1. ADA stands for Alcohol and Drug Abuse (various meanings)
  2. ADA stands for American Diabetes Association
  3. ADA stands for Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (US)
  4. ADA stands for American Dental Association
  5. ADA stands for Average Daily Attendance
  6. ADA stands for Air Defense Artillery
  7. ADA stands for American Dietetic Association
  8. ADA stands for Australian Dental Association
  9. ADA stands for Alternative Distribution Alliance
  10. ADA stands for Assistant District Attorney
  11. ADA stands for Age Discrimination Act of 1975
  12. ADA stands for Audio Design Associates
  13. ADA stands for Adult Development and Aging (various organizations)
  14. ADA stands for Assistant Director of Agriculture (various organizations)
  15. ADA stands for Adenosine Deaminase
  16. ADA stands for Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults
  17. ADA stands for Americans for Democratic Action
  18. ADA stands for Antique Dealers’ Association (various locations)
  19. ADA stands for A Detection Algorithm (Niantic Project)
  20. ADA stands for Assistant Director of Admissions (various schools)
  21. ADA stands for Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (business accounting)
  22. ADA stands for Ausbildung der Ausbilder (German)
  23. ADA stands for Automated Data Analysis
  24. ADA stands for Amici dell’Arte (Italian: Friends of Art)
  25. ADA stands for Apple Design Award (computing)
  26. ADA stands for Aeronautical Development Agency (India)
  27. ADA stands for Anti-Deficiency Act (US DoD Regulation 7000)
  28. ADA stands for Aqua Design Amano (Niigata, Japan aquarium)
  29. ADA stands for Atlanta Development Authority (Atlanta, GA)
  30. ADA stands for American Dairy Association
  31. ADA stands for American Decency Association
  32. ADA stands for Anti-Deficiency Act
  33. ADA stands for Adipic Acid
  34. ADA stands for Arizona Department of Agriculture
  35. ADA stands for A Découvrir Absolument (French: To Discover Absolutely; online music magazine)
  36. ADA stands for Advanced Data Analysis
  37. ADA stands for Anomalous Diffraction Approximation
  38. ADA stands for Alberta Dental Association
  39. ADA stands for Afghan Development Association
  40. ADA stands for Automatic Data Acquisition
  41. ADA stands for Application Development Advisor (magazine; UK)
  42. ADA stands for Argentine Debating Association
  43. ADA stands for Advisory Area
  44. ADA stands for Analog/Digital/Analog (audio CD format, recording/mixing/mastering)
  45. ADA stands for American Dance Awards
  46. ADA stands for Advanced Digital Audio (filename extension)
  47. ADA stands for Applied Decision Analysis
  48. ADA stands for Amiga Demoscene Archive
  49. ADA stands for Anti-Drug Antibody
  50. ADA stands for Accessibility Development Associates (Pittsburgh, PA)
  51. ADA stands for Anxiety Disorders Alliance
  52. ADA stands for Association des Audionautes (French Internet group)
  53. ADA stands for Air Defense Area
  54. ADA stands for Adana, Turkey – Adana (Airport Code)
  55. ADA stands for Athletic Dealers of America (athletic equipment dealers’ association)
  56. ADA stands for After Date of Award
  57. ADA stands for Aircraft Deck Angle
  58. ADA stands for Action for Dysphasic Adults
  59. ADA stands for Atmospheric Decision Aid
  60. ADA stands for Association of Disability Advocates
  61. ADA stands for Annual Diocesan Appeal
  62. ADA stands for Alberta Dressage Association (Canada)
  63. ADA stands for Atomic Development Authority
  64. ADA stands for Airborne Data Automation
  65. ADA stands for [not an acronym] US DoD Standard Computer Software Language named after Lady Augusta Byron
  66. ADA stands for Advanced Decision Architectures (US Army Research Labs)
  67. ADA stands for Acetamidoiminodiacetic Acid
  68. ADA stands for Add/Drop Amplifier (Pirelli)
  69. ADA stands for Anti-Discrimination Association (Ulster)
  70. ADA stands for Anti-Docking Alliance (UK)
  71. ADA stands for Australasian Desalination Association
  72. ADA stands for Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Angiologie
  73. ADA stands for Array Drive Assembly
  74. ADA stands for Ancillary Data Access
  75. ADA stands for All Disclaimers Apply
  76. ADA stands for Alamo Dressage Association
  77. ADA stands for Affiliated Data Center
  78. ADA stands for Automatic Directory Assistance
  79. ADA stands for Actual Date of Arrival
  80. ADA stands for Activity Discard Acknowledgment
  81. ADA stands for Acquisition Decision Authority
  82. ADA stands for Alternate Delay Accumulation
  83. ADA stands for Adult Diabetes Association
  84. ADA stands for Air Defense Authority
  85. ADA stands for Asociación de Derecho Ambiental (Spanish: Environmental Law Association)
  86. ADA stands for Application Domain Authority
  87. ADA stands for Aviation Data and Analysis (system)
  88. ADA stands for Adaptive Diagnosis Algorithm
  89. ADA stands for American Defense Agency (fictitious organization in novel by Dylan Diggs)
  90. ADA stands for Alaska Dressage Association, Inc.
  91. ADA stands for Alternative Discipline Agreement
  92. ADA stands for Airdrop Damage Assessment (US DoD)
  93. ADA stands for Advanced Delivery Alert
  94. ADA stands for Automatic Delivery Alert
  95. ADA stands for Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Aufbereitungs-Ingenieure (German: Treatment of German Engineers)
  96. ADA stands for Alpha Dressage Association (Florida)
  97. ADA stands for Analysis & Design of Algorithms
  98. ADA stands for Angus Dortmans Associates, Inc (Mississauga, ON, Canada)
  99. ADA stands for Another Darn Acronym
  100. ADA stands for Alert Dispersal Area
  101. ADA stands for Agents Draft Authority
  102. ADA stands for Additional Drill Assemblies
  103. ADA stands for Area Defense Administrator
  104. ADA stands for Asymptotic Diophantine Approximation
  105. ADA stands for Asynchronous Device Adapter
  106. ADA stands for Associate Director of Acquisition
  107. ADA stands for Association Dauphinoise d’Aquariophilie (French aquarium association)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning