1. ACTR stands for Actuator
  2. ACTR stands for American Council of Teachers of Russian
  3. ACT-R stands for Adaptive Control of Thought-Rational (cognitive theory)
  4. ACTR stands for Association for Canadian Theatre Research
  5. ACTR stands for A Christmas To Remember
  6. ACTR stands for American Consulting Technology and Research (Provo, UT)
  7. ACT-R stands for Adaptive Character of Thought- Rational
  8. ACTR stands for Assistant Contract Technical Representative (NMCI liaison)
  9. ACTR stands for Acquired Commercial Technology for Retrieval
  10. ACTR stands for Acquisition Cycle Time Reduction
  11. ACT-R stands for Air Combat Training – Rangeless (Cubic Defense Systems)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning