordless Telecommunications
  240. ACT stands for Application Centric Terminal (IBM)
  241. ACT stands for Aqueous Catch Tank
  242. ACT stands for Automatic Calibration using Transmitting signals
  243. ACT stands for Allentown College Theater
  244. ACT stands for Air Correlation Tracker
  245. ACT stands for Association pour l’Amélioration des Conditions de Travail (French: Association for the Improvement of Working Conditions)
  246. ACT stands for Applied Cable Technologies (Orlando, FL)
  247. ACT stands for Analytical Cold Trap
  248. ACT stands for Alabama Contemporary Theater
  249. ACT stands for Advanced Countermeasure(s) Technique(s)
  250. ACT stands for Arte, Color Y Texto (Spanish: Art, Color and Text; Guatemala)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning