- ADE stands for Arkansas Department of Education
- ADE stands for Arizona Department of Education
- ADE stands for Adverse Drug Events
- ADE stands for Amis des Enfants (French: Friends of Children)
- ADE stands for Apple Distinguished Educator
- ADE stands for Administración y Dirección de Empresas (University degree in Spain)
- ADE stands for Application Development Environment
- ADE stands for Advanced Dental Education (various locations)
- ADE stands for Association of Departments of English
- ADE stands for Antibody-Dependent Enhancement
- ADE stands for Analog Design Environment
- ADE stands for After Death Experiences (band)
- ADE stands for Aeronautical Development Establishment
- ADE stands for Absolute Digital Encoder (metering technology)
- ADE stands for Anti-Doping Education (various organizations)
- ADE stands for Automatic Data Exchange
- ADE stands for Adblock Edge (web browser extension)
- ADE stands for Assistant Division Engineer
- ADE stands for Airdrop Damage Estimate (US DoD)
- ADE stands for Automatic Data Entry
- ADE stands for Advanced Development Environment
- ADE stands for Adelanto Junction (Amtrak station code; Victorville, CA)
- ADE stands for Advanced Detection Equipment
- ADE stands for Automatic Directory Exchange
- ADE stands for Auxiliary Differential Equation
- ADE stands for Air Defense Emergency
- ADE stands for Automated Design Engineering
- ADE stands for Air Defense Element
- ADE stands for Array Drive Electronics
- ADE stands for Aufforderung zur DatenEingabe
- ADE stands for Association de Développement Economique (French: Economic Development Association)
- ADE stands for Aerial Delivery Equipment
- ADE stands for Airdrop Equipment
- ADE stands for Advanced Drilling Equipment (power tools)
- ADE stands for Adverse Device Event
- ADE stands for Army Data Encyclopedia
- ADE stands for Automatic Design Engineering
- ADE stands for Aquitaine Dental Energy (France)
- ADE stands for Assign Digit Editing
- ADE stands for Association for Development through Education (est. 2009)
- ADE stands for Athletes and Education
- ADE stands for Audible Doppler Enhancer
- ADE stands for Axially Displaced Ellipse (antenna)
- ADE stands for Antenna Design Engineer
- ADE stands for Academy of Distinguished Engineers (UCONN)
- ADE stands for APS Data Export
- ADE stands for Authorized Data Element
- ADE stands for Attenuation Distortion Equivalent (ITU-T)
- ADE stands for Approved Data Element
- ADE stands for Analog Display Equipment
- ADE stands for A-D-E Series of Lie Algebras (mathematics; representation theory)
- ADE stands for Absorption-Desorption Equilibrium (thermal)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning