- ADAC stands for Abu Dhabi Airports Company (United Arab Emirates)
- ADAC stands for Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil Club (German automobile club)
- ADAC stands for Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (Springer publication)
- ADAC stands for Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Alcarria y la Campiña (Spanish: Association for Development of Alcarria and the Countryside)
- ADAC stands for Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council
- ADAC stands for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council
- ADAC stands for Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada
- ADAC stands for Asset Design as Constructed (data specification; Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia)
- ADAC stands for Active Directory Administrative Center (Microsoft)
- ADAC stands for Académie des Arts de Combat (French: Academy of Combat Arts; self-defense training)
- ADAC stands for Art Directors and Artists Club (Sacramento, California)
- ADAC stands for Astronomical Data Analysis Center
- ADAC stands for Asociación para las Deficiencias Que Afectan al Crecimiento y al Desarrollo
- ADAC stands for Attitude Determination and Control (System)
- ADAC stands for Association pour la Diffusion des Arts et Connaissances (French: Association for the Dissemination of Knowledge and Arts; Belgium)
- ADAC stands for Alabama Disabilities Action Coalition
- ADAC stands for Association des Artistes Châtillonnais (French: Châtillonnais Artists’ Association)
- ADAC stands for Aerial Departure Arrival Control
- ADAC stands for Affordable Database and Computer Programming (Shasta Lake, CA)
- ADAC stands for Adenosine Amine Congener
- ADAC stands for Association pour le Développement de l’Action Culturelle (French: Cultural Action Development Association)
- ADAC stands for Acoustic Data Analysis Center (US Army)
- ADAC stands for American Denturist Advocacy Council
- ADAC stands for Accelerated Durability Assessment Configuration
- ADAC stands for Altrincham & District Sporting Club (UK)
- ADAC stands for All-Digital Attack Center
- ADAC stands for Automatic Direct Analog Computer
- ADAC stands for Asociación de Damas Católicas (Guatemala)
- ADAC stands for Amateurs Dauphinois d’Automobiles de Collection (French automobile collectors’ club)
- ADAC stands for Army Defense Ammunition Center
- ADAC stands for Audience Development Advisory Committee (BPA)
- ADAC stands for Ammunition Descriptive Asset Code
- ADAC stands for Accompagner, Dynamiser, Agir, Créer (French: Accompany, Encourage, Act, Create)