ADCA stands for Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia
ADCA stands for Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Conciencia y la Autorrealización (Spanish: Association for the Development of Consciousness and Self-Realization)
ADCA stands for American Dental Coders Association (online dental billing training)
ADCA stands for Adenocarcinoma
ADCA stands for Autosomal Dominant Cerebellar Ataxias
ADCA stands for American Dexter Cattle Association
ADCA stands for Advanced Degree Consulting Alliance (Northwestern University; Illinois)
ADCA stands for Advanced Digital Communications Associates (Geneva, Switzerland)
ADCA stands for America’s Dream Chamber Artists (New York-based chamber music society)
ADCA stands for Australian Die Casting Association (Bayswater, VIC, Australia)
ADCA stands for Aerospace Department Chairs Association
ADCA stands for Antique Doorknob Collectors of America
ADCA stands for American Distance Counseling Association (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
ADCA stands for Asociación Andaluza para la Rehabilitación e Integración del Daño Cerebral Adquirido