1. ADAC stands for Abu Dhabi Airports Company (United Arab Emirates)
  2. ADAC stands for Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil Club (German automobile club)
  3. ADAC stands for Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (Springer publication)
  4. ADAC stands for Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Alcarria y la Campiña (Spanish: Association for Development of Alcarria and the Countryside)
  5. ADAC stands for Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council
  6. ADAC stands for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council
  7. ADAC stands for Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada
  8. ADAC stands for Asset Design as Constructed (data specification; Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia)
  9. ADAC stands for Active Directory Administrative Center (Microsoft)
  10. ADAC stands for Académie des Arts de Combat (French: Academy of Combat Arts; self-defense training)
  11. ADAC stands for Art Directors and Artists Club (Sacramento, California)
  12. ADAC stands for Astronomical Data Analysis Center
  13. ADAC stands for Asociación para las Deficiencias Que Afectan al Crecimiento y al Desarrollo
  14. ADAC stands for Attitude Determination and Control (System)
  15. ADAC stands for Association pour la Diffusion des Arts et Connaissances (French: Association for the Dissemination of Knowledge and Arts; Belgium)
  16. ADAC stands for Alabama Disabilities Action Coalition
  17. ADAC stands for Association des Artistes Châtillonnais (French: Châtillonnais Artists’ Association)
  18. ADAC stands for Aerial Departure Arrival Control
  19. ADAC stands for Affordable Database and Computer Programming (Shasta Lake, CA)
  20. ADAC stands for Adenosine Amine Congener
  21. ADAC stands for Association pour le Développement de l’Action Culturelle (French: Cultural Action Development Association)
  22. ADAC stands for Acoustic Data Analysis Center (US Army)
  23. ADAC stands for American Denturist Advocacy Council
  24. ADAC stands for Accelerated Durability Assessment Configuration
  25. ADAC stands for Altrincham & District Sporting Club (UK)
  26. ADAC stands for All-Digital Attack Center
  27. ADAC stands for Automatic Direct Analog Computer
  28. ADAC stands for Asociación de Damas Católicas (Guatemala)
  29. ADAC stands for Amateurs Dauphinois d’Automobiles de Collection (French automobile collectors’ club)
  30. ADAC stands for Army Defense Ammunition Center
  31. ADAC stands for Audience Development Advisory Committee (BPA)
  32. ADAC stands for Ammunition Descriptive Asset Code
  33. ADAC stands for Accompagner, Dynamiser, Agir, Créer (French: Accompany, Encourage, Act, Create)

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